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Everything posted by weyes

  1. i don't wanna get into the "this city is better than city" thing, either, but do understand that we get the big djs, too. we didn't until the past few years, i hear, but sasha, digweed, tiesto (a lot), deep dish, saeed and palash, james zabiela, junior vasquez, pvd, and all the "big (or whatever)" people come here, just as they do to miami. and we have good local djs, too. of course, we don't have as many clubs as nyc, but we're a smaller place. i like the vibe here a whole lot, as people are really friendly, nice, and unpretentious (in the clubs i go to, not all), whereas that vibe was hard for me to find in nyc. but i agree with a friend of mine out here that nyc has better dancers than la does . anyway, i say all of that calmly and just as i see it. i don't hate any town, and certainly can't say anything at all about miami, 'cause i've never been there. my only other frame of reference is nyc, where i'm from. all in all, i think the club scene everywhere just has a lot of problems. there's a lot of bullshit in every city, and each of our beliefs that one city has more bullshit than another is only based on the particular clubs to which we've been, and only on those particular nights. clubs have off-nights, and clubs aren't necessarily representative of their cities. as i said, there are probably plenty of snobby clubs in l.a., but i've never been to one. a lot of it is luck of the draw, especially when you're just visiting for a short time. so, if any of you are coming this way, let the la cpers know, even though there aren't many of us. we'll let you know what's up!
  2. y'all are forgetting that britney's not just here to sing; she's here to entertain. and she does that better than any o' the girls. you want just a singer, close your eyes and listen to another genre of music. britney's got charisma, and she can dance. anycrap, she's always hot. and i find it interesting that shakira is made as tall as britney in the picture. talk about fake.
  3. weyes


    i wouldn't've had a problem with you being with child. it's all good .
  4. weyes

    attn: darth

    that new bottom-left picture in your sig is really nauseating . couldn't you have left that as something we have the option to NOT click?
  5. now, that's just mean ; don't send the empty box !
  6. some memories are best put to rest. if you find that, when truly being honest with yourself, there's no way that you can resolve the issues associated with a memory, try to let it go; there's no sense in holding on to something that just hurts and eats away at you . tune in tomorrow.
  7. glad to hear that, gmc . and, vic, what's up with your lack of a sig ?
  8. thanks so much, everyone ! i was actually singing "i got a man" to myself today, at the drugstore. i remembered that one. but i can't believe i forgot "pump up the jam." o, and brickhouse, i should've said i'm just making a compilation. shiiiiiiiiiiiit, i don't do none o' that mixing, spinning, dj-ing stuff. so this won't be too hard, i hope. i am having problems learning how to use roxio, though; it came with my comp, but it didn't come with a manual . and, the other day, when i tried to burn a 70 min. track i downloaded, it only registered 20 minutes of it. i may have to post a thread about that . if you guys think of any more, please let me know, and thanks again !
  9. i remember first reading about that track months ago on the miami board. i've heard it now the last three times i've been out, and twice on one of those nights. there are some songs that i could listen to over and over, but some get tired really quickly. and i think that a song should never be played twice in a night. djs should be paying attention to each other and yanking songs from their sets, if need be. it just spoils the vibe and the song, for me, at least. (seriously, once i was out and heard "one more time" played by all three djs. i was also miffed 'cause my dj - who will remain nameless - didn't even show. and why was i hearing that song in a supposedly respectable club, anyway? sigh.) grrr... if i hear "shiny disco balls" when i go to red again (at arena, for those who don't know) this friday, things is gonna get ugly .
  10. did anyone go? i saw john kelly here in l.a. last friday. i liked him, only problem being trainwreck city. but that was so frequent that i think there were some technical difficulties or something ... he's been around too long...
  11. weyes


    work is hard to come by these days; my advice would be to take it while also actively seeking something better.
  12. this thread is shockingly sickening .
  13. first of all, you do not know that everyone in your town is straight. there's a lot of stuff that goes on behind closed doors that you don't know about, and i'm sure you're very glad that that's so. it's unfortunate that your uncle was in denial or was so out of touch with himself for so long that he forced himself to live an act of a life - something untrue to who he really is. everyone lost out in that situation, not just your aunt and cousins, but your uncle, too. his life has not been a bowl of cherries, and you don't have to believe me on that, you can just ask him. and i still don't see why anyone should be condemned to death or eternal hellfire simply for loving someone else.
  14. inspiration can be found in the most unlikely places; keep your eyes, ears, and mind open . tune in tomorrow.
  15. 326? what happened to you today, vic? recovering from a ?
  16. having been both 175 and 270 in my adult life (175 being when i was on the "club diet," and i think that only lasted for about that week ), i'm not exactly crying about being 185 right now .
  17. weyes


    i must be out of the loop ; are you expecting?
  18. i'm gonna make an old skool all-girl rap mix for a friend, but my mind is drawing a big ol' blank on tracks. all that i've got so far is: jj fad - supersonic (tigre and bunny g.?) - cars that go boom neneh cherry - buffalo stance anyone got any ideas for me ?
  19. i was thinking about this the other day, as i panicked all the way to the bank, where i had left an envelope of pictures i was going to send a friend. it was a cardboard envelope, so it looked like it contained something more important or interesting than a letter. it was stamped and all ready to go. and i wondered, if someone were to find the envelope, what would he/she do with it? what would i do if i found an unmailed, but stamped, letter? would i throw it in the mailbox, or think that it wasn't mailed for a reason and then send it back to the sender? i certainly wouldn't open it, but maybe some people would... what would you do ?
  20. surprising people in your life with little things that let them know you're thinking of them, or even just silliness, can make life more fun and exciting, and strengthen your relationships in the process, too . tune in tomorrow.
  21. that sounds nice . sigh - color me envious.
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