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Everything posted by ancientskewl

  1. http://www.egroups.com/files/shinesworld/12.26.2000/jigglin.gif I'm sure this will make SOMEBODY's day... ------------------ "Those who know, don't tell. Those who tell, don't know."
  2. ancientskewl


    The chances are that you're not meeting them at the right places or at the right time. You might wish to consider the following: 1) stop looking -- don't worry, he'll find you. 2) carefully evaluate the type of guy you're attracted to, and find out up front what his status is. Oh yeah...before you get too attached, make sure he's willing to commit to spending some serious time with you...if he's not free he won't be able to spend as much time with you as you'd like and will always have those "odd" excuses as to why he can't be with you. ------------------ "Those who know, don't tell. Those who tell, don't know."
  3. Ok, I saw it, I take back the Prostitution part. I was entertained -- especially looking at some of their faces when the Hotties were paraded in front of them. ------------------ "Those who know, don't tell. Those who tell, don't know."
  4. Whoops...My Bad...I wasn't trying to imply that Dolcemimi was an imposter... I was asking if anyone knew "in general" how to expose one. FTR: It seems that Dolcemimi consistantly asks the questions that gets the most responses. Keep em coming Girly-Gurl. ------------------ "Those who know, don't tell. Those who tell, don't know."
  5. Check it out...you won't be disappointed! I was Blown away when I saw that mine was there. http://SendThisNow.com/c.e?11A95A ------------------ "Those who know, don't tell. Those who tell, don't know."
  6. Not enough information Bro... 1) house, apartment, dorm? 2) do you own it? 3) windows? 4) materials the walls/ceiling/floor made of? joeydollaz hit it on the head, eggcrates will do the trick (a little) inexpensively. Got more money: Use Sonex. If your'e planning on insulating the wall then do it correctly: Build an insulated wall in front of the existing wall and make sure they don't touch. Nothing will work as long as there's windows, and you're sharing the "floor" with your neighbor, i.e., the two biggest problems are air and the fact that the rooms are connected in some way (if they share the floor, ceiling, or wall; then the vibrations will transmit). Consider heavy carpeting, Heavy Drapes, and speaker placement. All this will cut down on most frequencies, but will not elliminate the problem unless the room can be COMPLETELY isolated. ------------------ "Those who know, don't tell. Those who tell, don't know."
  7. Yeah Guys…the floor’s probably going to kill you unless it’s made of a dense material like concrete which is probably unlikely. You can condition all the walls and even the ceiling, but if you have a standard wooden/hardwood floor, it’s going to vibrate and transmit the sounds to your neighbor. What they’ll hear can be greatly reduced but they’ll still hear/feel it as long as there’s a connection. I found a publication/booklet a while ago which might help you. At your request I can snail mail it to you (no charge of course). A lot of the techniques I know are used for Recording Studio applications but the booklet does describe some less expensive techniques which might help you out. Later ------------------ "Those who know, don't tell. Those who tell, don't know."
  8. Let's see: The Temptresses, and Temptors are getting paid to seduce (or attempt to seduce) supposedly commited couples...If true, then they're getting paid to have sex, If true then it sounds like prostitution to me. I might watch the first and last episodes just to see the format and to make sure my theory was sound. ------------------ "Those who know, don't tell. Those who tell, don't know."
  9. Ok…I’m not really trying to cause any Drama, I just did’nt know where else to post this and I know it's probably not the greatest idea…the Sex, and Jersey Boards were’nt active enough and the Drama Board’s too vicious. Inquiring minds want to know: 1) Who’s dating who on this Board? 2) Whom would’nt you mind dating on this board (assuming you were free to do so?) I’ll put my neck out and say that based on the replies/posts alone I’d like (in no particular order) Likmylipz Misskittie MissDiva Executress BlueAngel This is of course how I’m feeling as of today this moment. Yesterday the list was slightly different. ------------------ "Those who know, don't tell. Those who tell, don't know."
  10. Most of you are into Twilo,Exit,Metro,SF,etc... Do you ever go out to dance to or listen to live Band Music? Are you not into that scene? I'm not talking about the Major Concerts at MSG or Continental. I'm talking about the smaller venues featuring touring Bands, and local talent. Is this too cheesy for you hard core clubbers? ------------------ "Those who know, don't tell. Those who tell, don't know."
  11. Communications, my man, is key to any relationship. You've already described a fairly lopsided situation...one which is not in your favor. Talk to her and express your feelings. The answer will become clear very quickly. Imnikki is correct about the activities: you won't find someone who likes every single thing that you do, however, you will find plenty of Ladies who like MANY of the things you like (i.e., you;ll have something in common). If you continue as you are now (not saying anything) you will start to boil inside as each day passes. Each time you attend an art function with her you'll be "hatin' life". Each time she refuses to watch you compete or attend one of your functions you'll another black mark will be tallied against her in your mind. Eventually, both of you'll become so miserable you'll wonder what you were thinking in the first place. Again: Communication. Talk about it now to make sure you're wasting each other's time. ------------------ "Those who know, don't tell. Those who tell, don't know."
  12. He's not neccessarily a Psycho...he might be "testing" the waters to see if he can either get you involved in a sexually oriented conversation, or find out if you might be interested in a quick Fuck by how you respond. To say: "Relax, I'm just kidding" is an old tactic used to cover up a comment which backfired. And for the rest of you guys: How do you expose an imposter? ------------------ "Those who know, don't tell. Those who tell, don't know."
  13. Well said my Ancient Bruh.... ------------------ "Those who know, don't tell. Those who tell, don't know."
  14. Old enough to be your father...Hell, I'm old enough to be nearly everyone on this Board's father...Old as Methusela, Old as the Hills, Got more miles on my ancient ass than a road map. So old my birth certificate's carved in stone... ------------------ "Those who know, don't tell. Those who tell, don't know."
  15. Always forgive...Never forget...A grudge never feels good and only ferments inside you like a festering sore. You'll be a much happier human if you acknowlege what he did...think of it as an immature act done to you in the past, keep in mind that people hurt people, and always look forward. ------------------ "Those who know, don't tell. Those who tell, don't know."
  16. ancientskewl


