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Everything posted by vixenfoxxy

  1. So what you are saying is that both of my jobs are bullshit? bad bad bad!
  2. OK OK huge announcement everyone... I AM GOING!!!! AAAAAAAGH!!!!! :D
  3. Red... ::sniffle:: ahhhh how I miss decent clubs....
  4. LoL I'm sure my CD would feel positively honored You are just trying to bite off of my international DJ status, that's all
  5. Nils, I know you must know of more - we all know about your affinity for buying women's clothing!
  6. Careful what you say! Or else I might just transfer and move in with YOU for the remaining 5 so I don't die of boredom here! (you know it would be the best thing to happen to you anyway)
  7. Hahahaha update! I found one! The bouncer at the club where I work the door & DJ is a total cutie - and he is a soccer player for the Florence team - ooooooooh Starshaped - Im gonna smack u Besides, you know you LOVE visage and karisma, whereas I have no affinity for Yab and the like whatsoever... so nyah!
  8. I would but i didnt have time for the photoshoot before I left
  9. There is another one as well but I'm leaning towards this one - so tell me what you think:
  10. Biting on your screen name?? I don't get it... eh, if there's a problem you can PM me or DaVe about it...
  11. Is that still going on, and if so, where do I send my pics? Can I just post the ones I want to submit here, if you are still running the contest weekly?
  12. Lawler... Doesn't Lawler want to come visit me in Italy? He does, right? Just say he does! waaagh!
  13. Well not around here but the one CHRles suggested, Tenax, I have heard good things about - by the coast where you are supposed to go maybe it will be better! Thanks CHRles - I am going to try to hit up Tenax tomorrow and drop off some demo CD's around there!
  14. Minus the amusing part. pg23 is the kid that got beat up on the playground all the time. remember him?
  15. LoL I dont know if you wanna do that Vic... I mean... he's a whooooooole lotta man.. you sure you can handle it?
  16. I think the saying goes... GREAT minds think alike Don't be bitter ratty
  17. waaaaaaa waaaaaaaa I think it's something in the water here!!! Weeeeeee! lololol
  18. Come sempre a me piacciono gli inglesi... ma sfortunatamente, devo aspettare un po prima di vederli! Ma quando andro' a londra.. Spero che tu sia qui per uscire con me alle discoteche cattive, con tutti i uomini brutti... hahaha Il mio angolo qui e' buono ma preferisco l'angolo dove abbiamo lavorato insieme a DC - questa citta' qui sembra simile a nord-est DC ma preferisco sempre il sud-est! hahahhaa Ti amo, HEWAAAAA
  19. no like Aly.... but no where near as dirty as Dee....
  20. ...I hope they brought enough snacks for him... :arrow:
  21. btw just to clarify for those who may not know - i don't really spin trance. at all.
  22. Hi! Welcome to our little forum... Do you work for Picotto, or for Arc?
  23. Oh really, obelisktastic? The same week my parents will be here? Vixengirly - I had a Vixenwagon in high school! (volkswagen) haha
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