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Everything posted by vixenfoxxy

  1. i know, i realizedthat when you said it the first time. so i said i *thought* you lived there. but that doesn't answer the question about the TOEFL.. where are you from? (if you don't mind my asking. i'm just curious)
  2. Whoever said Ozio was right - that's another good place to hit up, the 3rd and 4th floors in particular would be fitting, likely.
  3. is that the infiniti gel-cap? i never got a look at what it's called.
  4. Dan Wilson is back, kids.... btw i think the roxy party IS back... but I'm not sure. I think all 3 clubs could do okay with hip hop but it would just be nice if one of them did something different. (oooooh, different - scary word!)
  5. No, I knew you weren't. I was referring more to the people who were either insulting open-entry, music-centered clubs or vice versa - because the negativity is just not necessary. We can't all be out for the same thing and it doesn't make anyone a bad person 'cause they prefer upscale lounges or because they prefer dark, scrappy, thumping clubs - I take issue with the people who have to put down the others' preferences.
  6. Exactly what I was thinking. I'm actually expecting J-Lo to see Ben give his aunt a kiss on the cheek and accuse him of cheating so she can pick up the bills... btw, if he has to screw her three times a week and one week she's not in the mood all three times... then what? riiiiiiidiculous. One of the best parts of making love is that it is *never* forced and doesn't *need* to be planned
  7. LOL there was a GREAT magazine article sometime back which hypothesized that in the future, the trend would be 4'9" women running over their own kids whom they left home before going to the grocery store because they are trying to maneuver an SUV that stretches to the next county out of a supermarket parking space while applying lipstick and trying to get their rice-grain sized telephone to fall back out of their ear... CLASSIC article, one of the funniest things I've ever read. I wish I could remember where it came from - perhaps the New Yorker?
  8. WHOA... I'm about to get on the soap box so anyone who isn't ready, leave now. It's not at all that one can't have fun here. It's just that you have to figure out how to stop whining and adjust to what's available first. No, DC isn't New York, and the range of places to go is not as wide, nor are there as many places to go. However, there are some very nice places out there for those of you who are seeking that sort of thing, and as mother once told me "class may mean expecting the best, but it also means knowing when to shut your mouth, be gracious and enjoy yourself". No one likes a whiner, kids, so while I am all for upscale clubs, I am really worn down by people who can just never have it quite plush enough, quite cool enough, quite high or shiny or pretty enough - if it's really so bad, stay home. I'm sure you've decorated your apartment nice enough to like it there, being as how you have sooooo much money to toss around, and the rest of us will go out and have a good time even if our martini glasses aren't tiffany crystal. If Brooks Bro prefers an upscale spot, great, and if my asian uncle prefers rolling his face off at glow and screaming "MOUTSO MOUTSO!" great... but don't start bashing on a whole nightlife scene when most of you who are dissing haven't even gone to the majority of spots in the city. The scene needs everyone to support all aspects, and negativity never gets anyone anywhere. Joke around if you want, but this name-calling, derogatory "my aunt's cousin's grandson's friend's older brother told me it sucks" crap is totally ridiculous. Thanks.
  9. I sent you a PM, check that... You don't have to pay to post about general topics, but to post event listings, promotions, etc. you either have to pay clubplanet for a sticky post and a mass emailing, or post it on the promotions board. DaVe could give you the whole low down if you want, you can just drop him a PM.
  10. Prob. cause you didn't pay for em... so they get exiled to the promotions board.
  11. Jessica Simpson, I am apparently her long lost twin...
  12. You took the TOEFL? Where are you from? I thought you were from queens or something (unless that now merits taking a TOEFL?)
  13. bwaahahahaha I have a subaru impreza sportwagon:
  14. I left New York when SUV's were big and boxy... but now there are big and ugly!! What is up with the trend of SUV's that look like lunar landers? BMW and Porsche came out with moonrover-ish SUV's a while back but now there is the Nissan Murano and some Infiniti version that just took the idea too far, and they look like big rolling gelcaps with squinty eyes. Who designs these things? And worse yet, who decides to build and market them?
  15. Nope, I got it! it was all your fault, you didn't say it to start out with, so
  16. Wait don't go to Red - I think Spin only put that in there cause they share an owner... Red is dark, rather dirty and there is no dress code. It's there for great music, great dancing and tends to appeal to a very eclectic crowd, and it is def. not the type of place you're looking for. It's 10 wooden barstools and brick walls, not fluffy couches and bottle waitresses... but Red is GREAT, IMHO, have had some of the best musical nites of DC in there. Would highly recommend it, just not if you refuse to go someplace without sconce lighting and white laquer.
  17. Try Sole' and Harbour Club on the waterfront. I have been in Italy for several months so I don't know what it's like these days but both of them were rather nice the last time I went. What clubs did you go to before in (you said you came from..) New York? Maybe I can point you more in the right direction from there. sap - come on now, going to nation isn't like catching gonnorhea... you make it sound like you had to go take a shower just to clean up from writing the word, no less going there
  18. Anyone who sits there and sneers 'cause someone else is dancing alone, dancing like a fool, ecc. should be asked to get up and do better... then again, offending the relatives might not be the very best thing in the world to do, but... i love that little life philosophy phrase "dance like nobody's watching" - one of my favorites!
  19. I don't know either of the people involved so I can't say either way, but my point is, they BOTH should have been responsible enough to use a condom... cause IF the girl really is a dirty whore (I have no way of knowing) then the guy would have caught all the stuff she has anyway. As for paying child support though - yeah it wasn't cool to post all that on a messageboard, better to get a lawyer and go about it the right way, but if he really does have a kid that he should be helping support financially, he's a total schmuck not to send the payments - sometimes one has to think about other people, rather than just oneself.
  20. i am. i'm well aware of the fact that he is too far away and i'm miserable about it
  21. You know, he, by default, must be a whore as well 'cause no one gets pregnant by spreading her legs - it takes a stray penis that can't seem to control itself (or protect itself) for that.
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