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Everything posted by weyes

  1. go to the poll: http://bbs.clubplanet.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=114052
  2. a few years ago, i lost my period altogether, and boy, was i excited . one doctor i went to said it wasn't a big deal, but another said i should go on the pill to bring it back, and my mom was freaking out that i wasn't menstruating, so, here i am, on the pill, and thereby bleeding again . anyway, i also have my mom to thank for some shitty genes . those that used to give me a really heavy flow, and cramps that hurt so badly i used to have to sneak out of high school to go home, take off all my clothes, lie on the cold bathroom floor naked, and fall asleep to feel better. o, percoset worked too. but if those bullshit women on tv say anything about midol working one more time i swear i will smack them. my period used to always be 7 days, too, just like my mom's. now that i'm on the pill, i only take prescription painkillers the first few days (not narcotics) and every once in a while, i'll catch a break and it'll last for six. it's barely there at all the last few days, but enough to be a pain . how long does yours usually last?
  3. nope; footographer was only into the male feet .
  4. weyes

    What is a Raspberry?

    that's "razzing."
  5. it's never too late to make amends. step 8 of every twelve step program is: 8. Made a list of all persons we had harmed, and became willing to make amends to them all. this is one of the last few steps because it is one of the harder and more adult steps to go through. it requires soul-searching, self-forgiveness, empathy, courage, effort, and caring - all great things. i say, go for it .
  6. if darthvader is asking if you're serious, you know it's a crazy question !
  7. i can't tell what it is .
  8. who's your favorite james bond? the original sean connery? the long-lasting roger moore? the short-lived timothy dalton? the current pierce brosnan? while sean connery certainly was dashing, roger moore had a certain suavity that i always admired as a kid, because he wasn't a guy i found very attractive. sean connery had the ladies just handed to him, while roger moore had to use his wits, charm, and trickery to get 'em, and - um - do all that spy stuff. it makes him more amusing, fun, and impressive, to me .
  9. i heard a couple of years ago that coke was what was starting to send sasha's career south... i haven't been to the mayan yet. please let me in on that, kids - how it is in general, how it worked last night, etc. that's where armin van buuren'll be on sept. 5th, and i'll be making my comeback to the dancefloor!
  10. i've always wondered what the hair would look like without the "crunch."
  11. the way i dance can only be performed in sneakers . and i just can't tolerate intolerant places with dress codes. every time i go out there are some people dressed up way more than i am who make comments under their breath (i hear you, rude people ), but i'm not there to impress them.
  12. that's the thing - he wouldn't know who she is, either. he also has no cultural literacy at all. it seriously seems as though he doesn't absorb a thing that goes on in the world around him. he knows a few recent movies and what he saw on tv this past year, maybe what jack in the box offers on its menu, that's about it. my new and only theory that satisfyingly explains it is that he might be from another planet .
  13. what kind of a night was it? sad? high-stress? or just crazy partying? or something else?
  14. attack stains on your clothes as soon as possible - zout kicks some serious ass - they really can come out quite easily if you get 'em early. i don't mean to sound like an ad for that stuff, but it's amazing. really, i had to pass this on... tune in tomorrow.
  15. weyes

    im recovering...

    how did your bone get fragmented in the first place?
  16. hmm... that's tough, finding an accurate representation in smileys... but that's the most honest and the closest .
  17. i think that's mostly because russian girls tend to be rather beautiful (the ones i've met, anyway).
  18. that is the cutest picture of speedy i've ever seen . i wonder why there are extra hats on the ground, though. come to think of it, there's a word i say these days that comes out with a SoCal accent, and i notice it every time. i can't remember what it is right now, though... i feel like such a sellout ...
  19. why'd you pick this board for it?
  20. ok, i know these "what kind of ____ are you?" threads can be tiresome, but i always wonder what people sound like. a lot of people say, "i don't have an accent," but everyone does, from somewhere (from some part of america, if you're american, smartypantses. just be descriptive.). so, if you can't describe what kind of accent you have, just name someone famous who has your accent. i, for instance, am from new york city, but people often say, "you don't sound like you're from new york," 'cause they expect me to have an outerborough/long island accent (i don't, 'cause i'm from manhattan). i pronounce coffee like: cof-fee, not caa-fee quarter like quar-ter, not quad-der and whatever like what-e-ver, not what-ev-a but i can't think of a famous person... i guess, like most national newscaster types - the ones who don't sound southern, midwestern, like they're from new england, or any other place you can safely eliminate, if that makes any sense ...
  21. weyes

    depression poll

    i would think that a good deal of both the nocturnal (and i don't mean "people who like to go to parties") and ecstasy-using populations (and there are many people who belong to both ) are depressed.
  22. one time i was getting off the 1/9 at 42nd, and a guy followed me off the train. he said something about me having nice feet, and asked if i would take my shoes off. this was winter, and i was wearing big, clunky shoes, so i don't know what he meant about my feet being nice, since you couldn't really see them. i've got big feet, since i'm tall, maybe that was it; he was a really short guy - i dunno. i said no, and that i had to go. he asked me where i was going and was following me all through the station, which, as you know, is huge. i was walking through loads of tunnels, 'cause it was snowing and freezing out and i didn't wanna walk so far in the cold. he said he'd go with me where i was going, etc., etc. i told him i had to meet someone, which was true, i was meeting my dad. he countered with the favorite, "who, your boyfriend?" and i was saved. but not without asking me for a hug before i left .
  23. you mean that when a girl comes near you your dick gets inserted into some orifice, yes? i was confused by this statement at first, thinking maybe that you hid your penis, like you were a transvestite, then i thought maybe that your dick disappeared when things like, say, scissors, flew near it. all this to say that that was a sketchy statement . seriously, though, i'm not trying to be sassy; just saying that that's not really a cool thing to say, 'cause it doesn't exactly follow .
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