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Everything posted by vixenfoxxy

  1. DAMN! why do these nad heads always have to go do shit like this? it gives the venues a bad name and oh, did we mention that people get killed and that's bad?
  2. I Dunno, I didn't go LOL I finally booked my flight - I am going to the UK on May 16th thru 19th!!! WOOOOOO!!!!!
  3. Well even though I will miss many lovely weeks of this party it would definitely be positively grand if we have some real DJs and whatnot coming through the city again! wooooooot!
  4. You know, if they weren't on opposite sides of the war, he and Bush could be best buddies - niether of them can put a coherent sentence together! <rolls around in the irony for a moment>
  5. bahahahhhahaha yeah right like they even wanna see you anyway
  6. Hey I am down to DJ - can your friends transport me and my equipment from Italy??? ::hopesreallyhard::
  7. DJ PROJECT HO on the ones and twos, baby! :rofl: I think I'm keepin that one!! hahahahhaa
  8. ...I have had a little case of the flu lately and was thus disinclined to make long trips in the rain to the nearest internet cafe. But fear not, my faithful london subjects, I am recovering well and you will probably be stuck with my ass for a long, long time.... so put away those damn party hats and noisemakers! :D
  9. haha and you arent even good enough to get beaten on! bwahahahah
  10. LoL well I have two right now, and a third in the works, but they are such balls hahaha... something is ALWAYS broken and if it isn't already broken when I get there, it breaks in the middle of my set. If it wasn't for my wonderfully skilled BF who fixes everything for me each week (I think he is related to McGuyver somehow, italian cousin or something) I would be screwed lolol At the one club I have been through four mixers in four weeks, and at the other, it took two weeks of them forgetting I was supposed to spin, including one week when there were no lights in the booth, before I finally got on the decks. daaaaah. LoL. but really, they are fun, and the one at Blob Club is nice too cause I can just play whateverthefuck and no one bothers me about it, no one requests stupid shit like the macarena (no, that really happened on friday at the other place!!) and it's just chill How's all on your end? How is the saab? (it is a saab right?yeah, okay i remember!)
  11. OMIGOD!!!!!!!!! HI BABY!!!!! you're alive!! I will drop you an email! I am in Italy right now, livin' it up hahaha - but I have international calling, we will definitely chat!
  12. Daaaah! I better get my ass there quick in case it closes! I wanna go to it! P.S. ... Crap on government!!!! Fawkers.... how about they worry about this useless war they are waging first cause uhm... that seems to be a bigger prob than what is a meat locker and what isnt...
  13. LoL OK I am the official moderator on this board but I am hereby appointing Mareluna the OFFICIAL HEAD OF PUNISHMENT, TORTURE AND DOMINATION.... Nils - Apology accepted.Now quit your whining and get on with the posting!!!
  14. :rofl: Holy shit if that is for real I want one of those! hahahah that is toooooo funny!
  15. OMG!!!! CONGRATULATIONS KURO!!!!! :clap2: That is fawking AWESOME!! I wish I could be there to see it! Rip it up, I'll be there in spirit - you can autograph my tits when I get back to DC lolol
  16. uhhhhh.... uhhhhh..... I def. got as far as the british english thing... (see previous threads in cockney for reference haha) ...so I guess it's the american one i gotta learn.
  17. Hahahah not a chance. For real, when I am 85, I want to be the new incarnation of the tap dancing dude... That guy gets free everything, and he doesn't give one half a fuck what anyone else thinks - he gets DOWN hahaha As the old proverb says: You're only as old as you feel!
  18. Is it me, or does this seem to have just a wisp of antipathy to it??
  19. well look who it is! Can't say I have heard this, but I will take your recommendation and check it out as soon as I can access the net from somewhere besides this damned internet cafe... hope it's as good as you say!
  20. heh heh yeah I was gonna say... isn't that like... kind of a priviledge right now?
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