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Everything posted by vixenfoxxy

  1. I'll third that motion. I see that Roxy brought back a bunch of quality residents, and I don't think it would hurt to add one more to the bill. Chris was there for the last one too, and if there's going to be a trance night he should be one of the people spinning at it
  2. Fer real! I had *just* walked through the door (thanks for the list help, Lainie!!) and all of a sudden the funky beats are gone and 50 cent (how original) is going.... whaaaaaaat the fuck? I asked Palash wtf was going on and he's like "i guess we're done!" - I seriously wanted to beat my head on the wall
  3. I heard it tastes like chicken. why don't you give it a shot?
  4. Babbo, che pensi? Forse lei non vuole dire per chi lavora perche' si e' laureata di una scuola che fa le pubblicita' sul TV per "carriere straordinari dopo solo sei mesi"... probabilmente non disegna un cazz, e lavora come commessa in un negozio tipo forever 21... giusto? (GIUSTO!) haha
  5. hahah Bravo! e lei, che sta dicendo della gente in Europa, che loro preferiscono queste cose... io non ho visto la roba simile a "flashdance" prima di arrivare di nuovo qua negli stati uniti... scaldamuscoli si, ma il resto no... ho visto molto di piu' i pantaloni di seta con i nastri per farli piu' corti o piu' lunghi, con le maglie tipo mesh o in stilo militare.. cazzo, come mi manca l'Italia!!!!
  6. Yeah, new people SUCK!!! btw I'm back in DC... i'm broke as shizz so I can't help you out, but some other night we should grab a drink
  7. Those look positively out of my price range I don't really use CD decks very much though so at least I won't add that to the top of my lust list just yet Any word on its features - if it does anything special, or above and beyond the CDJ1000's?
  8. I do! My impreza wagon needs some company but i'm probably way too broke to buy it, unless my parents wanted to spring for an extra macchina...
  9. you're absolutely right... I just posted a review on the DC board of a gay party I went to last night - my friend and I selected that event specifically because we knew we were going to find great music at a nice venue filled with good people. Had a great time there, props to the promoters DC actually has a pretty decent gay scene, but I never really checked into any nights in New York, I'm thinking I should now though 'cause the straight nights have all turned hip hop
  10. OK so last nite my friend and I happened to unexpectedly stumble across a GREAT party while searching for something to do around DuPont area. 1223 was hosting a free gay party and the line was literally all the way down the block and around the corner, so we decided screw that - we're going to Five, which had a line similar to the one at 1223 but about 50 times shorter... what a great choice! I danced myself crippled to all kinds of tribal house and the wonderful New York sounds that got me hooked in the first place. Have no idea who the DJ was except that he DJ'd at limelight for a time. The crowd there was super friendly, and I had an AWESOME time. Props to whoever ran the night - the whole staff was really friendly... did anyone else go? anyone know who the DJ was? I saw that it runs bi-weekly so I might hit this up again, it was pure entertainment!!!
  11. http://maddox.xmission.com/c.cgi?u=ugly_cars :lol3:
  12. What's up with that? It seems that no matter how much ab work I do, my upper abs always flatten out rather nicely but my lower abs still have a little coating of fat down there... why's that happening and what can I do to get rid of it? I have access to a full gym here at school so I can do pretty much whatever workout, including weight machines and all, so suggest away!
  13. My bf and I don't work out together, mainly bc right now we're in different countries, but even when i was in italy with him, his workout is always a soccer game with his tournament team... I generally can't kick the ball farther than like, two feet away (ok i'm really not that bad) so that's not an option for me... i would go running by myself instead cause I was too cheap to pay for a gym, and even when he did go running i didn't go with him 'cause i know he was faster than me, and I hate playing catch up
  14. One day, I too would like to have nothing better to do than arrange and photograph my tires
  15. Good for you!!! It's nice to know people still have dignity these days. I wonder what's up in that relationship thouhg, that she wants to go messing around like 2 seconds after her BF leaves
  16. ...the most excellent views of GU's Healy Towers at sunset... right nwo the whole sky is like grey and lemon yellow and silver and just the silhouette of all the spires and gables against it... BEEEEEEAUTIFUL!!!! wooohoooo - i love a room with a view! hehe what an added bonus to already cool apartment. If my pics come out i'll share.. i bet you probably wish you could get those two minutes of your life back that you just wasted on this thread
  17. whichever night they take away his microphone?
  18. lol translator.com is a riot... my bf and i used to use it between italian and english just for shits and giggles, i don't think it ever gets it quite right
  19. i thought you had to have friends for that or are you just inviting righty and lefty?
  20. Damn Mugz, so now what do we do? Do we put this in bump and ...? Or do we put it in music reviews? OR should it go in drama????
  21. TOSCA! hahaha the record store near my house in Italy like, specialized in Tosca or something, they stocked probably every record they ever made ahhhh memories! CAZZO, VOGLIO TORNARE!!!!
  22. Si, sembra strano anche a me... deve essere una cosa americana, no? non ho mai sentito una parola in italiano come "gravy"... ma "sugo" e "sauce" sono simili. hmmmmmmm. laraver, where ya been bro?
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