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Everything posted by xtcvitality

  1. 2-CB won't give you a headache or any sort of negative crash (except that all the glory has ended). I don't know what gave you a nasty headache trajik, but it most definately wasn't 2-cb, unless you took it in combination with other things...10mgs also seems a little low to me, at least for the effects that I would desire.
  2. BANANANIDE!!! That is such a crock of shit. This is just a myth started by some idiot back in the day....try morning glory seeds if you want to try anything. DO NOT go and suck on a can of duster however. This shit is deadly as deadly gets. I Have done it in the past, and honestly, since that day, I feel less intelligent. Crack is probably more healthy to do than that shit.
  3. I had one of my most bizarre and intense drug experiences last friday night. I took 3.5 pills, and sniffed between .5-1 pills. I was doing large bumps of k periodically throughout the night. I was also smoking massive quantities of high grade cannabis. When things started to wind down a bit, I decided it was benificial to my well being to do a large line of K and a couple bulbs of nitrous. Oh boy was this interesting. As soon as I took my first whippit, I was off into space unlike I have ever been before. I barely remember the experience, but I do remember being utterly GONE. As soon as I walked out of the room we were doing nitrous in, I turned to my girlfriend and said "What the fuck just happened in there" and smoked a well deserved cigarette....
  4. Be careful with this stuff. There is NOTHING in the world quite like it. If you venture to do it, make sure you have a sober trip sitter watching you the whole time. This drug is a psychedelic rocket to the brain, it cannot be compared to anything else. And no matter how "ready" you are for the intensity of this trip, you aren't. Be safe and good luck...
  5. I've had the HP's before, they are pretty damn good if yah ask me. Definately not the BEST pill I've ever had, but most definately worth your money. I'd give em a 7.5 outta ten probably.
  6. I completely agree with you on all aspects dirty.
  7. I've tried coke maybe a half dozen times. I have had extremely good coke and pretty weak coke. Every single time I did it, I thought it was a waste of time. I find it boring, uninteresting, expensive, and annoying. I did a 6 inch line of very potent coke and found the high to be...stupid and boring, if that makes sense to you. I did have a lot of energy and had some decent euphoria, but the entire time I was unintentionally thinking about when the time for the next line was. That was the last time I did it and don't plan on touching it again. There are so many more enjoyable drugs out there. And some of them I actually come out of the trip/high with something. Usually when I trip on mushrooms or acid I work out a lot of personal problems in my head mid trip. The only thing a coke binge would leave me with is an empty wallet. Shroomy -- you seem to have similar tastes in drugs to me, and if thats true, then coke probably wouldn't be your thing at all. I'd rather have an eighth of shrooms or five nice tabs any day of the week. Drugs are supposed to be fun, not annoying. But I also know that is just me, a lot of people truly do enjoy the coke high though. Personal preference I guess...
  8. Shroomy, you took the words right out of my mouth, as usual. See...the thing about this whole post that bothers me is that every single person that posted left out the fact that the only way drugs can be even close to safe, which they are really not, is by using them in MODERATION. Yes kiddies...there is such a thing out there called moderation. It may take practice and some will power, but its the best thing for you in the world of drugs. It took me awhile to realize it, but drugs are also a lot more enjoyable when used in moderation. I used to roll at least once a week when I first started doing ecstacy, but I realized, relatively quickly, that this was just not the best way to do drugs. Now, I rarely do ecstacy and save it for special occasions. Now, when I do it, it is fun and enjoyable and an experience to remember. Same goes with every other drug I do... (except weed, that doesn't count). Of course drugs are bad for you, but so is everything...right? They are even "Scientific Studies" about how excercise can be addictive and very dangerous for you in excess. So WHAT exactly IS healthy for you? Not a god damn thing, thats the problem. So why the hell shouldn't we use drugs? Do you really think you could stare at a lava lamp sober for 3 hours and have fun? I don't think so. Drugs make things more enjoyable. Some drugs do damage to your body and brain, but if you are a responsible drug user who does drugs in moderation, this can be combated with regular exercise, vitamins, proper hydration, and general well being. There are thousands of people out there that use drugs in moderation and live perfectly normal, happy, and HEALTHY lives. However though, people that go out every weekend and take their week's paycheck in pills are not going to be healthy people. On a similar note...do you think that someone who ate $150 of red meat in an 8 hour period would be healthy? What about someone who goes to the bar every Friday and Saturday and spends the same at the bar? Face it people, the happiest people in the world are the ignorant, second in line are the responsible drug users. I'm not saying drugs are a good or bad, drugs are just drugs and they have been around for thousands of years. Drug ABUSE however, is bad and should be avoided. Enjoy your drugs kiddies, just not every day.
