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Everything posted by vixenfoxxy

  1. Ohhhhh riiiiiiight, I forgot about that Silly me! Silver man glue hm? What are ya, more special than everyone else that yours isn't just white?
  2. My mom went to take a class there some years back and she said none of the prof's speak english, she was pretty peeved. It's not known for its quality students, to say the least. But Old Westbury is VERY wealthy area in itself, approx. 25 to 30 mins from the city barring traffic. A few good schools on Long Island to consider instead: SUNY Stonybrook (a little farther out, like 50 mins. away) Hofstra (about the same distance as westbury) Dowling (south shore)
  3. Your signature is gone That makes you.... temporarily worthless! Quick quick! new sig!!!
  4. Never, Never a frozen dinner... my mom made herself a healthy choice thing once - it smelled like burnt rubber while cooking, I've never seen anything so revolting. I'm teaching myself to cook as the days go along - this week's specialties included mediterrean-style red snapper fillet garnished in fresh tomatos and herbs, and garlic-butter broiled lobster tails. Fortunately, I'm learning rather quickly Althought I found I am too grossed out by chicken and most red meat to be able to prepare it, so that by the time it's all cooked I can't eat it anyway and I just give it to my housemates
  5. KOSTA???? I don't know about the rest of you but I've noticed this hugely unfortunate lack of obnoxious jersey greek curse-filled posts lately... Where's Kosta???
  6. Hey babe, do you have a passport? A birth certificate and a second form of picture ID if even a school ID? Those things will both work as substitutes.
  7. :D My girl Codica! Let's hear it for optimism and activism!
  8. OK quick, what's it on??? must go out must go out
  9. Does anyone want to go out tonight? I'm gonna go crazy if I don't go out and dance. I'm thinkin red - anyone else down? I'm open to suggestions but I'm just going to die if I don't do something!!!!
  10. How about because he or she cares about the scene, wants to see an improvement and is willing to sacrifice a little to support a party that DOES have the potential to change the place, given proper support? I mean, we all sit here and complain how bad this club is and that club is, and how the scene is going downhill -- then we get the opportunity to fix it and we just throw our hands the air, say "it'll just always suck!" and go pick our noses while waiting for the next good club to get shut down, never to be replaced because the people who supposedly care so much about the scene are too busy deciding not to do anything to help it. Call me idealistic, call me the club version of a tree-hugger, but it's those little individual actions, each of us playing our part in the whole movement, that will be stronger in solidarity than anything any promoter could ever do.
  11. Point well taken (this like, the Highmay and Vixen Debate Thread here) regarding the crowd. I'm thinking, though, that there's a distinct possibility that the old crowd will at least in part (i can pretty much guarantee not all) be drawn over to World and the like where Tony Draper is getting some shine. So here's my question to you: Do you think that the portion of the old crowd that does stay at exit will be educated by the new DJ's, and be brought up to a level where they too can look back at themselves and say "ew, I liked draper? I was an exit meathead? whoops." Simply, do you think evolution applies here?
  12. OK CP'ers, here's a thought-provoking question that dropped into my mind after Highmay's post about Exit. Let's say that you could pick one club that you think is a sore spot in New York's scene, and have the chance to turn it around. What club would you pick? What would you do change it? Be specific - dont just say "door policy" - say what about it you'd change, etc. How would you make your changes happen? For this task, you get no super powers, no piles of money miraculously appearing out of the sky, and you may or may not have a day job depending on whether you can realistically implement your changes in a few hours each evening. OK everyone, let's hear it!!!
  13. I didn't say clubplanet alone - I specified clubbing elite. You know what I mean so there's not much point dissecting words. Self fulfilling prophecy, case-in-point. Personally I have no opinion one way or another if Exit stays the same, gets better or gets worse, (though I think it would be a good thing if it got better). I didn't go there to begin with. But with all the bitching everyone does about the scene, I do wonder when everyone's gonna stop crying and start working. Someone find or become the "Wonder-promoter" and have him or her take the party (it's about time *someone* got proactive) - $900,000,000 says it won't do shit till the change occurs at the base of the party - with the crowd (that's us...clubbers)
  14. I do believe that award went to tunnelbandit, disqualifying you as well. Legend in your own mind. Listen, I'm not here to fight with you. I stated my piece, do as you will, and have a good night
  15. Okay, here we go. I'm being forced to venture where I didn't want to go before but I'll risk the step. I wasn't ever at Exit when it was the days of Draper, when it was a raging inferno of clubbing nightmares. I ended up at a big variety of different clubs from Limelight to Saci and Cheetah to Vinyl, and some really shitty DC clubs, before I ever got there. So I don't know what it was before. All I can speak for is the present. The e-mail that you received from that promoter is not an email that was in any way sanctioned or produced by Thorin, Sevan or their authorized associates. And if it didn't come from one of the people aforementioned, there's a very large chance it will be fucked up. That is not the fault of anyone but the subpromoter himself. I won't bother to say more on this, and I don't know the particulars on every promoter who is partnered in that event. But I do know that, from those with whom I am acquainted, the intentions are correct and the steps toward progress are slowly being made. Maybe I'm just wildly optimistic but I really hope they make it. Pessimism is a self-fulfilling prophecy, so if anyone ever wants see this party change, do this: Stop Whining. Get your ass out and support the DJ's you have so long wished to see at that place. YOU PEOPLE are the educated clubbers, the elite crowd that the success of this party hinges on, and YOUR SUPPORT is the only thing that will make it happen. I don't care if SANTA CLAUS HIMSELF promoted this party, nothing will secure the change in Exit unless YOU PEOPLE make a positive contribution to the scene, have some patience and a little faith, and be PROACTIVE in turning it around. Thanks.
  16. Okay maybe it's just me - but I think you played this out after Balky. I'm cool with you photoediting my picture - I put all my pics up with the understanding that they're fair game for everyone. What bothers me about this is that you are sitting here calling Highmay a queer - explain to me how someone who has enough confidence and sexual security to take a nontraditional role before thousands of people, and who spends every day tossing America's stereotypically most-wanted girls-in-short-skirts around (come on, you KNOW how that cheerleader thing works...) could possibly come across as being "gay". And even if he was (which he isn't), are you that childish and closed-minded that you would attack him for that? A little gay quip here and there, fine - same thing as a little italian joke, a little polish joke, it's all in good fun. But direct attacks like that are just lame. Sorry. Try again when you come up with something good. You *were* doing pretty well before. too bad.
  17. Well, this thread WAS riotously funny until Tempkid came in and accidentally spewed the contents of his seriously inflamed ego into it. Does someone have some Preparation-H for this boy??? *yawn* oh yay, yet another one who calls everyone who joined cp 5 seconds after himself or more a newbie and thinks he knows everything. suffer the thought....
  18. Actually, my family did come from Bari, but our last name suspiciously is the same as a small town in the north, so we apparently came from there first. Sei Italiano? Di dove? (are you Italian, and where from?)
  19. Thanks for the opinion, shitbags I'll just go be ill now.... ewwwwwww ::shudder::
  20. I'm feeing hugely lazy, I have a paper to revise (which could be done after class but still...) and I loathe the idea of going to class. But I am allowed 3 unexcused absences without any penalties and I've already used 3. If I take a 4th I could potentially lose half a point on my final avg but it's not likely, the prof is pretty chill. Do I stay or do I go to class?
  21. LMAO!!!! Hey SexyD- That song is Mousse T - Horny 98 A total classic!
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