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Everything posted by weyes

  1. weyes

    Funny how...

    yay for gmc !
  2. thanks, lola . when i do go straight home, i take a shower, first thing. i haven't been going straight home lately, but this breakout thing has always been this way. the "sweating out the toxins thing" sounds good, and every time i go out people spill drinks on me . i guess i get pretty grimy by the end of the night. the ventilation in these places also isn't so hot... still, though, i wish someone else had this issue, so i weren't alone and feeling freakishly sensitive .
  3. many awards are decided based on results of popularity contests, not on actual merit. "winners" and "losers" can be so, entirely subjectively. tune in tomorrow.
  4. yeah - that sucks . it's easy for them to be on your diet for you, if you know what i mean .
  5. weyes

    PVD Review

    glad you enjoyed the night; and i always like to read reviews !!!
  6. i think you didn't read my posts carefully enough. i said, "i've learned that i don't like pvd live" and "he didn't sound like the pvd i know and love." this clearly states that i like paul van dyk's music, but i haven't enjoyed the live performances i've attended. and asking if i can mix better than he is entirely irrelevant; i never claimed to be a better dj, nor did i say that i was a dj at all. hope that cleared up any confusion .
  7. all good - my fault, too. let's just say, "the end !"
  8. um - we hijacked this thread, and i'm now lengthening what i thought would've been an unreadably long one to begin with. this is no good .
  9. hoo boy, mm; i guess i'm not on your wavelength tonight . i wasn't trying to guilt trip you; i just wasn't giving specifics 'cause i didn't want to say how many degrees are making me cold when it's many more than are bothering you. that's all i meant .
  10. ah - color me dense , sorry. i'm glad i didn't come across as mean; i should've remembered that someone out there understands me . postwhoring is all well and good, as long as one acknowledges (whether inwardly or out) that that's what it is. you know what i mean, i know you do .
  11. hey, now... enough with the frog stuff !
  12. was what how good, and, i'd love to think myself altruistic, but i don't think that quoted paragraph demonstrated that i am ... please explain .
  13. sweet for the monday part , poo on sat. i had to work 7 days in a row - i'm still in the middle of that - but it's cause i got last sat, sun, and monday off. i usually work weekends. it felt like i was on vacation !!!
  14. i'm cold, too (i'm gonna be nice and not use specifics about my weather, though ). it's supposed to rain tomorrow and tuesday, and, when it rains here, it pours. that's l.a. for ya - the city itself is one big drama queen . we can always use the wawa, though .
  15. hey, does anyone here like mob movies ? j/k i'm not even gonna write any, 'cause this thread is gonna get so long that people are eventually not going to read anyone else's posts; it's gonna be just another thread on the "bump..." board on which people post just to see themselves write. (and who's to say i'm not doing anything besides that right now ?)
  16. interesting - "big d" and "slim" seem to be somewhat contradictory, to me . is one of those nicknames sarcastic?
  17. weyes

    deep dish

    at what type of venue would this happen, and how would management prevent a deadly stampede (three in a span of a coupla weeks wouldn't be so cool...)?
  18. midnight:35, early for me, but i'm thinking of turning in soon . what keeps you up at this hour?
  19. weyes

    classy women.

    i believe that most people like expensive things. the problem is, most people cannot afford them. henceforth, they do not have them for you to see .
  20. weyes


    the non-sequitur king died today.
  21. weyes


    elvis died in 1977.
  22. i have really sensitive skin in general, but when i go out clubbing, no matter where (any venue here, and in nyc too), my arms itch at the club. then my face breaks out for the next few days after i've been out dancing. (for the easily grossed-out, sorry .) does this happen to anyone else?
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