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Everything posted by xtcvitality

  1. I don't get it, the past 6 months cid has been so insanely hard to get, and in the past 24 hours i've been practically bathing in it. What the fuck is the deal with that? Where did it come from? Oh well, fuck it, all I know is that it's damn good and its gonna be in my mouth on the reg for a few weeks....trollin on into new years....sounds like fun.
  2. blazn has a point, people are lazy, especially weedheads. I know if I could walk into 7-11 and buy a bag for a decent price I would instead of grow my own. It's all about convenience. I also believe the government would make billions if weed was legalized. They blow billions every year on the "drug war", they could be profitting offa this harmless substance instead of blowing all their money on arresting teenagers smokin dope. Although, if weed were legalized there would be a lot more laziness, like there isn't enough as it is...
  3. Just good ol blotter white fluff. I really don't care what it is at this point, some silver blotter woulda been nice but...oh well, I'll take anything at this point. I've been going insane trying to get some, just in time for new years too.
  4. Woo hoooooo, finally got me some of them magic pieces of paper that make me oh so crazy...it's been a long long long 6 months without them...WOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOO
  5. Pillreports is a great site, but I've noticed in the past few months that it's usefullness has declined greatly. There are a lot of morons posting on there now, and a lot of dealers "plugging" their pills. I don't trust just a couple of posts about a pill, there has to be a lot of posts about a pill for it to be even remotely accurate. Remember, every pill is different, even ones in the same batch. Always test your pills and never rely soley on word of mouth. :roll: :roll: Happy rollin!
  6. I don't take it everyday, but I do take it frequently. If I find I'm going to roll on a coming up weekend and I rolled within the past month, I take 100mg everyday up until the day I plan to roll. On that day, about 2-3 hours before I plan on dropping, I start eating 50mg every 30 minutes until I pop my pill. I usually take 250-400mg before I roll, it really helps my roll a lot. It brings back the happiness I used to get when I roll. The morning after I roll I usually take 100-200mg. The next couple days after I take 100mg a day for 3-4 days. I don't get depressed a couple days after rolling anymore. Previously, before I started taking 5-htp, I would get extremely depressed on the Monday or Tuesday after a long weekend of partying. Haven't had that in a long time though. Try it, you'll like it.
  7. Oh shit, I forgot dust too...can't forget getting dusted and floppin around like a fool.
  8. I do any psycedelic I can get my hands on. E on the reg, acid and shrooms when I can get them, smoke on a daily basis (only the good sheeit), K if I'm feeling a bit saucy, opium on the reg, and thats about it...God I wish I had acid right now......
  9. + = ^2 Thats some funny shit right there.
  10. Those brown igloos with those little dots are amazing. I took 4 the other weekend and was in a whole different world. Definately one of the best pills I've had since white zorros.
  11. Try crushin up a pill and throwin it in...it'll get you fucked up quite nicely.
  12. xtcvitality

    Ass & Titties

    Definately ass.........DJ Funk is the shit btw...
  13. Definately a question most experienced users cannot answer. Theres single nights that I don't even know how many pills I took, nevermind how many in my life. All I know is that its a lot, and I probably could have bought a nice car with all the money I spent...
  14. I don't even remember my first time. It was 2 years before I even got into the scene. I went to a club and just took everything that people put in my face. I don't even remember walking through the door of the place, and some how I got home. Oh well, my third time was actually my best time, second time I took it I was with a buncha jackasses and all we did was sit around and watch tv. Got it right and went to a club the third time, had the best and most memorable night of my life.
  15. It's all in your head, the color, generally doesn't have anything to do with what is in the pill. The color is dyes or fillers the pill pressers used to make the pill. Theres as good of a chance that a white pill would be bunk as a green pill would.
  16. Morning glory seeds ain't no joke, if you eat enough of them and prepare them right, you trip balls. It's actually very close to acid, instead of LSD it is LSA. It does make your stomach hurt like a bastard though, but it's a hell of a lot better than DXM or nutmeg. Just make sure you soak your seeds in grain alcohol for a few days to take all the poisons the distributors put on the seeds.
  17. This last weekend, I had a rollin party at my house. Everyones goal was to get massively fucked up, and everyone did. My friend took 4 pills, we had igloos, and we smoked a 1/2 pill with some good ganja. We was doing shots of vodka to boot. He didnt even remember taking that last pill, but he had to of cause it was gone, but anyhow...After he started taking shots, he started to get delerious and had no idea who he was or what was going on around him. He would point to random objects in the room and say "The combination is 3, 4, 1, 7..." and kept doing it until he started puking everywhere. While he was puking he was yelling "I'm not gonna puke, just leave me alone and find the combination!" It was rather interesting to see, got me quite worried actually, but...oh well, he's fine today.
  18. Yah, I don't think I'd smoke a pill in public. I was havin a house party so it was the perfect place to do it. After seeing my friend get delerious and not even know who his fiancee was, I'm kind of rethinking taking a lot of pills at clubs or parties. I wouldn't want to be like that where any sort of authoritative figure would see me..I.E. Cops and bouncers.
  19. Well, smoking that pill did wonders. It shocked the hell outta me actually. I was already on 3 pills, but, I crushed up a 1/2 igloo and threw it on some nugs. I think 5 of us smoked it, I was already rolling face, but as soon as I took that first hit, I was rolling so hard I could barely see. I think it fucked one of my friends up way to much though, he got all delerious and had no idea what he was doing. He would point at random objects and go "The combination is 3, 4, 7, 1..." and no one had any idea what he was talking about. Was kind of odd.
  20. Dropped my first pill fall of 00...done about 250 since then...Don't know if I can keep this pace up...now where'd I put that seratonin...
  21. Weed is the best suppliment to any drug...I couldn't live without it. Lately when I smoke herb I throw some opium in with it...now I got two habits to keep up...
  22. xtcvitality


    nope, i've been playin for an hour now...only 2 hours left of work to go...this game should get me through it...
  23. I'd have to choose weed...gotta have my funky green shit.
  24. It's not just for me though, its gonna be for like 6 people...I think I might just throw like a halfa pill in 4 bowls or somerhing so I don't just suck the pill down or spill some...We'll see, I'll post and tell how it went on saturday.
  25. Guess I know what I'm doing with those 2 extra Igloos I got...I'm gonna make me a really expensive blunt and smoke it up. Thanks for the input. I'm gonna get hiiiigggggghhhhhhh.......
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