  9. I FINALLY got some cid on Friday...ohboywasitsogoodtome....I only took 2 and didn't have any visuals to speak of, but it was great fun nonethlesss....
  10. I'm so insanely jealous. That's all I have to say.
  11. Back in the day....LSD used to be put on all sorts of things, Candy and microdots were a very common method of administration. For some reason people just stopped putting it on these things though. Microdots are still around, but are definately a rarity in these lsdless days. I have heard around the block that some of the only good LSD on the east coast is some brown microdots floating around. It is supposed to be very strong but a bit dirty. Back in the 70's people used to be acid on sweettarts and candy necklaces on a regular basis. Why o why does there have to be a shortage...its been since xmas since I've had any.....
  12. Mesc is a white crystalline powder and any pressed "Mescaline" pill would have to be one hell of a horse pill and definately no microdot. If you were taking Microdots that didn't feel like cid or mushies then it was probably DOM or DOB or something of the sort, but definately not Mesc. Mesc is extremely rare and extremely expensive. Unless there is some super, ultra, mega, radioactive mescaline floating around, then those microdots aren't mesc, but are something like LSD, DOM, DOB, or probably even 5-MEO-DiPt or 5-MeO-AMT. But then again...who said they were mesc, I Know shroomy knows better than to think those were mescaline. So what exactly are those happy little brown pellets?
  13. That can't be mesc...mesc isn't active in that small of a dose...is it microdot cid?? Or even synthetic psylocibin?
  14. They already have a law in California that any event of over 500 people attending that plays electronic dance music is considered a rave and with this new law that most likely will pass, raves in california are going to be non existent or few and far between. This is not only going to affect raves, but ANY club that plays electronic music or even any club where there is a possibility of there being ecstacy there....hrmm....I'm sure theirs Yankees games where there are people rolling....are they gonna fine the yankees too??
  15. The drugs are the last thing I'm worried about when it comes to this bill. The government is singling out a certain type of person and hindering them from assembling. This is prejudice at its finest here folks...I really could give two shits about the drugs...I'm more worried about our civil liberties that they are slowly taking away. The government is becomming more ignorant by the day, if enough people say something about this, then our voice will be heard!
  16. See...the problem with this bill is that it DOES target the music we listen to. It is directly stated in the bill that Electronic dance music events and electronic dance music clubs are dangerous places to be. The bill is vague enough, just the like drug analogue act, that it can be bent to their will whenever they please. This DOES effect the rave community and it does directly target raves and electronic music clubs hence the name of the bill RAVE Act. This is not only targeting drugs people. The bill states that it only targets drugs, but it does MUCH more than that...Picture this scenario....Mr. Senator's Daughter goes to a club in NYC...lets say...exit....she goes and has a great time, but OD's at the end of the night. Prior to this law, there would not be much that the Senator could do in the public eye except discipline his child. POST RAVE Act, Exit gets fined hundreds of thousands of dollars and most likely gets shut down. If this law is passed, legitimate business people will be getting fined for the crimes of their customers. If people become frightened to throw raves or open afterhours night clubs, they will be wiped out of existence...and what happens to the music then? I doubt any of you will going to see Danny T or Danny H when theres no more night clubs open.
