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Everything posted by weyes

  1. hey, you're the one who was talkin' smack about my mcdonald's' commercial knowledge. don't front.
  2. it's not really champagne unless it comes from the province of champagne in france; otherwise, it's only sparkling wine .
  3. i hate it when guys just try to start dancing with me. when i'm dancing, i'm in my zone, and i do not want to be disturbed. i go out dancing to dance, after all, not to wait for some guy to sidle up next to me and jiggle about. i'll be around for the rest of the night; the guy can talk to me when i'm off the floor or just standing around. and yes, i want to be talked to, like a person. sorry to differ so much from glow and make this harder, but that's the way i feel about it. i do think, though, that it's easy to tell that those are my feelings on the matter by the way i dance. i'm much more into it than most people, and my eyes are closed a lot of the time. i think you just have to try and be in tune with people.
  4. you've probably seen this, but i thought i'd send this little byte your way : http://demand1.stream.aol.com/ramgen/aol/us/aolmusic/artists/zomba/britneyspears/britneyspears_intv_nb.rm
  5. yeah, and it goes the other way for me, too; if i'm too busy singing along with something, i'll sometimes find myself going 50 mph on the freeway .
  6. getting loads of sleep the days preceding a party (i.e. new years' eve) allows for time better spent at said party, and usually more stamina. let's get some sleep tonight, kiddies ! tune in tomorrow.
  7. 'k, pick a sunday, and i'm down! and let's move this to the l.a. board !
  8. red talks about it on their website, but it's buried in the "special announcements" section. here's the link: http://www.nexxez.com/flash/ and if you click on "redlist," they also have a $10 list in general, if you submit as many as 5 names before 6pm on thursday and get to the club before 10. seriously kickass .
  9. yeah - if you're gonna be in l.a., maybe the l.a. peeps can get together (sassa, would you come up for that?); if we keep trying it'll happen . post on the l.a. board!
  10. that doesn't make sense to me. i think, for this silly idea to work, if you're good at one, you're naturally good at the other - both ways. but let me repeat that i think it's totally ridiculous. and no, elementx, i never heard it before i joined cp, though, since then, i've heard it a helluva lot.
  11. weyes

    pick ups...

    guys approach me, but nothing ever works out .
  12. a lot of people's new year's resolutions just serve as really effective guilt trips .
  13. red (@ arena on fridays) has a really cool b'day deal; if you don't know about this, lalate, you should definitely add this to your site! * the b'day girl/boy submits a list, those friends get in for $10 (instead of $20), up to 50 people * all get in vip, where there's a yummy free buffet * all get a free glass of champagne (b'day girl/boy gets 2 ) * a free yummy cake (vanilla 2 layers, vanilla buttercream frosting, strawberries in the middle - not the gooey jam crap, just strawberries and whipped cream, i think ) * and the b'day girl/boy gets in free unbeatable, really. donald glaude spun, and he was fab. the red residents were on a serious roll, too, although my friend ervin liked them a lot more than my omniscient friend. the residents are usually more trancey than they were that night. friday was tech-house, mostly. i've got 3 decent pics; here they are: me, drunk: my friend ervin and me (don't ask me what possessed my drunk ass to put that glowstick around my neck ): and glaude, scratching with his mouth. he also did some behind-his-back trickery.:
  14. be careful when playing with your car radio while driving. it can be very easy to get more into the buttons and the music than the road ... tune in tomorrow.
  15. yesterday was a day of recovery from the b'day - sorry for my absence. here's one for chickenshits like myself: go ahead and talk to that guy/girl you keep eyeing all night at the club. if you hit it off, great! and if you get rejected, there are plenty of dark places to hide ! tune in tomorrow.
  16. people who spread rumors and the people who believe and care are those lacking in character; what you may or may have not done in the past can be easily misinterpreted, and it can easily be something that the you of today would never even dream of doing. personally, i generally don't listen to hearsay, as it's not objective. i form opinions of people based on what i witness. people who'd write you off too easily aren't really people you'd want to get to know or be able to trust anyway.
  17. me neither. that's why i started this thread . if anyone actually tried that on me as a pickup line in a club, i'd respond as i did above; i wonder what reaction i'd get...
  18. (totally unoriginal --> ) age ain't nuthin' but a numba . tune in tomorrow.
  19. thanks, you guys ! i have a feeling it's gonna be a good night, hopefully leading to an even better year . i'll be out tonight, so watch out, boys !
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