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Everything posted by vixenfoxxy

  1. OHHHH SHIT! BIGMAHS! Look out Staten Island! My booty is better than ever, it's amazing what happens when you live outside the US and stop eating shit fast food! hehe
  2. Oh my dear Dan Sampson, I'm afraid you can do nothing else... (no really though, Dan's great..... and has saved my ass multiple times regarding DJing stuff. He knows wtf he's doing and what gets played at 1223 is definitely not the only records he has to work with)
  3. CONGRATS! I worked there for like.. a week... but it would have been nice to do more, it is a nice little space in there and a really cool crowd, rawk it up bro!!! :D
  4. ...how is it? Obviously, I'm a bit far away to able to go there but I would like to know how it is, what they are bringing in, etc. And I hate to ask the stinging question but I really would like to know... how does it compare to Buzz, in your opinions?
  5. Is this like, a clubbing videogame? It doesnt exist here in Italy so someone fill me in - and if it is, wtf do you to win it?
  6. DG, is that Bryan Boytano on your signature?
  7. Blob, XO Discobar, Ex-Mud.... Il Caldetino is kinda closer to being in Bologna so I don't know if that accurately answers the question lol
  8. So THERE, nils, you wanker.... ...I ended up in Lincoln cause I was staying there lol but I saw signs for Doncaster around there, thought it would be amusing to see it then I realized I'd probably just be disappointed
  9. Indeed they do... but not many of them. And we kind of lack the resources to recruit more people to join as at the moment. But... join us and bring friends! WE LOVE COMPANY Xtreem - I am actually living in Italy at the moment. But you will have a great time in London
  10. When I move back to DC, I really must meet all these new people!
  11. OK, so here is my recount of the trip to the UK - plus explanation for Starshaped as to why I wasnt at Crasher: Friday: This was supposed to be the day I went to england. A few days beforehand, I received a phone call from a promoter here in Florence saying that a female DJ they had hired from Chicago to play the closing party of a prestige house club around here was sick and couldn't make it. They desperately needed a female DJ, and I am apparently the only other one that exists between Milano and Roma.. so .. I was offered a fat payout and a complete reimbursement for new plane tickets if I would stay the extra night and play the headlining guest spot. No way I was turning that down, so I stayed here Friday and had a fucking AWESOME night - hey they even published my bio in the paper lolololol Saturday: Tired, hung over, I schlep myself to the airport and board a plane for England that would get me to the UK around 6 p.m. local time. Landed at Heathrow, learned how to cross the street (look right, look left!). Next, I dragged my friend all around London so I could take pictures of Buckingham Palace, The London Eye, Big Ben, yada yada yada.... Around 9 p.m., we make the decision to do this gatecrasher thing. Between that time and 1 a.m. I can only recount stopping at the Welcome Break and eating a tuna and cucumber baguette, cause the rest of the time, I was passed the f*** out in the passenger seat of my friend's car. By the time we reached Lincoln around 1 a.m. I was so uselessly exhausted I knew I would never make it through crasher, and I didn't know if it would even be worth the price of the ticket at that point cause it would be quite late when we got there. Further, Starshaped never called me to tell me where in the fawkin joint I might be able to locate him so I figured that would be a classic needle in a big fat haystack.... so, we ended up stamping a negativo on Crasher and toured around Lincoln instead. Sunday: Shopped at this hilarious store that had all this wonderfully eurotrashy clothing for very little money (I bought a pair of pink satin capri pants... bwahahahha, now I wonder what on earth I will EVER do with a pair of pink satin capri pants) and hit up the chinese market to buy ramen noodles and teriyaki sauce, which do not exist in Italy (the chinese restaurant owners know where to get it, but they aren't telling!). Headed to manchester, saw lots of sheep on the way, and went record shopping with my buddy that lives around there. Found at random a track I have been searching for quite some time (happy!) and then my two friends brought my to Harry Rumsden's and said I had to eat fish and chips with mushy peas or I was wasting my time in England. Ate that, and drank two varieties of english beer at a pub in manchester. Felt VERY fat. After that, drove another few hours to Stratford Upon Avon and took a walk with my friend, his girlfriend, and his girlfriend's dog. Saw real thatched cottage, shakespeare theater and few other cool bits of the town (like field where they have GKGG) - really nice there, would definitely consider going back for summer trip. Next, it