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Everything posted by ancientskewl

  1. [This message has been edited by ancientskewl (edited 01-23-2001).]
  2. Holy shit....I did'nt find out about that until I was like 18...so I guess that's about right. Ok...then try this: 1) Place your hand flat on the table. 2) Curl your middle finger under and towards your palm as far as it will go. 3) leaving all other fingers on the table, attempt to lift the finger closest to your pinky. . . How did the council meeting go Rachel1997? ------------------ "Those who know, don't tell. Those who tell, don't know."
  3. I think you answered your own question, and Starcapone also hit it on the head (multiple rooms with less emphasis on the HipHop). The issue is that the owners are putting their considerable investments on the line by allowing anything which would put their license to operate at risk. Many Hip-Hop clubs/nights have the misfortune of drawing a lot of negative attention due to well publicized "incidents of violence". Put yourself in the owner's shoes for one night and objectively ask yourself the following question: Am I more at risk of losing everything with a HipHop/Rap night or ---- (insert any other type of genre). While I personally have no issue with any one type of music, I recognize that certain styles of music will draw certain types of crowds. Have fun... ------------------ "Those who know, don't tell. Those who tell, don't know."
  4. Did you know that your foot is the same length as the inside of your forearm (from wrist to elbow). Try it w/o your shoes. ------------------ "Those who know, don't tell. Those who tell, don't know."
  5. Those are really nice...did you do them yourself, and are they customizable ... or did you get them from a website? ------------------ "Those who know, don't tell. Those who tell, don't know."
  6. Hey Puck...what's the GoGo scene like down there these days? Has it gotten any safer? ------------------ "Those who know, don't tell. Those who tell, don't know."
  7. Middle of the day, on a Bus, stopped at a traffic light,I looked down into the car beside us -- no reason. The car was positioned between the bus, parked cars and cars in front and behind him...so he could'nt move. He had his meat out and was whackin' the shit out of it -- big time! It was funny as shit...I just blurted out laughing telling everyone around me on the bus to check it out some people even got his attention to let him know he'd been busted. ." ------------------ "Those who know, don't tell. Those who tell, don't know [This message has been edited by ancientskewl (edited 01-23-2001).]
  8. What was the verdict Rach'? ------------------ "Those who know, don't tell. Those who tell, don't know."
  9. Molson XXX -- (strong beer) illegal in the US available in Canada! ------------------ "Those who know, don't tell. Those who tell, don't know."
  10. I thought it was kinda odd that the NJ Board wasn't as active as the NY one. If more people continued to respond to posts here maybe that'll change? Hope so; watching NJ clubs get bashed around on the NY board get's old quickly. ------------------ "Those who know, don't tell. Those who tell, don't know."
  11. From LBI: I remember Touche, and Joe Pop...Do you? The Ketch was nice. Whatever happened to Touche anyway was'nt it Michele's at one point? And Does anyone remember Tsunami in Long Branch? This was a verrrrry looooong time ago when Dinosaurs roamed Seven President's Park. ------------------ "Those who know, don't tell. Those who tell, don't know."
  12. I just read in the Suburban last night that Sayreville was reconsidering moving the closing time for bars to 2:00am. Bunka has a Petition out to fight it. Can anyone tell me what town in NJ has the latest closing hour for Bars? ------------------ "Those who know, don't tell. Those who tell, don't know."
  13. Too young for what?!?!? Duuuuude. Spend some time in the Gym, or in the Library...wait till you're 18 then hit one of the clubz and hook up with a 30 year old! ------------------ "Those who know, don't tell. Those who tell, don't know."
  14. I had a protege at work that I became friends with....gave him the chance to learn a unique skill which would enable him to earn a Ton of money in his future. Helped him out financially, with side gigs, made sure he was compensated properly at work, blah, blah, blah...we used to party together, etc... I basically give him an opportunity to learn a seriously marketable skill when he had no experience. Long story short: I needed him to stay on the job as my "back" while I took care of the Degree thing. Then the first opportunity he got, he took a position elsewhere and quit on me without even giving me two weeks notice, or the chance to match the offer. I was more upset by the fact that he did'nt warn me as a friend...not by the fact that he felt he had a better job opportunity. Anyway, I haven't spoken to him sense and he knows he dicked me (we have mutual friends) it's been about 3 years now. ------------------ "Those who know, don't tell. Those who tell, don't know."
