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Everything posted by xtcvitality

  1. I wish I could get my hands on some DMT or DPT. Very intense but shorter trips. DPT sounds great, but I'd tread lightely with it because it seems extremely potent.
  2. Yah cid and rolls are my thing too, only did crystal a couple times, I like to stick to the psychedelics, much much much more fun in my eyes. I wish cid was as easy to get as it was back in the day for me...oh well, maybe it's better that way, I'd be trippin everyday if it were up to me.
  3. 5-htp is better, it is a direct precursor to seratonin.
  4. Yah that fake "red rock" opium shit was nothing but chunks of insense. I knew people that would make a killing on that shit. Selling it for like 10 a gram and getting it for like 25 cents a gram. There is also a lot of fake black tar going around too though. I was getting some very good, very tasty real black tar last fall for about 15-20 a gram though.
  5. its a new club night, not a whole new club, read that link I posted for more details...remember though i'm functioning on rumors here.
  6. Actually Gamit I gotta correct yah...crystal will come up as Methampetamine which is just bad news. If you did a good deal of crystal it can stay in your system for up to two weeks. It was you first time though so it shouldn't be in there that long. It depends on a lot of things though, mainly your metabolism. You SHOULD be alright in a week, but don't quote me on that.
  7. Your right Shroomy, it is a very dangerous chemical. It is very dose sensative, especially when insulfated. A lot of people swear by it though. I personally would never ever sniff the shit, and if I did come by some, I'd have to know the purity and be able to measure the dosage to the pin. I'd take it orally, but only in low doses, its way to unstable to risk taking higher doses. The big reason I want to take it is for it's visuals. From what I hear the visuals are supposed to be astounding, but I'm not sure if the risks of taking the drug are worth it. It is definately something I'd have to think over very thuroughly before doing. I'm actually much more interested in finding some Foxy Methoxy or some 5-MeO-DMT to play around with.
  8. I actually like to go to big events or parties with big line ups mostly sober. I like to remember actually going out and seeing some phat dj. I regret a lot of times in the past that I'd go to a crazy ass party with huge names and shit and come home in the morning and not remember a damn thing. Drugs, especially pills, kill my memory for a night...sometimes memories besides "DAMN I WAS FUCKED UP!" are nice to have.
  9. Yah, I've had my experiences like that as well though. I am pretty similar to you in your drug usage. I always research shit and always try to keep risk as low as possible by doing whatever I can. I ended up getting some shrooms one time, which is my drug of choice, and got a little too over excited about them. The person I got them from warned me that they were extremely strong and not to eat more than 2 grams of them...of course I didn't believe him. I ended up eating like 7.5 grams of these unbelievably potent shrooms and ended up delerious and wishing for death in the bathroom all night. Those experiences are definately not fun....
  10. Hell yah, I'd pay so much more for quality. I'd pay double what I pay for pills for some pure MDA
  11. No glowbana isn't a club, its just a night...like "Buzz" at nations in DC, or "Sexy" at Roxy. Glowbana will be replacing Sexy, Roxy will be the Venue for Glowbana.
  12. I wish I could get my hands on some pure MDA...The couple times i've had good MDA were amazing, but I can also imagine how that fucked you over Shroomy....That hadda suck.
  13. I hit myself for it now, but a few years ago my friend had like 3 grams of 2-ct-7 and said he would give it to me. But of course, I had no fuckin idea what it was and I figured he was fucking with me so I didn't take any. Oh well...I know I'll take some next time I see it, but only if I KNOW the dosage and purity. That stuff is way to unstable to be taking it blindly.
  14. If he can't get acid...I'd like to see em get 2CB or 2-CT-7, 2CB is almost as hard to get as pure mescaline. LSD is WAY more common than either of those. Also...I wouldn't recommend 2-ct-7 to anyone that can't find acid, if you can't find acid or haven't done acid then you definately shouldn't be fuckin with 2-ct-7.
  15. Hey everyone, I heard they are gonna replace "Sexy" @ Roxy. One of the half owners of Twilo is gonna be having "Glowbana" instead. Check out this link: http://www.bluelight.nu/ubb/ultimatebb.php?ubb=get_topic&f=21&t=002956 it's not definate yet, but sounds like it will be soon. The new night is supposed to open with Paul Van Dyke spinning an extra long set.