    Holy Shit...OMG...that Dancer Dude in the second picture looks EXCATLY LIKE ME!!! I had to take a second look to be sure! I shit you not!!! ------------------ "Those who know, don't tell. Those who tell, don't know."
  17. Daaaaammmmmmmnnnnn! Gurl!!! U R THE SHIT ------------------ "Those who know, don't tell. Those who tell, don't know."
  18. MrDick...you sound an awful lot like me...might you too be an "ancient" one? ------------------ "Those who know, don't tell. Those who tell, don't know."
  19. Be careful young whippersnapperz:. Check this out and judge for yourself. www.intellicheck.com A scanning device which reads encoded information on your ID to determine whether it's fake or not. And it also can be used to generate mailing lists. Some clubs are getting tired of underage drinking. ------------------ "Those who know, don't tell. Those who tell, don't know."
  20. Old Clubbers never die....they become Club Owners who know what Clubbers want. ------------------ "Those who know, don't tell. Those who tell, don't know."
  21. Stairwell of Apartment Building. ------------------ "Those who know, don't tell. Those who tell, don't know."
  22. I'm with GG. Everyone has the opportunity to check the party out and report back to all those whom are interested. I've heard a CD of the talent and am familiar with the described specs of the system. I'd like to experience it "live"..if nothing else just to see if LaRaver can deliver as promised. What do you have to lose? See you there. ------------------ "Those who know, don't tell. Those who tell, don't know."
  23. Stairwell of an apartment building. ------------------ "Those who know, don't tell. Those who tell, don't know."
  24. Stairwelll of an apartment building. ------------------ "Those who know, don't tell. Those who tell, don't know."
  25. ancientskewl


    Now, now Dee, don't dispair…getting eaten isn’t going to get “everyone” off. The fact that you’ve only had two guys may be a factor. Try a few more. There are some really experienced guys/gals who know all kinds of trix (I bet you’ll get a few offers any second now). It’s also possible that your partners were’nt familiar enough with the female anatomy (location of man-in-boat) or maybe you just need someone to spend a little more time down there…for some women it takes a really loooooong time. You’ll get a different technique from each partner. You may need additional stimulation (a finger, a toy, etc… . You could try longer foreplay, or if your man’s really confident, have him bring you to the point of orgasm with regular intercourse, and then have him pull out, and finish you off with his tongue. Or, you could always get a woman to eat you…they DO know what a girl wants you know, and they would be sooooo much more patient. The worse case scenario is that Oral sex just doesn’t do it for you. Don’t freak out…one sure fire final way is to manually stimulate yourself while your partner’s munching. Good luck with the experimentation and keep us informed. ------------------ "Those who know, don't tell. Those who tell, don't know."
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