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Everything posted by weyes

  1. whatever... you know you liiiiiiiiiiiike it ...
  2. weyes

    attn: weyes

    hi . (sorry for the delayed response; i was having a lot of technical difficulty w/ cp last night .)
  3. i don't know what that is, unless it's what a couple on "blind date" did on last night's show. i have a feeling that may be what you're talking about - never done that. ok with me .
  4. belonging to triple A is a very good thing . (*weyes wonders how many times this year she has locked her keys in her car * so embarrassing...) tune in tomorrow.
  5. with all my technical difficulty today, i almost didn't get the last word .
  6. as long as it's SUNDAY and we can hear each other, somewhere in the los angeles area, i'm not picky .
  7. i'm sorry i didn't mention the painkiller i take; it's expressly for uterine cramps, and it's called ponstel. ask your doctor about that too .
  8. just a reminder for today: when slammed with technical difficulties (damn cp servers ) it is best to stay calm and think happy thoughts. it is also a good idea to step away from the machine while it misbehaves, lest you be overcome with violent urges . tune in tomorrow.
  9. hey ! i won't be old till the 27th, when i officially turn --- uh... um... i'll get back to you on that one .
  10. so, i sat in the chair, introduced myself to the new dentist, and said, "o, i'm the one with the records that were sent over. i need 3 fillings and a crown, my former dentist said." she had to retake some x-rays, then said, "actually, i see 3 cavities just on this one side..." weyes was not happy . "you could really benefit from flossing," she continued. i do, just not every day ... just got 1 filling done today. but she gave me prescription toothpaste. sheesh. more visits in the near future . *geez, vic, a new sig with cheesecake in it, and i see it for the first time in my tooth post :( ... i still have a few cavities left :( ...
  11. finally gonna get that dental work done . why am i more of a baby about it now than i used to be? maybe because problems get worse as i get older - i dunno. but i'm not feeling good about all this . don't let the bad man hurt me!
  12. i'd like to take this moment to thank the academy for giving me this platform . i promise to only use this title for the greater good and in the quest for world peace and all that other good "et cetera." it took hard work to get me where i am today - the keeper of the last word. stop the applause, please ! really! you're too kind!
  13. too bad he preys on smurfs .
  14. weyes


    hey, darth, what's up with your sig? as soon as i give you props on it, you run and change it back to a wack old one! is my liking it your most recent one not cool or sump'in?
  15. my ex-roommate was on depo-provera (shots) and she gained 15 pounds and lost her sex drive. she tells just about every female she meets how horrible it was and how long those effects lasted. i was put on the pill years ago 'cause i lost my period altogether (not that i had minded ) and my doctor thought it would be best to bring it back. back in high school, i had cramps so bad that i had to cut school and lie on my cold tile bathroom floor till i fell asleep in order for my cramps to go away. but, now that i have my period back after the pill, my cramps aren't nearly as bad (although i also have prescription painkillers from my gyno) and my formerly very heavy and long periods are now pretty light and don't last as long. i also had an ovarian cyst that was discovered this spring and i would've been prescribed the pill if i hadn't already been on it to try to reduce it. i had to have surgery anyway, but i think it might've been worse, had i not been on the pill (though i'm not sure about that). anyway, now that you have my entire gynecological history, i hope it was helpful . and i take zovia, which is the generic for demulen.
  16. holy shit - i forgot to post a wisdom yesterday, it looks like!!!!!!!! how is that possible? how could that have slipped my mind ? i'm - i'm - i'm at a loss for words i don't understand how that could've happened - that i just forgot. :( well, i guess i'll just say that everyone forgets things from time to time. you ought not beat yourself or (anyone else ) up about a slip-up every once in a while. tune in tomorrow.
  17. you're lacking in the most important food group: in-n-out !!! ya gotta come out to california just to balance that diet ! (i'm gonna drag vic there when he comes out, and make him forget all about those places called - uh, what are they? - "gyms." )
  18. i am so out of the loop... i've heard of beanie man, i think, but i don't know who or what he is.
  19. and don't mind me - i'm just in a kinda sparring mood, brought on my some obnoxiousness going on on the sex board .
  20. now those smileys are really "having words" with each other !!!
  21. dark. i find white too dry and that it doesn't have as much flavor.
  22. there seems to be a new breed of newbies. they postwhore like maniacs, but only in the way that status-hounds do - meaning that they know exactly what it's all about and what they're doing. lurkers, i tell you ! it's insanity up in here! look at what postwhore.inc has wrought !
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