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Everything posted by ancientskewl

  1. ancientskewl

    TURN on

    First see her: The smile First time intimate: She screams like a Banshee. ------------------ "Those who know, don't tell. Those who tell, don't know."
  2. Hey Lipz...Who said that was a problem?!?! Try staying on top but facing the opposite direction (so that he's looking at your back). . If that does'nt work then have him use a "CONDOMinium" for round two. If that doesn't work, "beat him off (Hand-Job)" before round 1. If that doesnt work, get an older more experienced man. ------------------ "Those who know, don't tell. Those who tell, don't know." [This message has been edited by ancientskewl (edited 01-08-2001).]
  3. ancientskewl

    what the..

    Whole - E - SHIT!! ------------------ "Those who know, don't tell. Those who tell, don't know."
  4. Throw me in the Mix....I'm in. ------------------ "Those who know, don't tell. Those who tell, don't know."
  5. Sounds like a party....Phat Equipment...I'll be there. ------------------ "Those who know, don't tell. Those who tell, don't know."
  6. 1) For many people, Interracial dating adds a new/different dimension to the relationship. There’s a certain amount of taboo, defiance, and rebellion to it that usually intensifies the interaction. This adds a level of excitement which isn’t always present in some same-race relationships. Add to that, the whole texture and feel of a person of a different race from your own, and you’ve got a combination that many find irresistible. 2) You also have those enlightened individuals who were raised to see past color lines who just happened to meet their “soulmates”. The fact that they are not of the same race should be irrelevant, but sadly is not. 1) You have some individuals who were raised within a predjudiced household…told over and over again never to bring a xxxxxxx (<--insert any race here) person home. Sometimes being told over and over again not to do something makes that thing so irresistable that it’s nearly impossible to ignore (E,K,GHB,Weed,Alcohol...). 2) There are some who are just plain Curious…the “Myth” -- is it true? Only one way to find out. 3) Sometimes they just want to try something different in their quests for new and exciting experiences. I’m also not convinced that all white guys are “offended” by the sight (I may be wrong – feel free to correct me). No more than they would be if they saw some nasty, disgusting human who got lucky and scored a really attractive lady (think: Fat Nasty Bastard in Austin Powers II, or Mr. Klump in The Nutty Proffessor). And come on now….you’re not really doing sociological research are you? If you were, your question might have been phrased slightly different. Anyway, good luck with the research…and publish the results for us when it’s done. ------------------ "Those who know, don't tell. Those who tell, don't know."
  7. Guess what? You're already his g/f! ....but to avoid any embarrasment and misunderstandings you HAVE to communicate with him to make sure you're both on the same page. ------------------ "Those who know, don't tell. Those who tell, don't know."
  8. Self explanatory...Don't feak out. I was clubbing before many of you were born! . I'm researching your comments for a new Club to be open in Spring, and in case your'e curious, I look like I'm 28.
  9. Speaking for all the "Ancient ones" I can tell you what it USED to mean from it's origins in slang: Hooked -- made some sort of connection...any connection. Whether legal,illegal, social, or otherwise. It was also used in the same way you would use the term "Phat" these days. (That shit was Phat = that shit was Hooked) Hooked-up -- meant that whatever was being referred to was "complete" or had all the good stuff and amenities of the day, it also meant that one or more people had established contact, and met. (His Ride was Hooked-up! -or- I Hooked-up with Da Man and scored some shit. -or- I Hooked-up with my HomeBoy last night and got ripped!). Hook-up -- a connection to something (legal, illegal, or otherwise) as in "I got the Hook-up" (see the Movie starring Rapper Master-P <A HREF="http://us.imdb.com/Title?I+Got+the+Hook+Up+(1998)">here</A> ) Anyway, I think you can see how the term morphed into some sexual "connection" of today. JMO and observation...I'm sure it's not complete. Correct me if I'm wrong. Anthropology-101.
  10. Wow! I shoot blanks occasionally too! But I thought it was because I had perfected having Orgasms without Ejaculating! I guess not. 6 times? 36 min? No recovery time eh? You should be in Pictures my friend LMFAO BIG TIME!
  12. It's not so much as whether or not she Likes you...I'm pretty sure she does to have stayed in the relationship that long. You fell victim to the "Shit or get off the Pot" syndrome that we Guys refer to as an "ultimatum". In her eyes her clock was probably running out and it no longer made sense for her to be with you without that ultimate commitment and sense of security. She also probably doesn't want to wait until she's 30+ to tie the knot. How old is she anyway?
  13. MAGNUMS -- for obvious reasons...
  14. ancientskewl

