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Everything posted by weyes

  1. you misinterpreted me, mrmatas; i'm shocked to find darthvader posting a porn picture of a woman who's not a hairless freak ! (and that he could find such a pic; they must be incredibly scarce ) (and leave out the ; i don't wanna get into the whole pubic hair argument, whether it's yes/no or how long the hair should be. i just had the above to state.)
  2. so, kids, tomorrow is election day, and i think that proposition h (more than f) might get some of our peers to the polls, but they won't even know what they're voting for when they vote for the secession of hollywood. circus has sent me loads of e-mails telling to vote yes on prop. H, for the new city of hollywood, but they're just the same pretty flyer over and over of gene lapietra - no info, no reasons why i should vote for this. a friend of mine says that a lot of people are under the impression that, if hollywood becomes its own city, it'll change the hours at which clubs close and make "closing time" at bars later, too. there's no reason to think this is so, and that's statewide, is it not (i'll admit i'm not positive on that one) ? but secession means that hollywood would have to come up with a police dept., its own this and that, and they'd still have to pay $127,122,000 to the city of l.a. for 20 years (adjusted with inflation, mind you). and l.a.'ll lose from it, too, tourism, etc. so everyone loses. and here's what gets me: the people i see who are shouting "yes for hollywood!" and such are quite a lot like many of the nader supporters in the last presidential election. all but one that i asked (it got to be a point of mine) didn't even have an idea of who his running mate was . anyway, even if you're for the secession of hollywood and the valley, educate yourself and know why you're voting that way .
  3. check out www.cued-up.com , and see who's at spundae on whatever saturday you'll be here www.spundae.com ; spundae pulls in the big people on the most regular basis .
  4. last one about politics, at least for a while ! (yesterday's wasn't about politics, for those who didn't check it out, and i actually thought it was one of my better of my recent ones .) make sure to get up early enough to vote, or leave enough time after work to get to the polls! tune in tomorrow.
  5. are you being sarcastic about the size of the dancefloor, or did you mean to write some other dimensions? thanks for all the info, though, and that's a kickass logo on the flyer; it kinda looks to me like someone with an open mind .
  6. i'm fine, thanks, yo' mama's been doin' pretty well for me lately :goofy: .
  7. i'm with somebitch on this one. what did your girl say afterwards?
  8. thick girls do not make more money than skinny girls. i've actually never seen a "for-hire" dancer in a club who wasn't skinny, and they all wear platform shoes.
  9. do my eyes deceive me? is this someone in porn with pubic hair ??? it simply can't be true ... this upsets my whole world ; i guess i don't know which way is up anymore . i can't believe this has been up on clubplanet for longer than five minutes without five guys posting how disgusted and horrified they are !
  10. an animated sig! darth's really pulling out all the stops!
  11. exactly ! i have no real interest in these guys; they have nothing to offer me (except for their extreme hotness ) and either annoy me or bore me, for the most part, just 'cause we really don't have anything in common - and that's not a value judgment. we're just at different places in our lives. some of you may recall my recent posts about a foxy 20-year-old co-worker; i plan to not pursue any type of non-work-related relationship with him, not just 'cause he's a co-worker (though that's a policy of mine, too), but because 20 is just too young. i won't go out with anyone who can't get into clubs (well, easily ) !
  12. what's that song where the guy says in a booming voice, "in the beginning, there was house music,"? i dunno, and perhaps you have to hear it to know which one i'm talking about, but i'm through with that one .
  13. anything worth liking is worth admitting to liking. don't be ashamed of having unpopular views or opinions ! tune in tomorrow.
  14. everything but the girl - "missing" and its million remixes. i think it got played less when mango adopted it, though, thank god ! no! you can't have-a the mango!
  15. call me a dirty old lady if you want (i'm not that old), but teenage boys these days are fuckin' hot. (not all of them, of course.) when i was in high school, there was no one appealing at all ; this is so unfair! seriously, i was at an all-ages rave last weekend and i was doing my fair share of drooling. and this post is prompted by my looking at some kid's post who's a raver and probably a teen and ... where were these guys when it was my turn ?!?!
  16. i don't know if boiling plastic is such a good idea... i couldn't see the video on your site; i just heard the sound, which turned to static about three-quarters of the way through .
  17. ah, good ol' dependable gabo !
  18. who is that? a lookalike?
  19. very poor resolution .
  20. here's the one i was thinking of: marscarter. you know, that song: "i'm getting a little sick and tired of this weakness and silly games that you play. you gotta do what moves you, don't let nothing get in your way." i haven't heard that so much in clubs, but it's on everyone's album and mixed tape . sheesh!
  21. too much napping leads to bad overnight sleeping and a disturbed and unhealthy sleep pattern, in general. (even though it feels so good !) tune in tomorrow.
  22. shitty . hovering around freezing during the daytime. when i lived there i had to wear long underwear. it sucks, too, 'cause as soon as you get inside, it's too hot... and then there's coat check, having to get your coat back stinking like club and smoke. new york just got rid of smoking in clubs, though, so you won't have to deal with that. but i always hated having to put my layers over my sweaty tank top at the end of the night .
  23. well, we've gotta get our meetup in order. lemme ask sassa when she'll be in town next and finally set the date !
  24. i don't use one in public; i just chomp on it at home. it's purely a practical thing and for comfort. a friend of mine had been doing e and grinding his teeth to such an extreme that he got them out of whack enough to need braces. what do you think of a 26-year-old who now wears braces v. a 25-year-old (fkornre, for instance) who chews on a pacifier every now and then?
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