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Everything posted by weyes

  1. i'm miffed and don't care for my result . i want a retest!
  2. realistic searches yield more finds. tune in tomorrow.
  3. i'm sorry to hear that, vic . but on the bright side of that, think of all the calcium-enriched milk you'd need to wash all those down !
  4. "reverse cowgirl" is, exactly, what? detailed description, please, 'cause i have a guess, but am not sure... maybe one of darth's pictures could help illustrate .
  5. are you serious? i always thought you were in eastern europe somewhere. are you also from texas?
  6. great ending! (amusing tension-breaking disclaimer rocked !)
  7. weyes

    now this is sexy

    i still don't understand what's sexy about cars .
  8. so, the screening of whatever movie this is is somewhere else and before this gathering? or is it there and in the middle of it? i'm confused. i dunno, though; i think we may have set a date too soon. i know we can get more people than just house4life, lostin310, and myself, if we set a date that's longer in advance. (i just think we should aim for at least five people, and lalate, why wouldn't you come, too?) let's really do it up right, and set a date up for reals, and far enough in advance so that everyone can make it. anyone with me on that ?
  9. don't accept or stand for guilt trips . if someone wants something from you or has a problem with something you've done, he/she should address it head-on - not be manipulative and try to get what he/she wants through playing with your emotions. tune in tomorrow.
  10. After I had two glasses of champagne, a Red Bull, and one of my usual, my friend Mick couldn't tell where the intoxicated I ended and my impression of President Bush began .
  11. i used to walk to school near a precinct in tribeca. i saw cop cars almost on a daily basis go the wrong way on a one-way street to get to the station, just because it was a shortcut, and i'm not talking with the siren on . besides that being lazy and obnoxious, it's dangerous.
  12. i can't see movies with rape or heroin in them. therefore, "trainspotting" is a never-see, for me. my dad took me to lots of inappropriate movies when i was a kid 'cause he wanted to go. and when i said i was scared and wanted to go, he always said he paid good money for the movie and we had to stay. one of the scariest movies was "something wicked this way comes," wherein a little boy is in bed, and his entire room is suddenly covered in tarantulas - him included. also, a man is looking for two little boys, and their images are carved in his hands, bleeding. the last scary scene involves people on a carousel, and, with every revolution, they get older. YEEK ! and don't get me started on how much crap in "twin peaks" (although that's tv) scared me. but i chose to watch that.
  13. weyes

    how old were u

    rock on, my friend . 22 .
  14. my mom made me see a child's one when i was a kid; she made me make animals out of play-doh and play tiddly-winks. she sucked and bored me. i then went to a shrink in college when i started putting shit together and realized i needed to see one. she put me on meds and i gained 90 pounds, lost my period, and my legs and feet swelled so much that poking them with a finger left a dent (known as edema - sorry to get graphic). switched when i moved. mean shrink. switched again to scandinavian shrink and mindfucking therapist. therapist told me i was "mentally defective" and "not a person." lost 80 pounds by changing meds and slim-fast. swelling went away. got period back by going on the pill. left therapist after i fully understood how much of an asshole she was and how she shouldn't even have a license. switched when i moved. new shrink doesn't take me seriously . need to switch a.s.a.p., and to a woman again. what was i thinking, seeing a man?
  15. weyes

    Being Happy....

    i think, unfortunately, some are predestined to never achieve happiness. maybe in fleeting moments --- appreciating those brief instances is important, i guess, though, when they're over, it makes going back to the regular old existence that much worse.
  16. i have no patience for game-playing, either. game-playing is dishonest, and if a guy isn't willing to be up-front and doesn't feel free to call me when he feels like it, i don't see much of a future in the relationship. if i feel afraid to call him because i think that i'm seeming desperate, or that he'll think that i'm calling him too much, then i have some serious issues that must be confronted head-on. letting all this just stay under the surface and undiscussed - each one basically trying to save his/her own pride - only serves to hurt the relationship.
  17. man - that's just wrong . and the guy who does the voiceover sounds like a serious dork, too .
  18. yeah, joey asked me why i wasn't responding to his numerous PMs, and i had never received any. my box wasn't full, either, so i dunno what was up with that . and i'm about to call that number and see if it's really true. that'd be horrible !
  19. i don't think it makes sense to say that all people look better with one hairstyle, although my brother says that all girls look better with short hair. my brother is really limited and rigid, though - one of those people who thinks that his opinions are facts . i don't know you, so i don't have an opinion as to what would look the best on you, tinyb. but i like having mine above my shoulders enough so that it's not at that "too-akward long" length, but still long enough that i can still do things with it, like braids, knots, a ponytail, etc. i tried chin-length once, but it made my face look too round.
  20. thursday's ok for me, too. what's the place like? not too crowded, i hope.
  21. i haven't heard of him, but that doesn't mean much. what kind of stuff does he play, where is he spinning/what is he doing in new york?
  22. a good way to make use of the snacks you eat at work about which you feel guilty, but only if you're gonna eat 'em anyway: if your boss starts telling you some worthless/obnoxious/annoying/angering bullshit, put that cookie in your mouth and give a mouth-full-of-food shit-eating-smile (you can't grin, 'cause you're not showing your teeth). your well-mannered upbringing (thanks, mom!) will probably prevent you from lashing out at your boss when you've got a mouthful of chocolate, so, in essence, those extra calories and that extra fat have really been to your benefit . rock on to that ! tune in tomorrow.
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