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Everything posted by xtcvitality

  1. Yah weed blows me the fuck up too, makes my visuals twice as intense. See with me though...acid is much harder on my body than E. My stomach always feels like its eating itself away...especially on the shit i've been getting recently. My body always hurts while I'm tripping, but now before I trip I always take a tylenol 3 or whatever pain killer I can get. I also found if I take a couple percocets while I'm tripping, I start to trip harder and my body feels like it does while I'm rolling....its kind of fun. And oh, good advice about not calling your parents while tripping...thats never fun.
  2. Well taking into consideration that I don't think weed is really a "drug"...besides herb, my first drug was acid...I was in 7th grade and my brother gave me the wrong joint (he dipped the tips of his joints in cid) and I ended up wiggin...it all went downhill from there...
  3. Oh so many drugs to try....I think Nexus(2CB) would be my next choice...if I could find it that is....Then some of hte alphabet drugs...like 2-ct-7 and dpt....I think I wanna try DMT too though...
  4. Gamit is right, it is horrible on your heart. I believe, but don't quote me on it, that there is some possible side effect where you can get a "permahardon" if you take to much viagra with E. I can't remember if that is just a myth or fact though. I've heard it is nice for sex but quite dangerious though....Just be safe.
  5. You should be golden 72 hours after taking your pills...MDMA has a pretty short halflife in your body.
  6. Go to www.cannabis.com and check on their drug testing message board...there are a few people there that know more than you can imagine about getting your system clean of any sorta drug.
  7. Good explanation of a bad trip Gambit...I usually keep xanax around when I'm gonna be tripping. I also find that if I want to trip really hard, then I can't be around large groups of people. Sometimes it is just too much. I end trying to concentrate on everyone and that is just not possible. I like tripping my girlfriend and maybe 1-2 other really close friends, anymore than that it can get too crazy. The only "loop" I ever got into was on shrooms actually...I later found that those kind of shrooms "wavy caps" cause feelings of near death and paranoia very commonly. It still bothers me though, I can take 20 hits of acid with no problem but a 1/2 eigth of killer shrooms makes me feel like I'm going to die. Oh well.
  8. While I'm rolling I always think I look pretty good, but when I see pictures of me while I was fucked outta my mind...I think I look disgusting...my eyes are all tweaked and I always have the retard typewriter jaw going on...I've seen one picture of me when I was rolling so hard I looked like I had downsyndrome.
  9. Shroomy--That was one of the best descriptions I've heard for acid. I am usually at a loss of words when people ask me what it is like. Very nicely put. I actually found some acid recently that I wouldn't recommend a whole hit for a first time user. I witnessed a relatively experienced tripper wig out on a whole hit. Extremely good hits...I originally thought they were going to be fake too, but ended up being the best hits I've ever eaten...and they are just white blotter too. The shit keeps on comin to me too..I love it.
  10. Acid is so much different than rolls...Its hard to even describe...I get so unbelievably happy when I'm tripping balls. Everything is funny to me, you could tell me my mother just died and I would probably laugh. You see shit moving all the time, like the walls, floor, peoples faces...shit looks like its melting, but its different for everyone. You get really scatterbrained and can't think straight, but you don't really give a fuck about it either. Your body does get uncomfortable at points, but usually I'm to happy or zoned out to really care...these days I pop a couple tylenol 3's before I start tripping, they really help on the whole body load thing. But anyhow, acid is just great...that's all I can say, but it's also not everyones thing...some people love it, some people hate it.
  11. When I'm rolling, I hate the strobe lights in clubs...they get me very disoriented. I'd much rather watch someone who was good at dancing with lights. I personally like the photon lights, especially the III's and the RAV'N's. I have a plethora of them. If anyone wants to know where to get em cheap as hell IM me.
  12. What does everyone think about upclose light shows when your rolling? Do you like em or do they bother you? I personally think they are great, makes me feel all mushy inside when someone good gives one to me when I'm all fucked up. I like giving them to people better than getting them though. It's funny to see people drooling on themselves after they get a good light show.
  13. www.vicomptel.com/Photon_Main.html Cheapest place on the interenet to get LEGIT photon lights, with the warrenty and all...rav'ns are only 18 bucks.
  14. The one drug, besides the multitude of research chemicals around, that I haven't tried. It's just not my bag baby...I'm all set with the sickness it gives you and the horrible addiction. I'd much rather trip balls or roll face thank you.
  15. Cid was dry up here in CT for a long ass time too, but right before New Years it started comin around again. VERY good blotter too. Probably around 150mics or so. 2 would send me into another time zone and I've taken WAY to much acid in the past. Just be patient, it'll come your way sometime soon.
  16. Well it depends on what you want it for...I use it just for pre and post loading for rolling. What I usually do, is starting about 2-3 hours before I plan on dropping, I take 100 mgs every 45 min to an hour until a half hour before I drop my first pill. I usually take like 250-350mg of 5-htp total before I roll. In the morning, or when I'm almost baseline again, before I decide to crash for the night, I take 100-200mg of htp. When I wake up after sleeping for awhile I'll take another 100mg, 200mg if I took a lot of pills. When I preload, I also take 1000mg of magnesium for the jaw clenching, 1000mg or so of vit C for nuerotoxicity. If you are going to take 5-htp on a regular basis and not just for pre/post rolling, don't take more than 100mg a day. It's too expensive to take more than that.
  17. Groove too...its about a rave and everyone is poppin pills...pretty straight movie, candy raved out, but good none the less...I thought a couple of the actors did a good job acting as if they were rolling.
  18. I agreed that getting too fucked up in clubs is not a good thing...I can't say I haven't done it before, but I don't even roll at clubs anymore. It kills me seeing people fallin all over the place in clubs...save that for home, its safer and you don't make an ass outta yourself.
  19. I dunno about the greenish ones, but the blue and white ones were shitty...they were "real" but very weak.
  20. What a person calls a pill means absolutely nothing at all. It's not like the person/group pressing the pills has a ritual when they press a new pill and say "I now dub thee--BIN LADEN!" I've heard the same pill called so many different things...I've heard those @ pills called at least a dozen different names. Some wiseass out there probably picked up some of those "B" pills and decided to call them Bin Ladens...and oh, by the way, in Europe they are commonly known as "Bentleys".
  21. Yah, anyone got info on these? I just picked some up and am wondering if they are any good or not...any input would be greatly appreciated.
  22. Well, it's still there, it's www.pillreport.com, they must not have paid for the other domain or something...oh well
  23. Anyone know what the deal is with www.pillreports.com? I hope it comes back, that page has saved my ass many a time...
  24. I love taking shots while I'm rolling. It makes me roll so much harder. I can drink cheep vodka like water while I'm rolling, its great. I know its horrible for me, but wtf, I'm already pumping MDMA and god knows what else through my blood.
  25. ACID! I drank like 15 beers and then dropped 2 tabs. I was all tweaked. Best acid I've had in years, if not ever. 2 of these fuckers felt like 10 honestly. Was a great night until my friend got Alcohol poisoning and became a demon to me.
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