  16. Well...I substituted acid for cocaine, e for methamphetamines, and shrooms for heroin....I'm not likin those numbers they came up...I spend WAAAAAYYYYYY to much on drugs...especially pills...........Wow...I could buy a 61" HDTV AND go on a wild african safari...too much money on weed, booze, and piznills...sheeit....
  17. Think we're bad, talk to some heavy clubbers or pillheads from the UK, they eat pills like pez over there...I would too at those prices though...
  18. GOD no, 60 bucks a gram? Thats purely rediculous...I was getting some VERY good black tar opium for awhile for 20 a gram and cheaper if you buy more. Make sure you get to test it before you buy anything...there is a lot of fake shit out there.
  19. NOT a good combination. VERY bad for your heart. My girlfriend's brother takes stacker 3's like candy on a daily basis, and when he rolls after taking like 8 stackers throughout the day he gets little mini seizures when he's peaking. It's pretty frightening to see actually...the times that i've combined them, I get very very nauseaus and I get chest pains...one time I actually blacked in the club cause my heart was going so fast.
  20. I've personally taken 7 in one night, in a bout 3 hours or so. Most I've taken at once was 3 and then 2 more at a time 2 hours later. I usually take 2-4 depending on the quality of the pills..after that it's just a waste.
  21. Actually, I prefer to go to clubs "sober", which to me is a drink a little booze before hand, smoke some herb, and eat some ephedrine. I haven't rolled or gotten fucked up at a club or party in a long time...I prefer to do my drugs outside the club at my apartment or a friends place...I'd much rather not have to worry about bouncers and narcs. I prefer being comfortable and being able to do what I want, smoke what I want, drink what I want, whenever I want.
  22. I HATE lots of smoke in a club...I can't breath right when there is a lot of smoke, it makes me sick.
  23. very good idea actually...you can get it right from the source that way. When you buy at a head shop or smoke shop you pay a lot extra. The people that make the pipes travel around and pawn off their pipes to head shops and whatnot. The headshops then have to jack up prices. I like www.pipefactory.com some really nice pieces on there. The other place I've seen where pipes are REALLY cheap and REALLY nice is on venice beach, CA. Bong shops every 50 feet...and thats not an exaggeration.
  24. Ahh, was definately my most interesting trip ever. I went to go smoke some herb with my brother, it would have been the 3rd time I ever got high...I'd only been drunk one time previous to this as well. I think I was just barely 12 years old. My brother at the time was a huge acid head...he'd trip almost on a daily basis, just eat tabs non stop throughout the day. Basically...he was fried. He eventually started dipping his joints...the part where you put your mouth, into cid...only about a cm up the joint, but still...thats a lot of acid for a 12 year old. So here I am...12...unsuspecting of what the fuck I'm about to experience. My brother hands me a joint...he said I could have the whole thing. So I'm sitting there...sucking down this joint, getting high as hell. Right when I'm about to finish the joint...my brother goes "Oh mygod...Jared...let me see that joint..........OH FUCK I GAVE YOU THE WRONG JOINT!" I had no idea what he was talking about, I was high as shit. He starts babbling to his friends about how fucked up I'm gonna be in an hour and all this shit. I remember him saying I took the equivelant of about 4-5 hits of acid and that I'd never tripped before and whatnot. I had no clue what was going on already. I just thought I was really high...until I started to hallucinate. Of course, at this time, I was going through puberty and whatnot, just starting to get hair on my arms and shit. I begin to freak out, screaming and shit at my brother. I started to stare at my arms, and I very vividly watched my arms grow huge masses of hair...I looked liked some kind of beast in my eyes. I freaked...started rambling about how I was turning into an animal. I started running around on all fours and growling at my brother and his friends. I eventually ended up digging through my neighbors trash and pissing on their front door. It got worse though...I was running on all fours in the middle of the road and I jumped up onto the hood of a car and screamed at the driver. I remember "snapping out of it" and kind of waking up from a sleep or something and I found myself standing on one of my neighbors car hood, shirt off, ripping up hands and knees and whatnot. It was pretty rediculous actually. My brother talked to the neighbor and agreed to pay for the damages...considering it WAS his fault I was tweaked and all. And the neighbor agreed to never tell my parents. Thank god...Anyhow...I was still tripping balls after that incident, but my head was more...together i guess...Apparently I was running around on all fours for like 3-4 hours. the only things I remember from the whole incident were watching myself turn into a beast and snapping out of it on top of a moving car. I laugh about it now, but I was pretty traumatized for awhile. Didn't stop me from taking acid now though...gotta love it.............
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