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Everything posted by weyes

  1. as long as he or she is happy and healthy and isn't hurting his or herself or anyone else (and practicing safe sex always), it doesn't matter.
  2. madonna's tired and should throw in the towel. i have spoken .
  3. nice . the sun is a big part of why i live here in l.a.; winter and grey skies on the east coast made me really depressed, and seeing that there's another option open to me, i'm taking it and reaping the benefits.
  4. three hundred and twenty seven posts !
  5. i'm with you; the original simpsons, while funnier (in my opinion, though no one ever agrees with me), were not as cute. o, and, vic - i like your smiley !
  6. my more recent pictures are all packed up in new york; these are the only ones i have. they're from six years ago, so sorry about that. but i made this costume with my own two hands; this was before xena was all huge and whatnot and had premade costumes. i sewed it out of pleather from a bathingsuit pattern that i altered to a dress.
  7. thanks for the invitation, but i wouldn't be able to keep up .
  8. a lot of people still didn't understand my question, even though i bold-faced YOUR in both of the questions . it was which parts of YOUR body in both questions, not asking what you like in the opposite sex. but it is interesting to me that a lot of people also seem to experience the same thing that happens with me: "they" all comment on the same things, even when it's something really small or specific. so they must really be outstanding features to the outside world, i guess. any thoughts on that ? guys always say ass first, then i don't know if it's my tits or my smile that comes next. i like my shoulders a lot, my hands, and maybe i'd put my tits and my smile in a tie . and gabo, i hope you don't really think yourself ordinary .
  9. it would take me too long to download... that frightens me!
  10. neither - i think they're both too silly and i'd just crack up (i did when the ice thing came up).
  11. in conversation with a co-worker today, i found out that he thinks gay people are "sinners." a 20-year-old. i hate being disappointed in people .
  12. well, i don't agree with the beatles when they said "all you need is love," but i do believe that we all need to both give and receive love, in some form or another, just as a part of our everyday existence, to keep happy and somewhat sane. nope, not wisdom today, just a thought. tune in tomorrow.
  13. 'k, so let's pick a sunday !
  14. being up for anything (or down, if you be down, yo ) means being up (i.e. ) more often . tune in tomorrow.
  15. we all have parts of our own bodies that we like best, and then there are the parts of us that others like best. it's been my experience that guys tend to be attracted to the same physical attributes of mine, and it seems that that happens to my friends, too. for instance, one of my best friends in high school was a big fave with the guys 'cause she was thin with big tits. she didn't notice that guys liked her, and she didn't even think she had big tits (she did, though!). but that was my friend sarah: cerebral, modest, and totally unable to see anything sexy in the mirror . so, which 3 parts of, or things about your body do you like best? and which 3 parts of, or things about your body do the members of the opposite sex seem to like best?
  16. i couldn't access either of your pics, scaredgirl , but i think i saw one of you before; wavy blonde hair, right? and gabo does have more appeal than tom cruise or brad pitt . (now go back to your dirty-talk, you crazy kids !)
  17. 'k, that's what i figured. haven't done it, but it doesn't seem like it could be all that great for tha gurl.....
  18. this reminds me of that "camel-toe" guy; luigi_scarpini was his name, i think .
  19. weyes

    WuT iS sEx

    perhaps you should further define your question .
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