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Everything posted by xtcvitality

  1. Color of a pill means nothing of what is in it. Is DXM green, how bout K, nope they are both white. Color is just from the filler or dyes that are in the pills.
  2. Does anyone know if it is effective at all to smoke a pill. I had a few extra for a party I'm havin this weekend and I wanted to crush em up and roll a pillblunt or something. Personal experiences would be nice, thanks! :D
  3. Mesc is amazing. It is definately one of my choice drugs..which I could find it around here more but it only comes around once in awhile. Its fun to drop a pill with, better than candy flippin or hippy flippin. Makes you love EVERYTHING. I like doing it with cid too. Just watch your alcohol intake on it, its easy to drink way to much for your body to handle and not even notice it. It is really mellow and relaxing, but when there is a line you can cross that is just too much and crazy amounts of paranoia follow after you cross that line...
  4. Most definately some of the alphabet drugs...DOB sounds the most interesting to me, cause its trip is so long. 2-CT-7 Sounds great too but from what i hear it is pretty unpredictable and I'm not to fond of the idea of keeling over from 1mg that I shouldn't have taken. DMT sounds great too, I like really intense shit. Best thing I've ever done though would be E, mesc, and acid at the same time...dunno what the hell kinda flip that is, but it was pure bliss from my eyes....
  5. I had those "old" biohazards when they first came out and never had a large problem with them. They did make a buncha people I was with throwup, but everyone rolled extremely hard. No one had a bad roll. There was something odd about them though. They made everyone extremely horny. Two months after that my friend took one and rolled face and had some of the same weird side effects we had when we took them originally. I enjoyed them and was very surprised when I heard that a lot of people thought they were bad pills.
  6. Thats how it USED to be for me, maybe I've rolled a lot more than you, who knows...but I got to the point now where I won't roll anymore at parties or clubs cause I just sit there. Trippin is a diff story though...I used to dance the night away while I was rolling...not anymore though.
  7. This happens to me all the time, I don't even like to go to parties and roll anymore because of it. I'll be dancin around like a maniac, then I drop a pill and I can't dance anymore. I don't know why it is, but after awhile pills just don't allow me to dance well at all. Maybe I just get too uncoordinated or something, who knows...
  8. I'm gonna have to go with gambit on this one, there is nothing like a good ol flip. For a nice change throw in some mushrooms instead of cid and thats spectacular too. Too bad there ain't no cid around lately....
  9. I had a similar experience to that. Went to a club and found a guy with a vial. He was trippin his balls off and I went to buy a few hits from him. He ended up squirting at least 1/4 of the vial into my mouth and not even realizing it. I swished the cid around in my mouth for a second, said fuck it and swallowed it all. I had to leave the club in about an hour cause the lights were too damned bright and that strobe was making me tweak. Went home and sat in my room by myself and bugged all night and into the next day. Was definately interesting...went out and took 5 pills the next night cause it was new years eve.
  10. Be very very very careful with railing it though, 1 mg could send you over the edge. Don't rail more than 8-10mg at one time or you could be in serious trouble. If your gonna eat it, east anywhere from 20-30 mg if you want a decent trip. Just be careful with it, not much is known about it yet. Its still legal too, thats how new it is.
  11. My most bizarre trip happened at a club in Hartford. I took 7 tabs of some decent acid and was buggin in the club. I stumbled upon a friendly dealer that had some mescaline. Took 3 hits of it and kept buggin on my cid. About 2 hours after I took the mesc I blew a 20 bag of k and sat in a khole for an hour. Once I got out of the K hole the acid was gone and the mescaline was on strong. I thought I was teleported to a different club and was running around asking people what club I was in. The whole place looked completely different. Then the walls started to melt and it was time to go...
  12. The ones I had were white...white as white can be. Great rolls.
  13. sometimes pills give me gas before i roll. Its really annoying actually. I never used to get it, but of course once I started abusing it I start blowin ass in the middle of the club. I always gag before I start rollin, so does my girl. Oh well, at least I'm not one of those unlucky people that have to take a shit before their roll kicks in or it wont...
