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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by weyes

  1. just as i thought - blue always wins! right now it's the leader, far and away. keep voting, y'all!
  2. weyes

    Color blind

    that was upsetting. when i was in art school, there was a photo major (he worked in black and white) who wanted to switch into graphic design. he was colorblind, though, which we (all of his friends) thought would disqualify him from the field, but he refused to acknowledge it. you should've seen some of his designs ...
  3. i still have yet to hear anything that sounds even close to what she plays. i think she's in a genre all her own .
  4. weyes


    what do you like at carl's jr.? i've never liked anything i had there. if it doesn't get all over the place, it doesn't belong in your face. now that's a good sloagan for the sex board ! or something ...
  5. i think a lot of it's the "once bitten, twice shy" thing. i've had more than one friend do the whole "i'll never let myself fall in love with anyone again" bit and shut him/herself off, and, in doing this, these friends have just put away their wonderful selves. everyone has his/her secrets, but i think we should all be open to new people and experiences. relationships require give and take .
  6. for me, it was something that just came, over time. it was me accepting that my friend christy will always be late, and that it's nothing personal - she just can't get anywhere on time. and i accept that my stepmother will never like any birthday present i give her - even if it's something she's specifically asked for - because she chooses to be unhappy and insulted most of the time. once i accepted some truths in life, as opposed to resisting and being upset that things aren't the way i want, i really started to feel more laid-back and happy .
  7. argh - i wish i could afford to see everyone who's coming to town this month; the list is staggering. saeed & palash, deep dish, sandra collins, scott bond, satoshi tomiie, and more. at least people can't complain that no one ever comes here anymore .
  8. get back to childhood for a bit of carefree fun . i've found that jumping rope , playing hopscotch, and going on the swings at the playground clears my head and puts a smile on my face. sounds weird, i know, but it's wonderful . tune in tomorrow.
  9. yeah! maybe i'll just change it to people who honk for any reason other than to warn of danger. then there are people who pass you and then go slower. c'mon, now. people who go 50 mph anywhere but in the slow lane. i understand that sometimes you need to go slowly, like when your car is having issues, or when you've got a wide/heavy load, but you have to drive in the slow lane if you're gonna drive like that. it's just as dangerous as speeding.
  10. i was falling asleep on the drive home; i'm so tired ...
  11. there's a topic solely devoted to this that is fixed to the top of the los angeles board. i'll direct you to it here : http://bbs.clubplanet.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=136874
  12. are the people in your sig doing a particular dance or just dancing?
  13. it was nice to see some straight-up pics; almost all the club pics i see these days are just "look at what i can do with photo shop," and that doesn't say anything about the club or the party to me. all the digital tweaking that's become the norm just tells me that photographers and webmasters are more concerned with "looking hip" than actually showing anything that happened on those nights. i don't think those kinds of pics relate any sort of true energy at all. don't get me wrong, fun with color is great, but people should use it wisely, and keep it toned down. but i also take issue with posed shots, and that guy's site had a lot of those. i really don't care to see pics of people with their arms around each other, saying, "cheese," unless i know them.
  14. there are so many sub-genres in both that i think there's really something for everyone in both trance and house. and i need trance and house at different times, when i'm in different moods. my vote is for both .
  15. i've been meaning to start this list for a while. i lost my voice the other day, and it was weird - i realized just how much i curse at other drivers when i couldn't . people who honk when you don't turn right on red, 'cause cars are coming. cars are coming, asshole, 'nuff said. people who honk when you try to change lanes and they try to speed up really fast so that you can't. :mad: that's a double no-no. people who don't signal. what? is it broken? suv drivers who think they own the road. yep. suv drivers who park in compact spaces 'cause they're closer to their destination. stop being lazy and park where you're s'posed to. people who flash lights. unforgivable. always. tailgaters. unforgivable. always. people who don't know how to alternate merge. i don't think it's that hard. and after i drive tomorrow, i'm sure i'll find some more ...
  16. space girl @ "beat box" @ the roxy in nyc, july, 2000. i hadn't been to a party in six months 'cause i didn't have any friends who liked to go out dancing after moving back home to new york after graduating from college. i finally decided to go out by myself, 'cause slick rick was gonna be at this rave, which had a very eclectic bill (slick rick, at a rave ). but i was pulling a self-conscious wallflower act for a long time, feeling that all eyes were on me (which, of course, they weren't). it was space girl who got me on the almost empty dancefloor. her music was unlike anything i'd ever heard, and it got me dancing in a way i never had or knew i could. and suddenly i didn't care who was watching me. and ever since then, i've felt free on the floor. while i don't relate to her music the way i used to anymore, i am forever grateful . i owe almost all of it to her .
  17. i think i know what'll win, based on what always won in polls taken when i was a kid. let's see if it's still true! * and don't be nitpicky! if your favorite color is lavender, that counts as purple. if your favorite color is fuschia, that counts as pink. if your favorite color is periwinkle, that's blue, etc., etc.
  18. don't hold people to impossible standards; no one's perfect, and it makes for a tense relationship . tune in tomorrow.
  19. thanks for the review ! i still hadn't heard anything about giant's party. and i'm glad you had fun while here. one of the few things i dislike about l.a. is the inaccessability of and secrecy surrounding what's going on; i'm sorry you had to deal with that . but if you just left around the past few days, you had a great treat, with this weather !
  20. weyes

    Kewl Names

    "jack" is actually a nickname for john . but you could call him "jim-bo-billy-ray-bob" if you like .
  21. weyes

    Kewl Names

    most guys' names are boring, but i like james. there's something peaceful about it. of course, i'd slap anyone who'd try to call him "jimmy" or "jim." and it doesn't make her name any less ridiculous, but it's spelled "picabo."
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