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Everything posted by weyes

  1. weyes

    Nye P Ics

    i think more women these days wear push-up/padded bras than don't . thanks foxxy, for fixing your sig ! did you and dcsglow get paid bank for spinning on nye?
  2. i'd say her hair is magenta and that's a compromise. but her boobs are very disturbing in an already disturbing picture.
  3. if you let things or people get the best of you, all you're left with is the worst . tune in tomorrow.
  4. seriously - i need a new job, too . i wish i could help you out in that department.
  5. i was trying to watch cnn, but usually when i tune in, it's broadcasting crap, like entertainment news, "talkback live", or "larry king." so i tried fox news network, but it's so right wing i wanna throw things at my tv when it's on. and what gets me is their ridiculous "fair, balanced" claim. i swear, it's a wonder that i haven't smashed my tv to bits yet :mad: . now i just catch cnn headline news.
  6. the smog must've been worse in the 80s or something; it's not smoggy here anymore. i remember hearing about smog/air quality forecasts back in the day, but not in the years i've been here.
  7. my blank, empty wall. whoops - i guess i shouldn't've bothered when there wasn't any other option !
  8. no one else needs to believe you, as long as you believe in yourself . tune in tomorrow.
  9. ooo, yes! enquiring minds wanna know ! and come on, l.a., tell me how y'all spent yours! what went down at giant and digweed? (i went to spundae)
  10. the latter. and i'm still angry about it. (weyes tries her best not to hold grudges, but this one's a complicated toughie.)
  11. weyes

    Visiting LA

    and, chaos33, your answers are in the sticky at the top of the l.a. board. here's the link: http://bbs.clubplanet.com/showthread.php?s=&postid=1208140#post1208140
  12. your answers are in the sticky at the top of the l.a. board. here's the link: http://bbs.clubplanet.com/showthread.php?s=&postid=1208140#post1208140
  13. nice, lalate :clap2: !!! and i'll just keep cutting and pasting a hyperlink instead of answering .
  14. weyes

    Visiting LA

    i have never witnessed that.
  15. :eek: this is insane! and it had been so cold lately, too! http://www.weather.com/weather/local/90012?lswe=90012&lwsa=WeatherLocalUndeclared
  16. here's the weather for my zip code: http://www.weather.com/weather/local/90012?lswe=90012&lwsa=WeatherLocalUndeclared
  17. read the sticky at the top of the l.a. messageboard .
  18. i've got the 200th post in the last word. that makes me special-est .
  19. reminds me of a story : many years back, my aunt and i were traveling through oberlin, ohio, and went to a pizza hut (there's nothing better there, so we started off on the wrong foot ). it was a sit-down thing, i don't know if all of them are, 'cause i've never been to one since and i hadn't been to one previously. anyway, the waiter brought out my one-person pizza before hers, and she threw a loud-ass fit. i mean yelling, literally. she sent mine back, and told the guy to come back when both were ready. the manager even came out, 'cause of all the fuss, and gave her a coupon for a free pizza, next time. she had to throw in a comment that there wouldn't be a next time. i was sooooo embarrassed. but i don't think one can really hold a place like pizza hut to such high standards. anyone with me on this?
  20. the sheep was alive when you dissected it ????????? i wanted to be a backup singer, work in the post office, a saxophonist in a horn section, dancer (i took tap, modern, ballet, square , then took balinese and african later in life), and photographer. i went to art school and got my b.f.a. in photography, but currently work at a camera store/photo lab.
  21. harumph! i'm not that kind of girl ! but, while i wait for a good guy to come around (no offense ), myself and i are having an amazing sex life .
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