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Everything posted by weyes

  1. exactly. i think, for a lot of guys (not all), it's a power thing - a way of putting women down and showing them "who's boss" in the relationship. and, while it hasn't happened to me, don't think guys haven't tried to do it to me .
  2. ah, yes, the giant messageboard is no more. i, for one, don't mourn its loss, as i thought it was mostly populated by elitist snobs and obnoxious, spoiled people who thought they deserved perfection out of every dj and every event. there was just too much negativity and complaining on that board for my taste; i'm glad to see it go.
  3. awww, shucks ... note that i said, "when people drive on the shoulder," and not "people who drive on the shoulder" .
  4. the only way to lead is by example. tune in tomorrow.
  5. i'm too tired to be horny. eew - that makes me sound so old ...
  6. weyes

    kiss me confused...

    you're right about the anxiety part; that was something, i guess. i'm glad that's over with. and yeah, the market's sketchy . that's all i can say.
  7. hmmm... i'm not criticizing, but i don't understand why any girl would want to be fucked up the ass if she has to take so many precautions, think of so many distractions, and consciously do so many other things in order to have fun, when just about every other sexual thing is instant pleasure. don't give me the "no pain, no gain" or "some things are worth the work", either. what i'm saying is, if there are many natural, automatic ways to feel pleasure, why would one opt to NOT use those? and why do guys want to fuck girls in the ass when they know it hurts?
  8. weyes

    kiss me confused...

    the night was just a big bust, overrall; i only freaked out about him for the beginning of it, before i got the headache which took over and ruined my night . i got there and found my 3 friends (the last to come later), him included, and was nervous as hell. i was doing the whole "if i don't look at him i won't have to think about it" thing for a while, but then i wanted to talk to everyone, and him, (maybe even about it) and it was revealed that it was impossible to have a conversation in that goddamn place. even the smoking patio at the palace in hollywood is so fucking loud that you literally can't have a conversation with someone and hear him/her. shit, even if he had been a girl, and i could've taken him to hang out in the ladies' lounge, i would've had trouble hearing him there. the joint is ridiculous . we all got on the dancefloor and the music was really good to start with, i was having a good time, but i got a really bad headache so soon after i joined the floor that that's all i could focus on. i tried to stay 'cause i wanted to see deep dish and 'cause i wanted to be with my friends, but i felt miserable. and someone came up to me who remembered me very well as "the highlight of his night" from november 2000 who i still barely remember, and i felt so guilty about not remembering him that i started feeling bad about that, too . and a weird guy hitting on me that night who then revealed to me that the girl he was near was his wife grabbed me and tried to stick his tongue down my throat. that was after she also literally told me that i was the "hightlight of her night" - but just for taking her to the bathroom. they were :roll:ing. and a great way to send me outta there . so, overall, i didn't have fun with my friends, didn't enjoy the music, barely danced, got slobbered on, and didn't get to talk to the guy or really figure that out. i guess, when i see him next, i'll see what's going on, if anything. thank you, everyone .
  9. weyes

    Where's Weyes?

    i'm sorry to have worried you, guys !!! i had a very crazy weekend - fun, relaxing, exhausting, exhilarating, cozy, surreal (an incredible combination) - and i spent the past two days at the home of a very good friend who is the unfortunate non-owner of a computer . i would've posted if i could; i even mentioned to my friend that i felt bad about not posting the wisdom. after friday night's bad night at deep dish, two of the friends with whom i went decided to go to spundae on saturday to see sandra collins and the scumfrog. i met them there, since they got my broke ass on a discounted list, and had a blast. it more than made up for friday's headache disaster. my one friend and i then hung out for the rest of the weekend, sleeping too little and just having too much fun, playing games, watching movies. i have very little strength or brainpower right now . i can't even think of how to finish this post, and i've been staring at this screen for a wee bit too long . as for that other post, gmc, i'm going there right away to update it .
  10. cars should not be yellow, unless they are taxis. tune in tomorrow (i'll be here ).
  11. when people drive on the shoulder .
  12. i didn't know what song you were talking about - figured it was some underground song that used to be hip and just got overplayed to "those in the know " or something... so i just downloaded it on soulseek to check it out and now i'm up to speed . they used to play this crap in dance clubs ????????? i thought this song was strictly for football games.
  13. i've been sick for 2 weeks - can't shake it . the other day i think i hacked up some kind of alien life form . (and don't try to tell me you didn't want to know that.)
  14. i wouldn't be able to help, sorry . but i'm wondering, what is "japanese hair straightening," exactly? straightening hair so it looks japanese, or straightening the hair of japanese people?
  15. the first party i went to was a rave (yes, a rave) at twilo, in 1996. my friend and i left at about 10 am, and decided to walk home, jacked up like nicholson, all the way from chelsea to soho after a loooooong night of dancing. we too did that supermarket walk of shame, wandering around among the everyday shoppers, looking for the perfect something, and we just had to eat a box of blueberries, one by one, slowly and carefully, on our long journey . blueberries were never before that important or interesting .
  16. poo that i didn't see you, sebastianxy ! last night was seriously sketchy ... i was really enjoying the opening dj, sol. waaaaaaaaaay kickass . and deep dish started off really well, i thought. i was really enjoying them, at the beginning, tearing up the floor in a serious way . but i got a horrible headache that wouldn't go away, and i just couldn't enjoy the music much or dance, either, after a while. i don't think it remained as good as it started, though i also don't think i was a fair judge. my friends were having an absolute blast. the palace is just ridiculously, out-of-line, loud . there was no reason for that. i should've listened to my friend ervin, who told me to bring earplugs. and there wasn't really a quiet room in the place. even the smoking area was booming. it sucks so much, because i've missed deep dish the last few times they've been here; i was really looking forward to last night . the sketchiness was about the weird people there... if i tell those stories, i will when i post pictures (if there turn out to be any worth posting).
  17. uh-uh, my friend, you are mistaken. i am not the one driving 55 in the fast lane. i am just the one who is sick of almost getting hit by people who don't check their mirrors or are in too much of a hurry to worry about safety at all. suv drivers and people who drive over 80 are on my shit list .
  18. makeup can't hide an ugly attitude. bitch. tune in tomorrow.
  19. good night???!?!?!?!???? you pansyasses are in bed??? i don't care about a time difference; y'all are weak !!!
  20. i'm gonna be at deep dish !!! are you going, or were you just asking? and sandra collins is going to be at spundae on saturday.
  21. overanalysis of dreams just leads to unnecessary anxiety . you didn't think too much about the dream in which you flew over rainbows with unicorns and doves, why should you spend hours trying to interpret the dream in which you couldn't fly away from satan, as he ate your wings? tune in tomorrow .
  22. my dad, the cheapest man alive, used to go to the higher end delis just to "browse" (eat free samples ). he's a little better now.
  23. i'm so sorry, blue !!! i'm on it, right now !!!
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