  14. I had some of these last weekend. Best Rolls I've had since White Zorro's. I ate 2.5 and I was faced, which doesn't really happen that often anymore. They didn't even taste like mdma though, they tasted like chaulk. I tested them and they came up straight. Thickest pill I've ever seen though. Snatch em up if you can.
  15. I just had some white supermans this past weekend, amazing pills. I thought they would be beat at first, I tasted em and they tasted like chalk and they were by far the largest pill I've ever seen, but then I tested them and they tested positive so I ate some. Best roll I've had since White Zorros. The new rolling stones aren't bad actually, I had them a few weeks ago and they are better than the ones that were around last March. They are above average for pills these days. Don't forget to stay away from those shitty 21's.
  16. One time my friend and I smoked way to much wet (hemy, dust) whatever, and he thought he was jamaican and was attempting to sound jamaican all night. He was completely convinced that was how he normally talked. He sounded like a moron and was basically speaking jibberish, but it was kind of humorous...until he decided it was his time to die and tucked himself in the corner for 3 hours and was crying for his mommy. It was an interesting night...
  17. I do any psychodelic I can get. E twice a month usually, but slowing down considerably cause it's really losing its fun as the pills get worse and my brain depletes more and more. Acid and shrooms are by far my favorite. I like to do K on the rare occasion while I'm rolling for a little extra boost of fun. Weed isn't a drug though, it's a way of life and I need it to function. I like rolling at my apartment with my girl or a buncha friends, that's always a nice bonding experience. I'm really not to big on rolling at parties anymore cause I just get all doped out and just sit around like the etard I am. Candy flipping though...thats a whole different story.....
  18. I've been in the same situation as you a few times before. I used to smoke way to much and I just didn't get high anymore, offa any kind of weed. If you take a break for like 3-4 weeks and get your system cleaned out a bit you'll get high again when you start smokin again. I actually used to have a strong mental dependence on weed. I was high 90% of the day for about a year. Being sober to me felt wrong and if I didn't smoke a blunt in the morning I'd be an asshole for the rest of the day. I only smoke in moderation now cause it is 10 times better that way. Try taking a break for a month and then only smoke a couple times a week, you'll enjoy it much more.
  19. REAL Eurodollars are amazing, the ones that are flat on both sides with a score on the back and the symbol that looks like the quake II symbol. Great pills, preload too if you can, it does wonders.
  20. I finally got around to trying the whole preloading process. I ate about 350 mgs of 5-htp in a 5 hour period before i dropped my first bomb. This shit actually worked. I hadn't had a good roll in at least 3-4 months and I was feeling great after just 1 pill wherin it usually takes 2 at once to get how i felt. It definately brought some of the magic back for me, I recommend it to anyone out there that lost the magic of rolling like I did.
  21. They are pretty good pills. I had ones back in march that I did to death that were just average, but there is a new batch out that is damn good. I had some 2 weekends ago. Definately a good roll.
  22. It's all set, I got ahold of the makers of the drink and they told me it has no affect on it. So it's all good.
  23. Hi, my girlfriend used one of those drinks that flushes your system so she could pass a drug test. My question is, will it affect birth control? I need a firm answer here, preferably from someone with experience or solid knowledge on the subject. Thanks
  24. Actually it is VERY easy to overdo it with shrooms. It all depends on the kind. The ones you have to watch out for have kind of wavey caps and the stems are quite blue. I've eaten a lot of shrooms and about a month ago I ate only 2.5 grams of these (less than an eigth) and I was so fucked I couldn't see 2 feet in front of me. I ended up thinking I was going to die. These shrooms are very rare though, but watch out for them, they cause bad or evil trips much easier than 99% of the shrooms out there. Otherwise...Shrooms are extremely fun, my favorite thing to do, even after the bad trip. Just gotta know what your eating.
  25. I had one of those yellow CK's last new years. I took that one first in the night along with 4 other pills. I didn't sleep for 4 nights because of that pill. I later got the guy who sold me one to let me test one of them and it came up as pure speed. Crystal is fun, but not when your expecting a pill. There is a large amount of speed in those pills too, which can be dangerous especially to those sensative to methamphetamine. I was pretty lucky considering I took 4 other bombs that night too. Remember to test your pills...Its becoming more important every day.
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