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Everything posted by weyes

  1. i was wondering why there was such a big response to one of your threads; i should've known . it's very impressive, though, i'll grant ya that.
  2. i think there are two very different questions here: 1. could you go 40 days and nights without sex if you're with someone? or 2. could you go 40 days and nights without sex if you're single? if i were with someone, it'd be pretty damn hard, though it would also depend on how long we'd known each other and how often we see each other. as a single person, i can go as long as it takes till i meet someone with whom i connect somewhat (not written devotion or anything , but a connection ) on these 5 levels: - heart - mind - body - soul - spirit in no particular order. and that can be a helluva long time in-between guys, but i'm not counting .
  3. weyes

    Weird Girls

    i'm in some rare-ass minority ( search me ) in that i find both of these women very unappealing, though carmen electra more so.
  4. seriously. any couple that engages in that type of sex is a couple of idiots and neither party can rightfully complain about any outcome .
  5. doing puzzles - mathmatical, logical, word, etc. - is a good way to keep sharp, not just because it keeps knowledge at one's fingertips, but because it helps to think in ways other than in one's own usual, everyday ones. it's always good to try to see things from other perspectives and find more ways to do things, even if they're not new, but just new to some . tune in tomorrow.
  6. yeah, sailor, i think your ship is thataway ... well, vixenfoxxy, you're one to talk; gotta screen back and forth to read yours! yours is the worst. i'm not all that worked up about it all, though.
  7. weyes


    s.f.'s not that far from l.a. ...
  8. it fits in very well with his "don't wash, do smell" lifestyle .
  9. weyes


    that's just wrong .
  10. i think there are at least as many ladies on the sex board as there are guys, if not more; dgmodel and gabo only count once each !
  11. weyes

    perverts @ work

    it's not about companies' having sexual harrassment policies; it's the law.
  12. weyes

    Weird Girls

    when you first mentioned "sleeping in the oven," i thought you meant "borderline suicidal." no? and why is it that some people like people who are "crazy ," but not certifiably "crazy "? don't use adjectives in such a cavalier fashion, people !
  13. well, i got to meet sebastianxy and he got to meet me, so it's technically a meetup, even though only 2 cpers were involved. he brought some friends along too, so maybe that makes it more of a meetup... dunno. lovely fellow, sebastianxy! we discussed the experiences of finally putting a face (when posted) and of putting an entire body (after meeting) to a board personality. and it turned out that, when we both lived in new york, we lived two blocks away from each other. we had a very easygoing evening and gave the dancefloor a beating. and a to his cohorts . i haven't developed my pictures yet, but probably won't be posting many, out of respect for those who don't like their picture taken :( ...even though photography is my passion and livelihood . still, i hope i got some good ones for posterity . we both busted some vintage moves, he from the 70s and i from the 90s. the east coast boogiemen weren't nearly as stomp-your-feet-and-make-weyes-dance-like-a-complete-asshole-funky as they've been the other 3 times i've seen them. they had their moments, but not many of those that would particularly drive someone to get up outta his/her seat. and i said to myself, before they even went on, that if they spun "me, myself, and i," i would be very miffed. needless to say, i got miffed. sampling and playing that song are both so tired... still, i danced my ass off consistently, and was wet-sweaty by the end of the night. there's nothing quite like sticking to nylon pants . i got around 4 hours of sleep and was in total s-l-o-w - m-o today. but the good thing about that is that the day moves faster . ok - we still need that sunday night meetup, everyone! so far, of the l.a. cpers, i've met, in chronological order: trancekyd herbalist dlish msbobois lostin310 gemerald sebastianxy and most of those peeps aren't active posters. that's not a board to be reckoned with, y'all. let's represent!!! (besides, we're all cool people, for the most part .) it might be time for another nap...
  14. it used to be up to the individual states, but there was a big problem with people 18-20 driving over the borders, drinking, then driving home. though i thought i heard something a few years ago about just the city of new orleans doing the 18 thing. but that kind of sounds too weird to be true.
  15. thanks; i think i need a smiley that curtsies .
  16. a lot of people ask me and are having trouble seeing why they can't feel like who seem to be the majority of the country. i tell them, "it's ok if you don't can't find justin attractive at all ." some things just aren't meant to be understood by all. tune in tomorrow. justin - - sketchy.
  17. where is there a list for red ?
  18. DAVID HOLLANDS ???!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i saw him at boo whatever-number-it-was in 2000 and have been searching for anything of his since (i was, on soulseek, yesterday, actually ). i have come up with absolutely nothing. the 2 hour set he threw (he played early in the day and some people were late and no-shows) blew me away, even though i can't remember at all what it was like. i'll have to check out your link !
  19. the "perfect attendance" award is overrated .* tune in tomorrow. *opinion .
  20. a way-cool friend of mine used to drink a bottle at a time because "it makes you trip." now he's moved on to bigger and better things, like, uh, heroin . cough syrup - the new gateway drug ?
  21. weyes


    what a relief! i thought you were gonna talk about "Children I'd Like to Fuck." it followed, you know.
  22. awww - the kitty looks absolutely humiliated. my fam used to have a persian who hated it when we did that to her for the summer, so next time we didn't cut it so short. she was happy to have less fur for the hot and humid season, but she still had her lioness-like pride .
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