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Everything posted by vixenfoxxy

  1. ...and I think there's a child molestors anonymous meeting right after that on Saturday morning! hahahaha
  2. I think they messed up. I'm pretty sure it should say "Kanis malakia, John?" *snicker*
  3. Thanks, but I'm pretty sure I noticed their absence *sniffle* ...and likewise, I will be in college for another 2 years. Besides, it's very much possible to order one from Italy (with the steering wheel on the american side) and have it shipped here as a grey market item, then sent to a dealer or a mechanic to be modified for American standards. And hey, it's certainly keeping me nose-down in the books so far!!
  4. Woohoo! I's done - just finished Japanese History II!!! I'd say I have another for Finance but my prof gives us 3 "midterms" which I therefore call... tests. The end
  5. Poisons, fertility clinics, I'm starting to get mad worried...
  6. Hmmm that guy has bigger tits than most women I know :whoa:
  7. OK guys, it's T minus 45 minutes till my Japanese History exam. I'm gonna make it I'm gonna make it I'm gonna make it wheeeeeeeeeeedoggie the stress is incredible over HERE!!!!
  8. One of these babies: 2002 Alfa Romeo Spider My parents have bribed me with one - I graduate magna cum laude or better and I'm driving one!!! wooooo!!! Also Jaguar XK8 or Lotus Espirit, and whoever selected the Bugatti and McLarens, goooooood taste
  9. So do you guys think that if I take vicodins I can still go see Danny? Or will my attempt to dance look like one of those shirtless guido-types? Or will I just be sitting under the booth drooling on myself?
  10. omg I'm getting mine done a week from today - and I am DETERMINED to go see Tenaglia spin the next night. They say, where there's a will there's a way!!! DT DT DT DT DT!!!!!
  11. Ooh ooh! Requests! That sounds fun - I'll think something up to keep you nice and busy hahaha Meanwhile, on into the morning the studying goes....
  12. OK who else is in the same shitty boat??? :book: Anyone want to offer up a lil entertainment??? Tunnelbandit, care to tap dance??
  13. Bwahahahahahhahah! Classic, simply classic
  14. Did someone mislead you into thinking you're anything more than a worthless piece of crap, or that you have any kind of authority? Hey how's that boil? Now, since I was addressing TRANCEND and not YOU, BEGONE tool!
  15. My name comes from my car. It's a really ghetto old volkswagen Fox - predecessor to the Jetta (but don't hate - it's also the cutest little box ever), and my friends make fun of the fact that it's totally not a sexy car by calling it the Vixen Fox. Other names include the VixenWagon and most recently, after the olympics, the Super G (as in, Super Ghetto). btw, the Vixen Fox does have a real name, and that's Ralph. His favorite DJ is Dave Ralph, and he has a big disco ball hanging from the mirror
  16. I think Dave still has you beat on that one - his is FUZZY orange
  17. Hey, I have a friend with a list there, PM me It's the Premier List / Centro Fri.
  18. Malanee, I must know where you get your hair extensions, they are just the BEST! Zaguero, Jasontowns isn't there cause we were hanging out in Paris. I think I sent the postcard to Shady
  19. and I know WHAT you are all doing mwahahahaha I can see every post you read, and every forum you read!!!! :horns:
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