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Everything posted by weyes

  1. sketchy . sounds like too many people for anyone to really know where to go or what to do, to me. too much distraction and confusion, or something like that. and you know there are about two condoms involved in the whole thing, if that .
  2. weyes

    Game !!!!!

    i'm uncle junior, too, scaredgirl . how did you get the picture to show up?
  3. any guy who proposes to me with a ring like that doesn't know me or what i think we should be at all. someone who wants to waste that much dough for a stupid piece of metal and stone instead of using it for something useful like, say, money towards an apartment together (i don't wanna live in a house - you get what i mean) is someone who's not on the same plane as i am. hell, if you wanna spend all that dough on me, help me pay back my student loans !
  4. weyes

    In 1 Word...

  5. weyes

    ***Gina Lynn***

    yeah, seriously, darth, i know you've gotta have people humping or whatnot in your sig, but at least make them better than that .
  6. a friend of mine (we live in l.a.) called "blind date"'s # and left a message on the service, but no one's called her back yet. she really wants to go on tv and just make an ass of herself 'cause she thinks it would be funny (that's exactly how she'd put it, i'm not making fun of her.).
  7. weyes

    where's gmc?

    this is much easier said than understood. when i tell people it's sunny here all the time, they think, "that's nice, but i can deal with rain." and it's true, rain isn't such a big deal in and of itself, but if you can just think to that "rainy day feeling" for a second, and then imagine feeling like that for only about one month a year (it always seems to me that it rains every day in february ), you can then see that you've got more days when you can just breathe - that relaxed way you do on sunny days. if i really wanted to properly communicate how much of an effect the weather has on los angelenos, i'd have to devote a lot more time to this post ...
  8. weyes

    Pop Quiz...

    why is everyone posting the elements again and again when they're always the same? the only differences in the scores are the percentages.
  9. weyes

    who am i?

    your post count isn't even close to svengali status .
  10. hey, absolutv, check your pms . and lola, are you really in hollywood?
  11. weyes

    where's gmc?

    which other one - columbia or nyu?
  12. here's one of which anna nicole has been reminding me lately : you don't have to listen to people talk shit about you. if these negative people are people with whom you have to interact, confront them and tell them you don't like the way their words make you feel and that you expect a relationship of mutual respect. if these people are not people you are required to stay with or see for any length of time (people other than co-workers, family, etc.), simply leave . mid-their-sentences is fine, as it's just as disrespectful as the words that are coming from their mouths. goodbye negativity, hello self. tune in tomorrow.
  13. i'm so with you on that!!! just about every day, i'm five minutes late to work because of something unpredictable that delayed me by about that much. but the five-minute delay is predictable by now ... well-said and entirely so .
  14. yep - 'bout to turn in, though. i just wrote you an e-mail !
  15. so, what's next? a crown? or is this when a cap comes in? ooo - it looks like it's the return of... the toothbrush smiley!
  16. i was thinking about this recently, too. having grown up in nyc and having attended a progressive and very liberal school, then going to art school for college, just about everyone i grew up with and now know is atheist. i now work with a 20-year-old who calls gay people "sinners," and i'm shocked that anyone in 2002 can say that (shit, i'm shocked anyone can feel they can say that after a long time ago - though he is from kansas). we had a discussion about where all of my gay friends are supposedly going when they die ( , if you couldn't figure that out), and it made me wonder if all the people i know who believe in god feel this way. this is a kid i work with - the next generation (or something like that) - and he looks like a normal person without hatred on the outside. but if calling one's love for god something that goes hand in hand with the hatred of homosexuals, i think i may have to disassociate from those who believe in whomever it is they're talking about.
  17. with someone - been alone long enough.
  18. i'm with somebitch on the quality of the porn. a lot of them do have faces like men's, but the pics are mostly tasteless and unimaginative, and all of the same ilk (two bored-looking shaved girls with long straight hair wearing too much makeup and some random accessory, like a trashy necklace or heels, going at it in one way or another with an equally bored-looking and mostly hairless guy). or is that what all porn looks like?
  19. when someone is late, give him/her the benefit of the doubt and don't assume that's he/she's just being flaky or irresponsible. any of a number of unforeseen problems could've come up beyond that person's control, i.e. car breaking down, getting attacked by zombies, etc. it is best not to take it as rude or disrespectful when it might not be (and often isn't ). tune in tomorrow.
  20. didn't know he was in a band. do you know what kinda stuff they play and what he does in it? i didn't know he actually had a southern accent till the other day; i always figured he just used one for the movies in which i saw him (i think they all took place in the south, really).
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