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Everything posted by weyes

  1. 110% is still the same - incorrect, no matter what sass follows it.
  2. weyes


    i don't get fisting. is that for real? is it only done by women who've given birth, or what ?... weyes afraid , weyes very afraid
  3. i think it was right after filming the mask that cameron diaz got her now trademark "broke-ass crackho'" look. i don't think she's looked halfway-decent since that movie, and it was her first .
  4. everyone's sorrows are worse than everyone else's now, aren't they ? there's no such thing as 110% .
  5. all i see is a red x, but it gives me a good chance to tell you how much i like your sig, darth . "liar, liar" was intended to teach kids a lesson, mostly, i think (wasn't it touchstone?), and i think the whole "boobs in the elevator" scene (which i had forgotten - thanks ) was a good advance lesson for the young'uns .
  6. update: hey, vic - did you realize a lot of the varieties now come in low-fat versions??????
  7. here's one for the holidays: we've gotten so spoiled by the existence and convenience of one-stop-shopping that it can get frustrating that it's not possible right now, with so many different kinds of gifts to buy. o well - if one thinks of us being lucky in general, having to go to lots of different stores right now won't seem that bad . sorry to make x-mas sound all about comercialism, it isn't entirely... tune in tomorrow.
  8. lalate wondered here if it's too loud there. i remember someone saying that there was a quiet-ish section of the place, but i agree that i'd like to really be able to hear people. any thoughts on that, as you've been there?
  9. weyes


    i love you, too!
  10. not even any post-party pics? why must i keep missing deep dish every time they come out here (bad timing )?
  11. why am i up this late? seriously - i don't really wanna be up right now. maybe i should work on this ... must disconnect now...
  12. i'm in california, which has helped my depression considerably. winter used to be absolutely miserable for me. but the holidays still suck ass as far as i'm concerned. i love thanksgiving 'cause it's really chill with both sides of my family, but i couldn't go home this year 'cause i don't have any vacation time. and i'm not going home for x-mas, which i'm actually happy about, because i hate christmas, but i don't wanna get all descriptive as to why. then there's my birthday on december 27th, which everyone forgets, and won't even come out to celebrate 'cause people are mostly away to see their families all over the country, or i get "i'm so tired from x-mas and have to rest up for new year's,"... and i guess i can relate, 'cause it costs too much to buy the world x-mas gifts, party on new year's, and go out w/ me on my b'day. though i never require we do anything expensive . just coming over'd be cool, but by that time when people hear "out" they start to think down to even gas money. it's not that the world should revolve around my birthday, it's just that when my dad forgot it a few years ago it hurt . boo to december , but at least it's not cold here during the daytime.
  13. i found a guy who's everything i want - i don't even wanna go into all that he is, 'cause it just gets me sad . and i moved across the country 6 months after i met him - really unfair. but the problem between us is that there's no attraction. we get along famously and have always clicked, but there's absolutely no spark. no, it's not a case of "he's too nice and that's why i'm not attracted to him." he doesn't see me in a romantic/sexual way, either. that's just the way it is. i also think he may be gay (as do other mutual friends) and not know it. but maybe that's another story, maybe not . anyway, i hope i can find someone like him, because, as it stands, i've never loved any other male friend the way i love him (i can't quite explain it) and never even seen a guy in a romantic way who comes close .
  14. weyes

    I am so bored and horny

    weyes' ten-day outlook yes, we had some rain today and it seems we'll be having some tomorrow. so rare out here ... Today Nov 30 Showers 66°/52° 30 % Sun Dec 01 Partly Cloudy 67°/53° 0 % Mon Dec 02 Mostly Sunny 70°/51° 0 % Tue Dec 03 Mostly Sunny 75°/51° 0 % Wed Dec 04 Mostly Sunny 74°/49° 0 % Thu Dec 05 Mostly Sunny 68°/50° 0 % Fri Dec 06 Partly Cloudy 68°/51° 0 % Sat Dec 07 Partly Cloudy 68°/50° 20 % Sun Dec 08 Partly Cloudy 70°/49° 0 % Mon Dec 09 Partly Cloudy 70°/49° 0 %
  15. i don't just throw that phrase around; i only say it when i sincerely mean it. people who don't understand the weight of those words and then toss 'em out freely really bug me . i don't really, truly love that many people, and i don't just love everyone in my family because i'm "supposed to"; it doesn't work like that. a girl with whom i went to high school had an outgoing answering machine message that said something close to, "hi, this is caroline, leave me a message. i love you!" i realized soon after i met her that she was a phony and that we wouldn't be good friends .
  16. duh - vermont ! i believe vermont was first, too !
  17. eating balanced meals isn't just good for your health on paper; eating too much of the same thing (or the same thing all day) can make actually you sick ... take note of suggested serving sizes and use common sense ! tune in tomorrow.
  18. ya didn't hear that from me... it's just that he beat out james dean and the young hollywood of today , up until some age - i'm not really counting...
  19. december 27th is my birthday... maybe i'll have to start a whole thread about that ...
  20. yeah - i noticed that... hope you had a good one, gmc!
  21. where's the love ? i, most likely, use more smileys than anyone else on cp. sometimes ya gotsta, to get across the exact nature of your comment. other times, ya just wanna use 'em to be an asshole . (just kidding, t0ny!) but here are my smiley gripes: most overused sucky smiley on cp: lamest smiley on cp that people actually use: . boggles my mind.
  22. thanks, chrles . yeah, avb is the only one i've seen. but i downloaded some derrick carter (i'm listening to it right now ) and i'm into him . color me excited !!! (just wish it were on new year's and not new year's day .)
  23. i was thinking that about all of them! seriously, though, torontostar, i hope you visit different kinds of clubs to make sure you get a sense of each's different vibe; they really do vary quite a bit. if you do go to spundae, you'll find that it's the most laid-back, unpretentious, no-bullshit club around . it's so unconcerned with image that the lighting in the back bathrooms (i never use the front ones) is all blacklight, making it virtually impossible to check makeup or really tell how imperfect one might look after dancing for four hours without respite to consistently good talent .
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