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Everything posted by vixenfoxxy

  1. I know there's no cover there, but I also know the #1 reason for moving posts is guestlist info Thanks a lot, everyone, for your support - I hope some of you can come down and check it out, if you do come say hi, I don't think I've ever met anyone off the Jersey board! Badass - Thanks for that - I can also get you a CD, if you'd like Ericone - I don't have a residency right now, I just got back from living in Italy where I held a residency at Blob Club in Firenze and a monthly at Il Caldetino in Mugello. I'm kinda lookin' for a home now
  2. Well it looks like the GUYS take the cake on this thread, doesn't appear anyone else has the nutz to respond
  3. whoa, dazed, you sure there's no relation? Silverbull I'm going to DJ in JErsey at R Bar tomorrow if you want to go And I think it's weird I've never seem booom's picture before even though he has been on the board for a long time hahahaha you actually look like a guy i know in DC
  4. hahaha tomorrow night is my virgin voyage to Jersey, kids!! Well, I've been there before but never to DJ there.... I hope whoever sees me spin is nice to me!!! I'll be at R Bar if any of you want to come to check it out - and no, I'm not promoting, i don't even have a guestlist, i'm just inviting i'm excited!!!!
  5. "*something* drop and roll - what's that first thing?! someone tell me the first thing!!! aaaaghhhh!"
  6. *sigh* ahhh welllll if i must.... No really though... Newbeeeeees!
  7. I heard this thread kicks the ass of every thread on this board - genius, people!
  8. Maybe it's just 'cause I've been overseas for a long time but I don't recognize half the screen names here anymore... Anyone want to a put a face with his or her name? Post them here!
  9. Maybe because he/she/it just wasn't funny. I think I laughed at two things he posted.
  10. Hi What kind of music do you spin? I've worked with downshift on a few parties and Patrycia Starr gave me a cameo on her program two weeks ago - love everyone there!! When do you spin there?
  11. ever wonder if half these people even know who gatien is anymore?? at any rate, i'd loooooove to see another gatien club, nothing is dark, dirty and full of life anymore - where is that???
  12. I rated it a FIVE... because it's GREAT!!! FORZA, SIGNORA!!!!
  13. You don't wear a kilt? I'm disappointed!
  14. ....and all you manchester fans can just suuuuuck it Love, Your Moderator
  15. Hmm interesting - any word as to why they're all of a sudden packing up and closing it out?
  16. Anyone find it strange when someone creates a screen name just to bash someone? I mean, just where did those FIVE posts come from anyway? Oh, I think they were all on this thread. I smell jealousy....
  17. Oh Dan, they're just being nice, they really think you're stinking awful Wish I could have been there to see it - well, maybe not at Glow, but to see the same show somewhere else - sounds like it was a great time! Drop me a line and tell me about it if you get a minute!
  18. I wasn't here from the very, very start but I've been here quite a few years and I definitely recognize your screen name!
  19. Exactly what I was thinking... but just wondering, are you promoting for roxy?
  20. but you hope not, 'cause then you'll have nothing to whack off to.
  21. italian piano house, jam & spoon, deep dish.... EXCELLENT. You're hired! lol I don't know about that testicle thing, though - do you *look* like his left testicle??
  22. not much, fucknuts comin' back to DC in a week and a half.. u still in nebraska?
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