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Everything posted by weyes

  1. yeah, that's statutory rape. and, i don't mean to offend you either, but i think that guy was outta line. did your parents know about this relationship?
  2. weyes


    hey, i saw a condom in one of those pics !!! rock the fuck on to that one, darth ! question: what's the deal with women keeping stockings on in porn so much? it's bizarre to me; i don't see a difference between that and wearing socks. wearing stockings before sex, ok. during, no. p.s. will someone tell me which one peter north is, already? i'm curious, after hearing about this guy, for months.
  3. "if there's grass on the field, play ball ." no, but seriously, the guy has to be at least 21, for me. if he can't get into a club legally, forget it (though i probably wouldn't go that young, either).
  4. you're new, dirtysanchez, so i'll just let ya know that this topic has been done at least 582 times :blown: . you can do a search and look up all those threads if ya want .
  5. if you must know , i used to have a big problem with it (why i am admitting this, i don't know. chalk it up to it being 2:20 a.m. and i'm tired.). i've finally gotten to the point where i can not do it, thank god.
  6. and you've been around since 1998? rock the fuck on!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. i'm with people who've already said it; the only one that seriously rocks it is nine inch nails' - closer. but for comedic value, i love: l'il kim - how many licks and mousse t - horny just have to add, though, that i can't listen to music when i have sex. too distracting. besides, we make our own music .
  8. never drama on l.a. , unless jersey comes by and starts some. it's just been really quiet lately . come over and visit!
  9. the foxy floppy-haired new guy - from a few months ago - at my work reminded me of gmc for a while, but then he revealed himself to be an ignorant bible-thumping bigot (i.e. "homosexuals are sinners that are all going to hell"), and somewhat sketchy (i.e. 20-years-old and has yet to even kiss a girl, does not want to unless he's sure he's going to marry her), and he lost many character points, as well as foxy points. plus, he cut his hair. he no longer reminds me of gmc .
  10. he sang "i wear my sunglasses at night."
  11. i like a lot of lower-fat versions of things better, though maybe it's 'cause they're what i've grown accustomed to. ice cream is just gross to me now; too rich. it's gotta be frozen yogurt. and i always say, "bring on the sugar !" o, and vic, have you had general mills' raisin nut bran? that shit is the bomb..........
  12. sometimes getting what you need can come simply from asking around directly and politely. hinting is rude, and, in general, most people like to help other people out; even people who aren't all that kind-hearted will, out of the "what goes around, comes around" and "i scratch your back, you'll scratch mine" theories . tune in tomorrow.
  13. i think i need a moment to recuperate .
  14. 22 years, and i wish that night had never happened.
  15. you're trivializing heroin addiction, buddy.
  16. i was always under the impression that only a small percentage can.
  17. sorry - those are the ones i meant (don't know my product names all that well ). whichever are the biggest were the ones they tried.
  18. weyes

    Sad girl from Cali

    i need to earn more money by finding a new, higher-paying job somehow - i just gotta hustle my very, very best. that's all i can do. i paid my way to move out to l.a., bought my own car, and am not making ends meet. here's a link to my thread about financial woes - you think you've got it bad. http://bbs.clubplanet.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=133397
  19. thanks ! they used to be deeper, more philosophical, but i don't have much of that left . you can check the vault, though .
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