was down to London, where we got lost trying to find Fabric. Got lost again looking for a working ATM. Fabric: This deserves its own paragraph. First of all, the place kicks ass. I cannot TELL you how great it was drink cosmopolitans (cranberry juice does not exist in Italy either) and listen to REAL house music on a huge sound system in a big club and no one was asking the DJ to play 50 cent..... PARADISE!!! Anyway, Sunday is definitely gay night, so I will shortly post pictures of the sea of big shirtless english boys on the dancefloor... whenever I get the photos developed and scanned. Anyways, we couldn't seem to find the other two rooms, so we started on a mission around the main room to find them. Mid -search, this guy comes up and asks what exactly I am looking for, then proceeds to take me on a tour of the other rooms which for some reason included a trip into the dj booth of the hip hop (?) floor. I thought the setup in there was great (namely, the only people in there were me for a minute and the DJ - and it was immaculately clean. take a hint, club owners!! this is correct! keep the bullshit out of the booth) After that, spent some time on the floor dancing like it was my last chance to move for the rest of eternity (actually two months). On my way out, was walking past a group of Italian guys (!) that subsequently tried to use me as part of a joke, until they figured out I spoke Italian. They were from Napoli, and naturally therefore only interested in one thing, so I vacated the premises immediately. Went directly from Fabric to the airport, had a STARBUCKS FRAPPUCCINO (!!!!!!!!!!!) and slept the whole plane ride home (hope I wasnt snoring) - just lovely really. So there you have it - my trip to England. Needless to say, this requires another trip at a more leisurely pace the next time, so I will be back. and this time starshaped maybe won't fuck up and forget to tell me where I can find him at crasher. The End!
  12. Yeah but now he's in the right place... my board is the best
  13. LoL I know. I didnt want to see your ass. JK Actually, things got all fawked up, I wasnt even *in* England till that night, I will post the whole schpiel a little later when I have enough internet time, but I am down to like 7 minutes on this card so I gotta run. More soon!
  14. We need to stop talking about meximelts. Do you know how much I'd give to have a taco bell in italy? Fawk, any more pasta and I will go out of my mind...
  15. Oh almost forgot... the return of the-- oh wait, no wait, she didnt just say what I think she did, did she? That's right... July 10th... got a ways to go yet, but it seems weirdly close to being July. yikes! Anyone looking for a DJ starting in July?
  16. And ECHOSTAR because I am a total dink and forgot Italy is quite nice, i'm still here and have somehow managed to set up a nice DJ career for myself - residency at two places, and now i've been asked to play at this joint outside Firenze. Hopefully someone important from Jaiss or something will see me and decide I'm fabulous and offer me a job there (wishhhhhhh) Other than that, it is blazing hot and sunny a lot, there is a nice beach about an hour away that other than being trawled by numerous men in speedos is really a wonderful place to spend the day, have located a fabulous ragazzo for myself and classes are a joke and a half, so overall, things are nice! How's all you? Give me the news!
  17. Although, perhaps this was to be expected.... going to any place where Puffy hangs around is probably asking to get shot or suffer a similarly painful experience from annoyance alone.
  18. Long time no post.... I am still alive, in case anyone cared (which sixteen of you are gonna reply to that?).... ....but who is still alive around here? I see Quoth and Smokesum... Highmay? You still out there? Nils? Cody? JoeG? Rizzo/Jizzo/_izzo? Tutti gli altri bastardi chi ho lasciato negli Stati Uniti? Just kiddin
  19. ...and sign back onto the DC board only to find out that Yoshitoshi is closed and my Georgetown quality of life has hereby dropped at least tenfold. Che Palle!!! Can I please beg of you all a DC news brief? Cause like, I appear to be missing some important bits of info from the past 3 to 4 weeks.... anyone have stuff to offer up around the scene?
  20. I am going to PVD as well, you crump, so you better get your poofter ass over to say hi to me!!! Ben Watt, Tom Middleton, hey as long as I can get into both places I am at BOTH of them.... wooooooooooot muthafucka!
  21. Oh goodness, it's returned!!! (and so have I... mwaaaaahahahahhaahah)
  22. No really, this time I booked the tickets! So.... I need two things. 1) Sherpas - are you a london CPer that ACTUALLY lives in England? Want to escort a fabulous blonde chick around the places that don't suck? How about a not so fabulous blonde chick? either way... i need YOU! 2) Event listings! (Nils, you are on that!) YEEEE!!!
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