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Everything posted by weyes

  1. my dentist had just finished two fillings (after saying a few "oops"es and "o no"s during them , but i guess that's another story), and she asked me to bite down on the carbon paper. y'all who've had fillings know what i'm talking about - the stuff that you chew on afterwards so that the dentist can see what he or she needs to grind down or polish. so i bit down really hard and crunched something. "is there still a piece of cotton in there?" i asked, slurring my words with my half-numb mouth. "you just took out a chunk of your tongue ," she said. "you're bleeding a bit, there..." and she took out the spit-vacuum thing, which was now bloody [lovely story, huh ?], and put some cotton in to clean me up a bit. really, it sounds worse than it is. but when i got home, i just peeled off the bit that was left, as i still couldn't feel my tongue. waiting till later would've been painful . now it's just swollen and i have to eat on the other side of my mouth, as my tongue keeps getting caught up in my teeth.
  2. take all advice under advisement . tune in tomorrow.
  3. does anyone remember suddenly s'mores? they were thick graham cracker/milk chocolate/marshmallow sandwiches that were meant to be put in the microwave till the marshmallows inflated and the chocolate got gooey. there was a good amount of chocolate, and everything stayed together. soooooo good . i don't know who made them (nabisco?), but it was when i was a kid. i wish they were still around .
  4. thanks, i appreciate that , but it can be hard to tell if it's the "little girl sort of way" or not. and when it's the "little girl" way and they wanna fuck me (which has been the case sometimes, too; most say i look younger than i am), that really grosses me out .
  5. there are no dipsy doodles out here on the west coast , and there's nothing like them, either. the closest thing, i guess, would be fritos, but nothing comes close to the ridges, in my book . so, you guys have the choice, which do you prefer?
  6. don't challenge my knowledge of the night before christmas, buddy; i've been forced to listen to that obnoxious rhyme every year of my life. i understand that, in the original, the place is empty, but this thread was started with a dj spinning, so that premise was already spoiled. i just added to the party .
  7. yeah, it was a long time ago, but cp's been having a problem with uploading pics, as you all know. anyway, not one damn pic of me came out, but sebastianxy looks fab in a bunch! unfortunately, he doesn't want me to share the ones of him busting out some kickass moves on the dancefloor, which is too bad, 'cause they really show the fun we had . that only leaves me with this up-close-and-personal portrait. lookin' sharp, sebastianxy !
  8. yes . no, i'm not trying to make you feel bad for eating crab, i'm just saying you should let them finish their fun . how would you like to be killed while you were gettin' it on ?
  9. it seems clear to me that red vines win in the west and twizzlers win in the east. red vines are sold in the movie theaters in the west, twizzlers in the east. red vines are actually somewhat hard to find in new york, unless you get generic ones at cheap places like gas stations; i don't know if i've ever seen them in corner delis... so, what do you all think? west coasters, what are your votes? east?
  10. a practical one today: as the holiday season is upon us, many places require reservations and friends may require advance notice, too . if things are all arranged in advance, one can rest easy and be certain to have all the fun . tune in tomorrow.
  11. ok, a while back i expressed shock and dismay that the house of representatives was shown on the capitol steps, singing "god bless america", many of its members demonstrating that they do not know the words. hey, i understand that there are a lot of songs in the world, but if you're elected to united states federal government, i think you should know the words to that song. and definitely, at the very least, learn it, if you don't know it already, before you try to prove a point by singing the song on camera in front of a symbolic building. anyway, that's old news . i saw a clip of bush in a little group of people outside in the cold, all gathering to sing a bit to spread some christmas cheer. and there he was, in the front, half-smiling, looking both uncomfortable and embarrassed, as he didn't know the chorus to "jingle bells", quite possibly the most oft-played christmas song in the u.s. towards the end of the clip, he started moving his lips a bit, but just faking something to look like he was singing, as they were not the words to the song. ah, me. first this war with iraq thingamabob, now this tragedy. ( ).
  12. what term do you use for "breasts," for those of you who don't simply say, "breasts"? *note: i had more choices, but cp only lets me use 10 .
  13. what term do you use for "breasts," for those of you who don't simply say, "breasts"? *note: i had more choices, but cp only lets me use 10 .
  14. i saw in an interview with an actress on a late night talk show that she experiences the same thing. "they always say i'm "cute"; it's rarely "sexy" or "hot."" does anyone else almost always get the same adjective? i'm usually "cute", unless a guy wants to fuck me, in which case he'll call me "hot", in the hopes that i'll take that as a tremendous compliment and then be more inclined to wanna screw.
  15. re: quoth's gmc sig: x 1,000,000!!!
  16. maybe eating some onion rings would help .
  17. they were jumping and dancing all over the place every soul in the room with a smile on his face
  18. well, if you like sports, this state has more sports teams than i can even name off the top of my head. i only like baseball, so i can only say that we've got the dodgers, angels, a's, padres, and giants - 5 teams!!! no other state beats that . is l.a. the only city with two basketball teams (lakers, clippers)? someone help me out on that one, please . and i don't know much about football or squat about hockey, but i'm sure there's enough of that to go around, even though l.a. no longer has a football team.
  19. moby's not all that large .
  20. funny that this thread came up; i was going to bring this up in that thread with the naked, morbidly obese guy (but decided against it). his penis was remarkably small, and i did once fool around with an overweight guy (really good friend of mine) who also had a surprisingly small one. don't know if there's a connection, it could just be chance, but i'll just put that out here.
  21. clockwatching can lead to madness . relaxing and just going with the flow can often make an unpleasant day go by faster . tune in tomorrow.
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