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Everything posted by weyes

  1. that happened to me once; he said it and was lying, but i didn't let it stop me 'cause i wanted to have sex anyway .
  2. that was an inappropriate, unempathatic, asshole remark .
  3. honey is every thursday and was just moved to circus (it used to be at arena). i've been on their e-mailing list forever but never bothered to go. but this week i saw that the east coast boogie men were going to be there, and i remembered liking them a lot from a rave 15 months ago, so i decided to go. of course, i couldn't convince anyone to go with me, even though i could get people on a list for $5 admission. but i went anyway, and the music was so damn kickass that i danced till i was wet and sticking to my pants. *note to self: do not wear a tube top when dancing to very energetic house . anyway, i don't know if honey is always house, but i can find out. l.a. peeps, if they bring in people this good every week and always have such a nice group of patrons, i think it's definitely worth going. and i'll tell you about the list !
  4. i like oreos and always have a package of the reduced fat ones (they're actually good) going as my "chocolate that i won't eat too much of at once." but they're dissatisfying because they don't fulfill my cookie craving somehow. maybe it's 'cause they're too chocolatey and i can only eat about four at once .
  5. in what genre would you say deepsky's falls?
  6. go out on a weeknight every once in a while, ya punkasses !!! tune in tomorrow.
  7. my mom always told me that a gynecologist is supposed to stick her finger up a woman's butt during the usual annual exam, but so far i'd always been lucky to never have that happen, and i'd been to a bunch of different gynecologists ('cause i've switched insurances, moved, etc.). but today, it happened . aaaaaggghhhh!!! and she didn't even warn me! besides it being unpleasant enough having someone put her entire finger up my ass (and i swear it must've been the longest one possible :worry2: ), she made me bleed. not cool !!! i hate the gynecologist anyway; it's degrading enough having to get slathered up in k-y and probed painfully, then left all naked in a cold room, all slimy from the ridiculous amount of goo they've smeared all over me. i walk around the rest of the day feeling like a piece of meat . but today was the absolute worst.
  8. what planet are you on???????? have you ever known anyone who was overweight? have you ever seen a tv show or a movie in which there was an overweight character (i.e. "the nutty professor," "austin powers #1, #2, or #3"?) fat people are constantly made fun of, told that they'll never get any sex or love, and that it's easy to lose weight, all of which are untrue. it's commonplace to laugh at and look down on overweight people, and, believe me, plenty of people say, "damn, you need to stop eating." not only have roseanne barr, rosie o'donnell, and horatio sanz most likely been told that every week of their lives, but when i was overweight, people sure didn't mind telling me their thoughts about it - anytime, anyplace, even if i had just met them.
  9. you're kidding with the third paragraph, right, gmc? that seemed like a no-brainer to me.
  10. my jaw is still on the floor *looking for it now...
  11. sure. i'm no prejudiced mofo. if communication is a problem between the person and me, it would be whether we were romantic or not, and it wouldn't work out, just like with anyone else, but not because he is handicapped. one of my good friends is legally blind, but can see somewhat. she gets along very well, just needs people to read things for her, like signs, menus, etc. she has special software for her computer, listens to books on tape, and is a highly paid copy editor in nyc. most people that meet her don't know she can't see well until reading comes into play. and she's never had any trouble with men or in the bedroom .
  12. o, thinking back, we did have a moment once, but i said it, and it just got us to keep going at it with a little more determination: "why are we so retarded?"
  13. eeeeeeewwwwww . that's just icky.
  14. yo' mama's so fat, when she wears yellow, people on the street try to hail her. yo' mama's so fat, every time she turns around, it's tomorrow. what's up with you people? you don't have any ?
  15. thanks, vic . everything's all right so far. we're just waiting on slides from the operation in july to see what's up. if the cyst looks like it's coming back (25% chance), they'll have to go back in ( ) and take out the whole ovary. they say they'll get back to me in a few weeks. sigh. surgery's wack, i hope i don't have to go through that again .
  16. it can be easy to get in that "homebody" rut, but if you don't get yourself out there, think of all the great people you'll miss out on meeting . maybe you'll meet someone who'll be a great partner with whom to go out in the future . tune in tomorrow.
  17. yeah, i think mentioning kids during sex might wreck the whole *dirty* aspect of it . and i'm with you, rdancer; shit that really crosses the freaky line might just make me wanna put my clothes back on and take stock of the relationship for a second .
  18. i've tried that and it doesn't work for two reasons: i can't find a garter belt large enough (my natural waist is 37 and they don't come much bigger than that) and, even if i could, the stockings that would go with it would then sag from being lower. everything fits just so, y'know ?
  19. i was in the cookie aisle of the supermarket today and really wanted some archway molasses cookies (i'll keep 'em away from you, gmc; i care about your health ), but i resisted the temptation, thinking of my poor chompers. that sonicare thing always scared me ...
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