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Everything posted by weyes

  1. i can't believe i'm the first: she rocks !!! p.s. i didn't think i'd be the only one, so i didn't originally post why i'd be her. i went back and copied the explanation: Sexy at any size, but a little whacked in the head. Some people say you're a golddigger, but we think you really loved that old guy. That's scary!
  2. weyes

    Alley Baggett

    are you always obsessed with pubic hair, or is this just the "horror of the week" for naughtybabe ?
  3. think whatever makes you happy , sport.
  4. those who have the least have the most to lose. tune in tomorrow.
  5. and check out the sticky at the top of the page; there should be some helpful info there : http://bbs.clubplanet.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=136874
  6. if i can't be loud, my orgasms aren't nearly as intense . thin walls suck .
  7. here's magellanmax's post again: he's saying he'd like to know what it is you do that's so amazing that the guy won't leave you alone, even after you've broken up. magellan goes on to say that he'd like you to teach him, so that he could be that amazing to his next girlfriend. hope that helped .
  8. sorry? yeah, right . and i think my ass and i'll wait out the snow before we come to ny for a visit .
  9. weyes

    whats ur porn name ?

    Breastie BiggJuggs funny, 'cause that's one of my co-workers favorite words; he teases me about my "juggs" all day long . it's the street you grew up on, isn't it? i don't have a middle name, though, so my porn name would just be "spring."
  10. weyes

    Alley Baggett

    say, "whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ???" are you sure this is the girl you're thinking of? i'd agree with you that she doesn't look black, but i think it's impossible that she could be. she looks latina to me .
  11. don't ask me; i don't even notice any guys at all when i'm out anymore. i'm too busy spending quality time with my friends or dancing to ever meet anyone. and i barely even notice men - they pretty much all look the same to me at this point (*shrug*). i guess if i do meet a guy again, it'll be because he approached me.
  12. a midwife assists in childbirth, and a wetnurse breastfeeds children that aren't hers. p.s. does the ceo of the cranky baby club wanna find a wetnurse?* *or is that taking it a little too far?
  13. weyes

    on the rag!!!

    i really hate the cp search engine; i remember the exact title of the thread for which i'm looking, and it brings up nothing. i'm typing in as many words as i know are definitely in the thread, and the thread still isn't coming up. can someone please tell me why this isn't working :mad: ??????? anyway, i started a poll thread a while ago here on the sex board called, "how long does your period usually last?" if someone can find that and post a link, i'd like to see it again . my period used to be really heavy and always 7 days; so was my mom's. now that i'm on the pill, the first 2 days are heavy, then i only have 3 more days, and those are pretty light.
  14. what would you do if you were driving 67 mph on a 65 mph-speed-limit freeway, and a cop car started tailgating you like nobody's business? this happened to me the other day, and i didn't know what the asshole wanted from me. did he want me to a) slow down, 'cause i was going 2 freakin' miles over the speed limit? speed up, 'cause that wasn't enough over the speed limit (most of the time people drive up to 5 mph over)? c) switch lanes? wtf ? i had no idea, and he was sketching me out, so i chose c. what do you think he was getting at, and what would you have done?
  15. the earlier one files one's tax return, the earlier one will receive one's refund :D . get yo' ass in track!!! tune in tomorrow.
  16. weyes

    DJ Sarah G

    i'm listening to a good mix right now ; i just wish the sound quality were better .
  17. thanks so much, cubbie ! first of all, it's pretty much impossible to gross me out. i'm impressed that, after all this time, i haven't grossed out very many people on cp . i actually went to the dermatologist today, and i threw in the clubbing question. she said that the smoke the smoke machines produce is bad for one's skin, and she said that i should use lotion on my arms before i go out, if they're getting itchy, as lotion would create a barrier. i'm an ass anyway, because i should always be putting lotion on no matter what, in the first place - duh . hope i didn't gross any of you out with all my details, and that my sharing may have been useful !
  18. you *sniff snuffle* heartbreaker! you and you broken promises...: and now you're saying you don't even remember making them? how quickly we forget... you cad !
  19. hey, dg and hotbarbiedoll, don't knock the spacey, 'cause i clicked on this thread just to post about how hot he is .
  20. if you didn't know who she was, you shoulda checked her out instead of assuming it was an insult. she was quite a sexpot for her time - and still gives most a run for their money . whenever i think of her, i think of her always perfectly sleek, blonde hair . here she is:
  21. it's raining here. people in l.a. don't own umbrellas. i guess we figure that, since it hardly ever rains, by the time we'd get around to buying one, it'd be unnecessary again for a long while. it's so ridiculous, though, to see the weatherman standing outside in the pouring rain without one, and not even with a hood on his head, just getting drenched. "i'm fritz coleman," he says, and i'm too busy chuckling and wondering if he trotted out a special, waterproof mic to listen to his forecast, which is probably like all the others on rainy days: a big production. i'm sure he, as always, was getting soaked to make a point - that, finally, he has a purpose on the los angeles local news .
  22. he's german; he can't help it ... just hope he isn't wearing sandals with socks .
  23. i would say that getting involved with this friend would get messy, but it sounds like you're already in a mess. relationships that are phrased as "i do what i want, he does what he wants" aren't really relationships, they're convenient situations. if the guy you've been "seeing" is so nonchalant about whatever it is that you two share, then he shouldn't care who you like, kiss, have sex with, etc. i would, however, assume that this would not be the case, and that he would most likely throw fits and nasty names in your direction. it's easy to have an "open" situation when you think the other person won't meet someone else first.
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