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Everything posted by weyes

  1. when are you gonna come over and cook for me ? (me in the kitchen ---> *) * unless we're talking about sweets, which i make very well - cake, cookies, etc.
  2. really? i didn't know that. i don't drink, really, (except for last friday) so i'm not all that knowledgable about the details, and i haven't thrown up since i was under ten years old , but it seems like it'd be a very smelly world if that were always true for everyone ...
  3. yo, we gonna fuckin' go down and smoke some fuckin' shit, yo. wanna fuckin' come and shit?
  4. o, and isn't it just precious: the way cops always feel free to break traffic laws? gotta get those donuts, so blocking traffic and parking someone in really don't matter .
  5. 508: the police code in california for skateboarding in prohibited areas. keep 'em comin' vic !!!
  6. that test was geared towards people who love alcohol. interesting how many questions were about drinking .
  7. weyes


    give my regards to shamu!
  8. i don't see a wedding ring on the guy, but the ring on the girl's left-hand-ring-finger looks like a ring with stones and not a band. maybe it's an engagement ring! maybe you could blow up the picture, darth, then sharpen it, and we could all get a better look and analyze it further. we simply must get to the bottom of this :goofy: .
  9. what's up with the socks?
  10. different hairstyles look good on different guys. as long as a guy's hair isn't long - that's a no-no in my book. then again, my co-worker's hair is kinda long, and he's still superfoxy... (damn, am i ever gonna stop talking about that kid? bad, bad weyes !)
  11. yo mama's so fat, she has to use a paint roller to put on lipstick.
  12. how about this saturday night, for drinks/coffee/dinner?
  13. the protein shakes probably didn't help your tum-tum either, vic ; sometimes getting some solid food down there does the trick, especially starchy, breadlike kinds of whatnot . and i'm into breaks these days, too, spinsaikel - highly underrated (can't dance to 'em, though ). but, then again, i'm into so much these days, which makes me happy . it's nice to be able to find something i like without having to look as hard as i used to.
  14. it's good to keep up on current events, even if you don't like what's going on . it's important to know about the world around you and not be isolationist; ignorance is, well, ignorance . tune in tomorrow.
  15. whoops! i was so busy partying with him on friday, and recovering all weekend, that i forgot to give him a birthday shoutout ! he's very rarely on this board anymore, but he's everywhere else on this clubplanet ! rock on, and manymanymany (ad infinitum) more !!!!!!!
  16. i thought you were gonna say that the kind of stockings that turn you on are the ones that are lying on your bedroom (or kitchen, or bathroom, or wherever) floor!
  17. it's also really easy to psych yourself out of having an orgasm. for me, anyway, i can be about to come, and, if i start worrying about things (i.e. if anyone is listening, or thinking about past sexual experiences), i can just stop my orgasm in its tracks . clearing your mind as much as possible and not actively thinking "i probably won't come, 'cause i never have" or "i hope this works" etc. might just do the trick, although i know that is easier said than done .
  18. good that everyone's peeing! fight those U.T.I.s !!!!!!!
  19. spundae got everyone's juices flowing last night with dave seaman and john creamer .
  20. thanks, sugar_n_spice; that works for me ! i guess just that they go with coffee, which provides much needed energy, would've been enough; i didn't even think of that .
  21. well-put . the clarity people reach when on psychedlics... maybe we should send some over to george w...
  22. leftovers can save a lot of moolah in the long run. the remainder of today's lunch often makes a yummy dinner (did they really expect me to eat that entire burrito in one sitting???). tune in tomorrow.
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