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Everything posted by weyes

  1. weyes


    if logos are what it'll take to get cp to use condoms, then rock on !
  2. weyes

    How many girls ?

    you can call me back even after later and i still won't have .
  3. i'm in california , and we're not discussing pubic hair again .
  4. my nipples used to be so sensitive that i could only wear seamless bras; lace bras or bras with any seams at all hurt too much. now i don't have that problem as badly, thankfully, but they're still really sensitive. better in the bra department and good in the sex department .
  5. thanks for the pic, joey! i thought i'd never see it - very nice surprise ! you don't look very happy in it, though. but vic's gotta be one of the most photogenic people around, so you've got tough competition. do you have any idea of what camera took that photo and if it was manipulated much? <--- photo geek
  6. much to trancekyd, as always! a fabulous partner in party crime and a wonderful friend . and thanks, vic ; sorry to have worried you with my cracked-outed absence !
  7. i'm with you, trev - i never go anywhere with a dress code .
  8. i like going home and riding with the normal sunday people. the surrealness of "the day after" always makes me really happy .
  9. i know what you mean .
  10. this year's election is incredibly important; who has control of the house and senate is up in the air... make sure you're regisitered to vote ! tune in tomorrow.
  11. ninedee wun (in the double-digits!)
  12. i'm with scaredgirl . my ex totally ignored my clit, so i never got off without helping out . nibbling is good too .
  13. hmmm - i'm missing the good pictures that tell this story . the only one i can see that seems to realte to this is of a girl in a red bra and khakis that are unzipped. her boobs are covered, though. did cp censor your pic? from what i see, nothing crazy's going on, so i must not be looking at the whole picture. p.s. ah - i see that the pic in question was taken down before i got to the thread. no wonder.
  14. weyes

    Winona Ride-Her...

    sorry, darth, but you really left yourself open on this one - it seems like there aren't many chicks you wouldn't fuck.
  15. i wish i knew enough about computers to paste the picture here, 'cause i think it's just so hilariously fitting that i'm the owl!!! :rofl:
  16. weyes

    How many girls ?

    i guess i assume that girls are better kissers, too, 'cause my female friends all have the same problems with the way bad male kissers kiss, and get those kisses a lot. it seems that, if we all have problems with the same things, then we must all know how to correct them. and i've had very little kissing worth having in my lifetime . but i've never kissed a girl, nor do i have any desire to, so i can't say anything about that.
  17. no flings for me - i'm a highly principled individual . besides, i'm too involved in a secret one-way emotional relationship with my messageboard crush !
  18. all i see are red "x"s .
  19. weyes

    what's the deal....

    gothzane put up a link about this the other day in another post: http://www.annies-female-ejaculation.com/ interesting stuff .
  20. hey, lostin310! i couldn't believe you were there on your crutches; it seemed like such a pain in the ass of a place to be - an arena, escalators, five areas spaced so far apart. i did take note, though, that you didn't break your driving foot. that's a good thing . having to learn how to drive left-footed might've been dangerous dealings! what did you think of the party, anyway?
  21. well, saturday i went to monster massive, a rave with a crazy lineup: kevin saunderson, felix da housecat, judge jules, dj irene, matt hardwick, anne savage, derrick may, dj funk, and many more. you can check it all out at www.monstermassive.com my omniscient friend had us guestlisted by judge jules (!) which would've been really cool, had the person with the guestlist shown up to the party . we did eventually get in free, and vip, but we stood out in the cold for an hour while people who bought tix walked right in. and i feel bad for the peeps who paid for vip, 'cause all they got was an area with couches and some free unripe fruit. the artists didn't "hang out" there, as promised, and there was no overhead view of the stage/party. my friend wanted to stay in the main (trance/progressive) room the whole night, but i was interested in some house, too. unfortunately, the house area was outside, which was cold, and very brightly lit. those two factors led to a very dead vibe, so i couldn't even stay there, even for the music. i was dresssed as my friend for halloween, wearing shorts, and i was too cold . but it was there that i ran into lostin310 and his broken foot ! i did take pix that night, but they're all so crappy that i didn't bother putting them on a cd. sorry, folks! and judge jules looks like he's on some serious crack . somewhere in the middle of the night, my friend lost his cell phone . it totally brought us down, and led us on a wild-goose-chase till the end of the party, which we wouldn't've stayed to the end of, most likely, had he not lost the phone. my friend thought he might find the phone when the lights came on. no such luck. so, our party didn't end, 'cause we had to make it happy again, after it had gotten so absolutely sad. we went to pick up my friend's pal, who works a night job, and we hung out with him all morning and afternoon, till things were all good again . and that's why my column and i have been absent the past 3 days. sorry - i just had to recover from an insane time! and i wasn't exactly full o' wisdom ... anycrap, i'm back with my nonsense, in full effect !
  22. weyes

    Stuff in LA

    ohhhhhh, vic... too much good stuff - i almost wish you don't provide me with such great info sometimes . (not really, i just wish i could afford to see everyone!) i saw the east coast boogiemen last time they were at honey, but they rocked the house so fucking much i might just have to go back. they kinda make me dance like a freak and i doubt i could get anyone to go out with me on a thursday (i couldn't last time, either), but cued-up.com has a $5 guestlist, so i really shouldn't use money as an excuse. and doc martin at honey looks good, too. if no one else here has been, i really enjoyed the vibe when i went last and highly recommend it .
  23. SLEEP IS IMPORTANT!!!!!!!!!!!! tune in tomorrow.
  24. i think groovetickets has a time by which you have to get to spundae in order for your entry to be guaranteed. but i'm the "get there when it opens, leave when it closes" girl. the way i see it, if a gig isn't worth doing that, it's not worth going to at all .
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