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Everything posted by weyes

  1. weyes

    kiss me confused...

    thanks so much, everyone . i'll give a reply after friday to let y'all know how everything went. and in the meantime, i'm taking your advice and trying my best to just relax and not overthink it.
  2. i appreciate the dedication of a smiley, gmc , but you know i'm not a hippie .
  3. asking many people for an opinion on an issue or problem that's important to you is likely to yield the most centered and reasonable answer, when you take all pieces into consideration. tune in tomorrow.
  4. 'k, sassa, (and anyone else who wants to join !), here's the place: http://gypsycafe.com/ anytime at 6:45 or after is good with me, you pick what's good for you.
  5. bluecenterstar - sassa and i are gonna meet up on sunday night, at a sheesha cafe in westwood. wanna come ? http://gypsycafe.com/ we're extending the invitation to everyone, but i think it was the short notice thing again . you can respond on the meetup thread that sassa has up, or via pm . it'd be good to meet ya .
  6. i actually like earthquakes; they're fun. but i've only been in minor ones, so i can easily say that. i missed the '94 northridge quake - which was very major - by a year. and they give people a new look at life for a bit, sort of like near-death experiences, and i think a lot of people need grounding every once in a while. and i'm totally with you on those weirdos who film tornados and such. i guess they really want that $50 from the local news. but i lived in new york when there was that big storm... i'm trying to remember which cat i owned then to see how little i was... was that hurricane annie? was it a tropical storm? does anyone remember? anyway, there was once something major in nyc that was so rare it blew everyone's mind. it also broke one of our windows.
  7. i'll have to take a look .
  8. o yeah, and i hate it when people pass on the right side . o, and a little off topic but still about driving, i saw perhaps the scariest car accident i've ever seen, today. it was on the freeway and the traffic wasn't that bad; i really thought it was just traffic. but the accident had just happened, it seemed, so i guess the emergency vehicles hadn't done the whole bit that takes up so much space. but what it was was a car, totaled, upside-down (on its roof), with the driver trapped inside . she was fiddling with her seat belt (good thing she was wearing one!!!) and looked frantic (i got a really close look). 8-10 cars had stopped to help, so people were just driving by, at that point. i didn't see what she had hit. wow.
  9. why ? have i missed some recent turn of events?
  10. i was moved by the speech. i didn't think gov. ryan sounded like a politician, i really didn't think he sounded like a republican , and he sounded like an actual human being. it made me think that there are some people in government who do belong there (even though he's leaving). i will point out, though, that i know nothing else about ryan, only this, so i can't speak to his record on other things.
  11. still haven't seen the show... but i didn't think there were any black girls, either. am i mistaken on that one?
  12. yeah - what's the deal with paul johnson? i heard something fell on him years ago (a light or something) and he's in a wheelchair.
  13. i guess it doesn't really matter to me. but i think people look best with their natural hair color, so i always choose non-dyed over dyed. i also don't like it when people have the idea that their hair "needs" artificial "highlights." we all have a glimmer all our own; why use auburn #42 like millions of other women?
  14. weyes

    kiss me confused...

    it was night, on new year's day. there had just been so much drama about this new year's day night party, resentment building up between all of us friends; i just thought i needed to sit out a bit and i'd be ok. i told my friends i'd be sitting against the wall of the club, and i left the dancefloor. but i found myself not really hearing the music anymore - just overwhelmed by being upset about the night's events and what they meant in the greater scheme of things. and i started to cry. after a little bit, the only one who came out with us who i didn't really know (i'd only met him once) came over to me and asked if i was ok. i didn't want him to see i was crying, so i sort of looked away and tried to give him quick "yes"es. he at least noticed i was down, though, and he said, "did you get your new year's kiss?" "no," i said. and i thought it'd just be one to comfort me, or to be nice. but it seemed like he was going for more than just the simple kiss with which i kissed back. everything sexual/romantic is really important to me; i don't take or do anything lightly. i didn't really wanna kiss him 'cause i wasn't so incredibly attracted to him. but he's a really genuine, nice guy, and i like that about him very much. and i just got all confused ... was i rethinking him because he's such a cool guy? or was it because i knew he'd be a good kisser and he had the softest-lips-omigod ? or was it because i hadn't kissed someone in a while and it just felt so good to be kissed? and should i be rethinking it at all; if it's not automatically clear to me, does that mean that i shouldn't pursue it or that it wouldn't be fair to start something i might not wanna finish (i'm not sure about him, obviously)? i'm going to see deep dish on friday with some friends, including him. i dunno if i'm "freaked out," exactly, but definitely lost . does anyone have any thoughts?
  15. i was gonna ask who the gorgeous redhead is - thanks for speaking up, suthernbelle ! and gabo, stop with all the nonsense ; you look like an absolute doll .
  16. weyes


    i don't know about nothing but , but i sure like 'em, too .
  17. you know, it's weird, i think i've seen her face before, and that really sketches me out . maybe: ??????????????
  18. weyes

    Jennifer Garner

    that's what it is about her i think - the best of both worlds. she has totally plain and "girl next door" face and hair, but she also has a slammin' body. sexy when you want her to be, sweet when you want her to be, or both at once .
  19. weyes


    steve mcqueen, paul newman (back in the cat on a hot tin roof days), harrison ford, chevy chase was fine in 1975 (seriously: watch the first season of snl), but he wasn't old back then, so i guess that doesn't count... why am i blanking after only three names??????? i'm sure i'll have more to add later... o - i'll catch flack for this one: kevin spacey .
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