  17. (RAVE Act) is the name of the damn bill! The OH SO WISE senate seems to think that penalizing the people that throw raves or electronic dance music events will reduce the amount of ecstacy that their kids are doing. There is so much about this bill that is SO wrong and unconstitutional...People need to voice their opinion, at least EMAIL your senators if you don't call them...go to your senators part of the page (http://www.senate.gov/senators/senator_by_state.cfm) and go to contact your senator. Their is an email form thing you can fill out. Just bitch about how this is unconstitutional and it violates the first amendment and our right to assemble. This not only affects Raves like One Nation or Boo 6, but it affects megaclubs like EXIT, VINYL, AVALON, BUZZ....If you people like your techno clubs, DO SOMETHING ABOUT THIS!
  18. No nightclub owner, promoter, or event coordinator is safe. Bill could halt musical events such as raves The Senate is poised to pass legislation that would give federal prosecutors new powers to shut down raves or other musical events and punish innocent business men and women for hosting or promoting them. The bill, known as the Reducing American's Vulnerability to Ecstasy Act (RAVE Act), was just introduced in the Senate on June 18th and has already passed the Senate Judiciary Committee. It is moving VERY rapidly and could be passed by the Senate as early as next week. Worse still, the Senate leadership considers this draconian drug war bill to be so uncontroversial that they are trying to pass it under "unanimous consent" rules, which will mean no debate and no real vote. It is absolutely vital that your Senators here from you today. They need to know that this bill is a danger to civil liberties and is unacceptable. ACTIONS TO TAKE: --Call your Senators and tell them to stop S. 2633, the Reducing American's Vulnerability to Ecstasy Act from becoming law. Tell them that innocent business owners shouldn't be punished for the crimes of their customers. Tell them this bill has dangerous anti-civil liberties provisions that they need to be aware of, and this bill deserves serious debate. You can contact your Senators through the Capitol Switchboard at 202-224-3121. To find out who your Senators are go to: http://www.senate.gov/senators/senator_by_state.cfm --Please forward this action alert to your friends and family. The Senate needs to know that voters find this bill unacceptable. MORE ON THE BILL S. 2633, sponsored by Senators Durbin (D-IL), Hatch (R-UT), Grassley (R-IA) and Leahy (D-VT), would greatly expand the so-called "crack house statute" and potentially subject innocent business men and women to enormous fines if customers sold or used drugs on their premises or at their events - even if they were not involved in the offenses in any way. If the bill becomes law, property owners, promoters, and event coordinators could be fined hundreds of thousands of dollars if they hold raves or other events on their property. This bill is a part of a Justice Department strategy to halt all musical events they don't like, such as raves. For more information on this bill, go to http://thomas.loc.gov/ and under "bill number" search for S2633. (from the Drug Policy Alliance) Please people, don't just sit on your ass and say "Oh that sucks...I hope it doesn't pass" CALL YOUR SENATOR, EMAIL YOUR SENATOR, do EVERYTHING you can possibly think of to try and stop this violation of all of our civil rights!
  19. No nightclub owner, promoter, or event coordinator is safe. Bill could halt musical events such as raves The Senate is poised to pass legislation that would give federal prosecutors new powers to shut down raves or other musical events and punish innocent business men and women for hosting or promoting them. The bill, known as the Reducing American's Vulnerability to Ecstasy Act (RAVE Act), was just introduced in the Senate on June 18th and has already passed the Senate Judiciary Committee. It is moving VERY rapidly and could be passed by the Senate as early as next week. Worse still, the Senate leadership considers this draconian drug war bill to be so uncontroversial that they are trying to pass it under "unanimous consent" rules, which will mean no debate and no real vote. It is absolutely vital that your Senators here from you today. They need to know that this bill is a danger to civil liberties and is unacceptable. ACTIONS TO TAKE: --Call your Senators and tell them to stop S. 2633, the Reducing American's Vulnerability to Ecstasy Act from becoming law. Tell them that innocent business owners shouldn't be punished for the crimes of their customers. Tell them this bill has dangerous anti-civil liberties provisions that they need to be aware of, and this bill deserves serious debate. You can contact your Senators through the Capitol Switchboard at 202-224-3121. To find out who your Senators are go to: http://www.senate.gov/senators/senator_by_state.cfm --Please forward this action alert to your friends and family. The Senate needs to know that voters find this bill unacceptable. MORE ON THE BILL S. 2633, sponsored by Senators Durbin (D-IL), Hatch (R-UT), Grassley (R-IA) and Leahy (D-VT), would greatly expand the so-called "crack house statute" and potentially subject innocent business men and women to enormous fines if customers sold or used drugs on their premises or at their events - even if they were not involved in the offenses in any way. If the bill becomes law, property owners, promoters, and event coordinators could be fined hundreds of thousands of dollars if they hold raves or other events on their property. This bill is a part of a Justice Department strategy to halt all musical events they don't like, such as raves. For more information on this bill, go to http://thomas.loc.gov/ and under "bill number" search for S2633. (from the Drug Policy Alliance) Please people, don't just sit on your ass and say "Oh that sucks...I hope it doesn't pass" CALL YOUR SENATOR, EMAIL YOUR SENATOR, do EVERYTHING you can possibly think of to try and stop this violation of all of our civil rights!