    IT's my BDAY

    Happy B-Lated... Old!? I've got more miles on me than a road map! Age is just a state of mind. Have as much sex as you can before your next B-Day.
  15. MAGNUMS...most others are just too Damn small.
  16. I'm with PETP...a hot girl is aggressive. I like that. It saves a lot of time, energy, and effort because there's no question, no games. There's something extremely sexy about a strong, intelligent, confident lady. And sad to say, but for me, the louder, and more obnoxious the lady is, the more it detracts from her.
  17. The guys hit it on the head: Cardio, diet, and exercise. Bottom line: Burn more calories than you take in, thus forcing your body to use fat reserves. 1) Cardio - good for heart and burning the most amount of calories in the least amount of time. 2) Be careful/conservative with Ab training using weights -- they're muscles, and will respond to training like any other muscle: by getting bigger. 3) Think: lose fat, not: lose weight. And I've found that the easiest way to get a six pack is to just get in your car, drive to the liquor store, and just buy one... Anyway, if you're trying to impress the ladies, do it with your head. If your'e trying to impress the guys, then....no comment.
  18. That sounds a little like one I heard from a pretty Irish Lass from NY a long time ago: Three mighty Hunters in the Bush were caught by cannibals and given a choice: Death, or BUFU by the Tribesmen. The Chief offered: Death or BUFU? The first mighty hunter thought long and hard and decided nothing could be worse than Death, so he chose BUFU since the Tribe kept chanting it over and over again, and him not knowing what it was. He was promptly whisked away and assaulted by the Men in the tribe in a hut beside the other two so that they could his screams – he survived. The second mighty Hunter was then offered the same choice from the Chief: DEATH or BUFU? The Tribe chanted BUFU, BUFU over and over again. He thought about this and also decided that nothing could be worse than Death so he too chose BUFU and was briskly whisked away and promptly De-Humanized – he survived. The Third mighty Hunter was horrified. The Chants of BUFU from the Tribe was at a frenzy now. The chief, smiling, gave him his option: DEATH or BUFU? The Hunter thought: there’s no way I’m letting a bunch of Tribesman have their way with me. He defiantly said to the Chief: I’ll take DEATH! The Chief looked at his Tribesman and Screamed: DEATH -- BY BUFU!
  19. Sailin's cool...But I gotta go with ichi_gami: PowerCruising's my thing.... Got an eye on a 52' situation just dying to grace Raritan and Sandy Hook Bays...everyone's welcome to party on that sik thing.
  20. Hey Dolcemimi, women rule the universe! Remember this and move on -- you won't have any problem meeting someone worthy of your presence. Him stepping out the picture was the best thing that could have happened to you. And for everyone else who was ever dumped for "no apparent reason": The real reason is probably that they were just "tired" of the relationship and just did'nt have the BallMeat to admit it before doing something stoopid like cheating....Immaturity runs rampant you know.
  21. I heard a CD from Chris a while ago...Definitely worth checking out. Should be a good time...Count me in.
  22. O-M-G!! Ladies...I FEEL YOU BIG TIME... I have that same problem with Old Assed Women hittin' on me! I'm not trying to be funny either. It's like I'm wearing some kind of sign than says: Broke-Down-Beastettes welcome... But you know it's all good in Da Hood. I treat them all with respect and give them props for coming up to me....that takes some serious nerves, and there's no reason to Dis em. Sorry if I offended anyone w/my original post.
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