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Everything posted by weyes

  1. the other night i dreamt about a really really absurd partnership for a drug-free america ad that showed aggressive teenagers using 20 or so "street names" for pot that nobody uses (they were probably just given to the cops by people trying to fuck with them or something), trying to get the viewer to use it. it was one of those blurry, echo-filled, tripped-out ads that's supposed to frighten fourth graders. and i was watching the ad and laughing... my dreams are usually so realistic that i wake up the next day and wonder if they were dreams or not .
  2. i was just cleaning out my car (well, not really ), and i found the flyer for that party! thought of you .
  3. new year's eve, huh? i'm bummed that i'm not gonna be in nyc for thanksgiving, 'cause new york always has dopeass parties on turkey day eve . as for me, here out west, i'm not all that stoked about going out. pvd will be here for his third new year's in a row, but the people throwing the event have had a steady record of messing shit up for a while now. and i've seen pvd twice and have been disappointed both times. loved "out there and back" and will say that it was life-altering (seriously, as cheesy as it sounds) but maybe that's all there is from him, for me . besides, i don't really like new year's parties. i think there's just something about all the pressure to have a good time that makes everyone on edge, and that makes for a bad vibe. my best new year'ses have all been spent with just a couple of friends, and usually at someone's house, just chillin'. last year was the best, and we did just that. if that same friend wants to go see pvd, i may too, but otherwise, i don't think i'll go.
  4. i swear, this is my last question regarding this song i can't id. abstrakt suggested i try to get the info on a hip-hop messageboard, but i couldn't find one, even with all my searching, today. the one i did find was about gangsta shit, and the song i need id'd is old-skool. can anyone help me out with an ok messageboard, or tell me how i might find one? thanks!
  5. i had a friend who once went as christopher reeve; he dressed up as superman and was in a wheelchair all night. tasteless, yes, but points for creativity. * p.s. i'm going dressed up as the friend with whom i'm going partying. it's gonna be a surprise !
  6. summer! it's a big part of why i moved to l.a. it does get cold here, though. while you can wear a t-shirt in the winter here, it's only during the day, and you'll be a little chilly when the wind blows. at night, a winter coat is necessary. and nighttime in the summer is in the 60s, even if it was in the 90s during the day. still, there are some people here who want to believe that california is always warm and wear shorts all-year-round. i don't get that ...
  7. i said that once in another height thread ! it's somewhat but related to what we just said - i recently slept over at a friend's house, but the only bathroom was through my friend's bedroom. he said not to worry if i had to use it, etc. at some point i did, and when i tiptoed through his room, he and his love were asleep, spooning. it was just so sweet - i couldn't help but take a long pause to look at them. just so much was expressed in that scene; not the "picture says a thousand words" thing, but knowing them, and what they mean to each other just sent memories of them through me, and, as is only natural, it brought up memories of my life. and what love feels like, and what simple gestures like that mean somehow - how it's always different with different people, and at different times in those relationships and in life... it was powerful - really powerful .
  8. when i was a kid, i went to a musical theater afterschool program. we had a snack somewhere in the middle, sometimes oreos. i didn't like the chocolate wafer parts, but loved the middles. so i'd eat the middles, put the cookies back together, and then put the cookies back in the package for everyone else. i was sincerely trying to be nice, figuring that other people could eat what i wasn't using, especially since it was most of the cookie anyway .
  9. 208 - getting back in the swing !!!
  10. everything seems way too easy for me, too. why would these people still be in a white van????? that's just ridiculous. and tracing a call... these people are not morons, as they've demonstrated. it's amazing how little credit some law enforcement are giving the sniper/s after all the damage he/she/they have done .
  11. is this supposed to be an impressive feat ?
  12. weyes

    Fuck Faces...

    well-done !
  13. a lot of wisdom and just general food for thought comes from song lyrics; they're not always there just to have something rhythmic going along with music. examples of "good" ones, you ask? let's see - that's all subjective, of course. some are more challenging than others. one of my faves is duran duran's: and if the fire burns out there's only fire to blame. hmmm. not a lack of water, then. no, seriously. i'm being glib about it, but that's the only one that comes to mind right now. well, actually, it took me a while to figure out that, when backstreet boys said, "show me the meaning of being lonely," they weren't saying that they had never been lonely before, nor were they saying that they didn't know what it means. they were really asking whoever the girl to whom they're singing why they have to be apart. you can say i read too much into this stuff, but lyrics were written for a reason, no matter who sings 'em. and, as i get older, i find that more and more songs apply to me; part of that, i think, is because i take the time to try to relate to them. anybody have any interesting ones to talk about? tune in tomorrow.
  14. yeah, i love all that stuff . it's just comedy. it just gets surreal after a while, something i definitely need on a regular (but not all that often) basis. another one i love: leaving the club when people are going to work. it's as though i thought the world had stopped when i was partying. like i had been in a time warp. or else it's as though i thought everyone else must've been partying somewhere else. but when i walk out into the brightness, all sweaty and washed-up, and see people hurrying to get somewhere, i remember that i was lucky to have that day off (for whatever reason). and it occurs to me, too, that i'm lucky to have the good times i do .
  15. i guess that wasn't a nice way of putting it - didn't mean it as too tall. sorry . i used to have a big thing that guys absolutely had to be shorter than i am, but when i learned that most of the guys i was with (or didn't work out at all with) who were short had a complex of sorts about me being taller and had a problem with it, i guess i luckily adapted and lost that as the silly requirement that it was. the first really significant guy in my life was about 5' 5"-5'6", and the height "thing" wasn't a thing. worked out well for both of us. my last ex was exactly my height, and he was really insecure about it, and called himself a "midget" when we stood up too close together for too long. anyway, the best ever was having a bf the same height. it just felt to me like we fit . and, although i don't require shortness, i'd prefer 5'6" to 6'4".
  16. weyes

    Fuck Faces...

    i wonder that myself sometimes, dg. i think everybody here really likes to do it and take it up the ass the best.
  17. anyone, anyone, please ?
  18. ah, all the little things that go along with clubbing. those unavoidbale bonuses and minuses, all generally small stuff. somehow, it all just adds to the whole experience . so, let's list them, the good and the bad. talking to strangers about really personal shit. i was talking to a girl in the ladies lounge of a club once, and a couple of minutes after we met, she was telling me all about her anal sex experiences . party wounds. the next day, there's usually a scratch on my arm (or hand, or whatever, but get your minds out of the gutter !) i can't explain. and i think, "i wonder how that happened?..." being excited about the little things after staying up for way too long and being totally cracked-out. "omigod, you have to have an m&m; these are sooooo good!!!" haven't thought of any bad ones yet, and i might not at all ! what've you guys got?
  19. believe in your dreams (as in the ones you have when you're asleep ) and dwell on possible meanings only for as long as makes you happy. there's no use in thinking that a dream of you dying in a plane crash is foretelling the future. tune in tomorrow.
  20. i wish i had a friend who's a pokemon ... my human friend'll just have to do, i guess, until then. (pika pika!)
  21. yep , but i don't particularly care for guys that are too tall .
  22. i'm with you on that, for both girls and guys. i like the way shampoos smell and stuff like that - subtleties.
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