  15. Hey Lipz...have you ever considered that they wanted you to stop clubbing because you're so awesome and they were intimidated and afraid that you'd hook up while out? And Stripe...what kind of Rut are you in? Hone your craft while your'e waiting Miss It, and enjoy the break away from the relationship blues. Oh and remember: the grass is always greener on the other side my friend. ------------------ "Those who know, don't tell. Those who tell, don't know."
  16. I've got you beat...I think I even had a topic stolen from me from the Sex Board -- twice! ------------------ "Those who know, don't tell. Those who tell, don't know."
  17. I hear you G...thanks for asking for clarification first. Sometimes it's difficult to clearly say everything through these posts without writing a full dissertation. I can't say that I've ever experienced "suicidal love" IMO: NO ONE on this planet is worth taking your own life for. Madly in love...yes. Been hurt..of course. Thought that no else would do..definitely, many times! What I was trying to get at was that you can have these feelings for a number of individuals in any given lifetime. I just don't believe that there is only "One" single Human Being for each given person. Rather, if you meet someone today you can develop those feelings, but you could just as easily have met someone different tommorow or next year and develop the same feelings. So, used in that context, was the first one the "Right one" or the second? All I'm saying is that the "Right One" is more of a decision we make as opposed to a "mystical" or "cosmic" selection by some unseen force. Hope that clears it up. ------------------ "Those who know, don't tell. Those who tell, don't know."
  18. My theory, with respect to relationships: There's no such thing as the "Right one" as in the only one. There are in fact many individuals whom could fit this description for each of us. Consider: If you happen to live in the NY area all of your life, and it is your desire to have a relationship with someone, you probably will -- a lot can be said for timing and desire. If however you choose to abandon all potential mates in this region and re-locate to say, Cali, or Europe, or where ever... you can and most probably will meet someone there...so does that make him/her the "right one"? What happens is you meet someone whom meets your requirement for companionship -- someone whom you enjoy being around, who may satisfy your needs, etc. It is foolish to believe that this is the only human on the face of the Earth whom could fit that need. Eventually, you meet someone who meets "most" of your requirements but fall short in some other area (no one is perfect). You overlook and accept those shortcomings and thus, you allow a relationship to form. Again, does that mean that he/she is the "right one"? JMO but I believe that there are many "potential" ones for each of us, and once we decide that we've found an individual who meets our needs, AND, we are no longer willing to look further, we decide that that person is the one for us -- not some pre-ordained cosmic guidance that created that particular person just for us. ------------------ "Those who know, don't tell. Those who tell, don't know."
  19. C'mon now....I'm listening. ------------------ "Those who know, don't tell. Those who tell, don't know."
  20. St. Bernard...they're so Massive they don't have to be vicious. ------------------ "Those who know, don't tell. Those who tell, don't know."
  21. Agreed...plus the fact that you younger/faster clubbers of the new Millenium are demanding something more than just Big Massive Dark Rooms with Thundering Sound Systems -- i.e. you want some type of "Show" or event to accompany the experience. ------------------ "Those who know, don't tell. Those who tell, don't know."
  22. Japanese (Sushi) or Mexican should rate pretty high too. ------------------ "Those who know, don't tell. Those who tell, don't know."
  23. For any of you who ever got into a fight (male or female) at a Club...would you mind telling me what started it? Were you defending someone? Were you called a name? Did somebody push you, step on your toes, etc....could it have been avoided? ------------------ "Those who know, don't tell. Those who tell, don't know."
  24. I checked out DJs Chris and Dane at their TRANCE-IT AUTHORITY party last Sunday. If you Like Trance you owe it to yourself to check these Dudes out...It'll be good to see them in action in a Big Room. ------------------ "Those who know, don't tell. Those who tell, don't know."
  25. LMFAO -- Put a dash in your username Bud...or you just might have to live with it! ------------------ "Those who know, don't tell. Those who tell, don't know."
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