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Everything posted by weyes

  1. the whole time thing on cp confused me for a while, too ! the times of people's posts are whatever time it was where YOU are. and you have to set up your cp settings so that the time zone corresponds with yours. and i do stay up till 3-ish most nights, which is too late - you're right. fortunately, i usually work the 1-9:30pm shift, so i still get my eight hours. i generally try to exactly get the 8 - sleep is something i really value . *o - where are you, sebastianxy?
  2. no, i'm in agreement with the "bounce back in a few minutes" thing. i'm not so familiar with the "orgasm without ejaculating" thing.
  3. just 'cause it's a cliche does not mean it's common sense. tune in tomorrow.
  4. i always thought that, when those experiences were being discussed, what was meant was more than one in an evening or a session. knowwhaddimean?
  5. i always have elaborate and carefully planned out halloween costumes. but when i still had no ideas and it was already august, i had little hope of having a good costume this year . my broke ass had hardly any budget this year, as opposed to the year i was bettie page, when i spent over $200. that year, i also grew my hair out from june in preparation for halloween, and dyed it black. the dye didn't come out, even though it was supposed to, so i had my hair stripped and all sorts of craziness - all of which took three hours, a lot of pain (worse than the dentist), and left my hair orange-ish. so much for having my hair its natural color for a couple more years. that's how dedicated i am to halloween: no wigs - ever. and that's why i couldn't've been who i really wanted to be this year: debbie harry. my second choice was goldie hawn, but she is also a blonde, and i don't wanna bleach my hair. so, i just went to the party dressed as my friend, who was going un-costumed. we weren't exact twins but were dressed in the same style and both had on angels hats. as usual, no one knew who i was supposed to be, but that's never my aim . i posted pics of the year i was xena on another thread; here are the links: http://bbs.clubplanet.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=1077102 http://bbs.clubplanet.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=1077103 it's six years ago, and i made the costume myself from pleather from a bathingsuit pattern i made into a dress. this was before she was big, so there weren't any pre-made costumes. dyed my hair that year, too .
  6. weyes

    love to give

    i just like phuturephunk .
  7. losing and letting oneself drown in that loss is only self-destructive.
  8. weyes

    Help Plz!~

    try www.cued-up.com , or www.lalate.com . both have listings and reduced-admission lists. the second site belongs to a cp member who'll probably chime in in a bit ! also try www.lasocialscene.com
  9. honey has actually moved to circus disco. so, as an easy-to-follow summary: THURSDAYS honey @ circus disco FRIDAYS red @ arena SATURDAYS spundae @ circus disco arena and circus disco share that same address: 6655 santa monica blvd. when on the outdoor smoking balcony of arena, you can see the entrance of circus .
  10. weyes

    where's gmc?

    no; i was wondering where our friend gmccookny is. he pm'ed me, though .
  11. sorry for such a long post ! just really frustrated .
  12. some mock the whole deal with people being confused with ballots, but some of them are confusing and ridiculous. and setting up anything involving computers is gonna leave a lot of room for mistakes, if you ask me; the older set isn't good with stuff like that, and touch screens suck. when i was growing up in nyc, we had booths with every category being in a vertical column. we flipped as many switches as it said to, and they'd turn into "x"s. if i recall correctly, it was impossible to vote for too many. fucking foolproof. it wasn't till i moved out to cali till i got those ballots in which you poke holes, and you can't see the ballot after you put it in and start voting, so nervous people like myself can't double-check to see if i made a mistake. i'm not confused, i'm just saying that it could be a lot more straightforward. but that's not the point of my post. i used to vote absentee, when i was in college. but to do that, not only did i have to submit an application for a ballot, i had to submit an application for an application. of course, both of these transactions had deadlines, not to mention the final ballot's deadline. this is simply ridiculous red tape that prevents people from "bothering" to vote, and obstructs people's "right to vote," in my opinion. i informed the board of elections in april of my new address and called them again last week to double-check. the woman on the phone thought that my last name was my first name and said i wasn't registered. (why would she be looking in a database under first names? and my last name is not also a first name ) she didn't know the hours the polls were open, and didn't understand why i wanted a sample ballot book. where do they find these monkeys? anyway, all that to say that, when i got to my polling place today, i was not registered . i used a "provisional ballot," but it seemed sketchy, and the elderly volunteers didn't seem to know which way was up. there was a proposition on the ballot to allow legally eligible persons to vote on election day and increase criminal penalties for voter and voter registration fraud. of course, it was voted down.
  13. why was i under the impression that phatman is black ?
  14. thumbs up for something different . i saw a catholic schoolgirl, a nurse, and a maid together this halloween; all they needed was a cat, a witch, a devil and an angel, and they would've been the village people of played-out girl halloween costumes . seriously, though, i saw at least ten catholic schoolgirls, and i was at a party the saturday before halloween - not even on halloween night, so there were probably a shitload more in general. come up with something original, people!
  15. 24.4 degrees celsius was the high in my 'hood: downtown l.a. ; that's 76 fahrenheit for the non-metric folk! take that, winter ! it rained just while i was at work, i guess - only enough to wash my car . i love living here, and the weather is certainly an important reason why .
  16. ya know, this is just the kind of interview baba wawa would do, and that would be on the telly, and rerun and rerun and rerun... (the interview with ricky martin about his sexuality was upsetting... i heard a story that she used to be a serious journalist !)
  17. you need a car. anyone who tells you you can get along without one is wrong, unless that person is willing to chauffeur you around anywhere at any time. when my car was in the shop for a week, i had a very hard time getting to and from work; i just barely made the last bus twice (the last bus of the night leaving at 9:15!!!), and getting to work took 2 hours by bus instead of the 1/2 hour it took me by car. and that was when it was on schedule and connected to the other bus that also had to be on schedule. public transit is worthless, cab rides from place to place will be at least $20. i had to go to the hospital once and the closest one was $35, only to find that that one didn't take my insurance. another $35 or so to the correct hospital. as this story tells, that week without my car and when i was very sick was a very horrible week . so, as a friend, i have to tell you that you need a car.
  18. when you experience a loss , do your best to find or create a victory. tune in tomorrow .
  19. CONGRATS! You're a Depth Charge! Yaaarr... scurvy dog! You drink like a sailor and think like one too. i don't even know what a "depth charge" is . i don't know about that quiz, as none of the choices really applied to me . i do curse like a sailor, though !
  20. did anyone catch skylab 2000? any reviews - what did they play?
  21. i'll give you that; the ones i've seen mostly do seem to have as bad or worse attitudes than even the biggest assholes i knew back in the day.
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