  20. No nightclub owner, promoter, or event coordinator is safe. Bill could halt musical events such as raves The Senate is poised to pass legislation that would give federal prosecutors new powers to shut down raves or other musical events and punish innocent business men and women for hosting or promoting them. The bill, known as the Reducing American's Vulnerability to Ecstasy Act (RAVE Act), was just introduced in the Senate on June 18th and has already passed the Senate Judiciary Committee. It is moving VERY rapidly and could be passed by the Senate as early as next week. Worse still, the Senate leadership considers this draconian drug war bill to be so uncontroversial that they are trying to pass it under "unanimous consent" rules, which will mean no debate and no real vote. It is absolutely vital that your Senators here from you today. They need to know that this bill is a danger to civil liberties and is unacceptable. ACTIONS TO TAKE: --Call your Senators and tell them to stop S. 2633, the Reducing American's Vulnerability to Ecstasy Act from becoming law. Tell them that innocent business owners shouldn't be punished for the crimes of their customers. Tell them this bill has dangerous anti-civil liberties provisions that they need to be aware of, and this bill deserves serious debate. You can contact your Senators through the Capitol Switchboard at 202-224-3121. To find out who your Senators are go to: http://www.senate.gov/senators/senator_by_state.cfm --Please forward this action alert to your friends and family. The Senate needs to know that voters find this bill unacceptable. MORE ON THE BILL S. 2633, sponsored by Senators Durbin (D-IL), Hatch (R-UT), Grassley (R-IA) and Leahy (D-VT), would greatly expand the so-called "crack house statute" and potentially subject innocent business men and women to enormous fines if customers sold or used drugs on their premises or at their events - even if they were not involved in the offenses in any way. If the bill becomes law, property owners, promoters, and event coordinators could be fined hundreds of thousands of dollars if they hold raves or other events on their property. This bill is a part of a Justice Department strategy to halt all musical events they don't like, such as raves. For more information on this bill, go to http://thomas.loc.gov/ and under "bill number" search for S2633. (from the Drug Policy Alliance) Please people, don't just sit on your ass and say "Oh that sucks...I hope it doesn't pass" CALL YOUR SENATOR, EMAIL YOUR SENATOR, do EVERYTHING you can possibly think of to try and stop this violation of all of our civil rights!
  21. Hendrix, Morrison ,Ozzy, The guy from the Eagles, Green Velvet, and Perry Farrel. It is definately hard to say whose done the most...but these guys are definately on the top of the list...Ozzy probably takes the cake though...
  22. Definately drink like a fish. Preferably hard alcohol. Do a couple shots of vodka or rum and it'll bring your roll bakc up a bit. The booze puts you into a nice slumber. I can't do it much anymore cause i Fucked up my stomach with a capitol F. The kitty kat is also a great thing to knock you out.
  23. Basically what shroomy said. I did it for the first time about 2 months ago while I was rolling. Definately interesting...made my face feel like it was on fire, but it blew me out of the water for about 5 minutes. Now heres a question...anyone ever blown a menthalated kolonapin while rolling? If not...give it a go sometime........
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