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Everything posted by vixenfoxxy

  1. This thread is niether the time nor the place for it, I'll go over this concept again later tonight if you still can't get it. All you need to understand is that you should have some RESPECT for other people you work with, and for the work they've already done.
  2. McDonalds! hahahah that was PRICELESS! Way to go hehehe
  3. Deeeeeeeeelish didn't you FORGET the BIG FUCK YOU TO PARKING TICKETS!!! ???? Jimi - bwahahahha can't stop the bum rush... or something...
  4. OK kids, all you who replied to the rollcall from Chyna as "yay" need to know this: Guestlists close at 11 p.m. NOT 11:30 anymore. Tell the doorstaff Aly's Guestlist, that's where you'll be. If you know you aren't going to make the guestlist, PM me or post back ASAP so I can set something up for you all! Meetups: Have we decided on a place yet? If not, let's say 1 and 2 a.m. - under the VIP stairs or at the back bar? I think back bar might be a better idea but I'll leave that up to y'all!
  5. Fuck you's going out to: A certain someone who will ::coughcough:: remain nameless who thinks it's funny to tell me I didn't bring my minimum of heads to get paid - what do you think I'm doing, volunteer work asshole??!?!! I SAW all my heads walk in hte door, it was more than 10! (Chyna, I'll give you three guesses) Parent visits for meaning I have to clean my room All the fliers I plastered all over georgetown last night that gave me PAPERCUTS!!! :mad:
  6. Veramente, si! Non ti ricordi?? C'e anche un'altra che non participa... Dove sei, il mio amico da Panorama?? Ti vedro' sabato sera
  7. Narc... shady clearly incriminated himself anyway by asking this. Answers: a)I live for the moment 4 b)Developments in the media have influenced club culture 1 c)All clubs are the same 1 d)Superclubs (Cream, Ministry of Sound, Gatecrasher) have lost touch with reality 2 e)The music within club culture has the smae impact on me as it always has 4 f)Accurate information on club culture is readily available 2 g)I do not take life seriously 1 h)Club culture will last another 13 years: Does this mean only? in which case 1... longer i)Club culture is experienced equally by men and women 2 j)Club culture is heterosexual 2 (John Blair! Junior! LoLz) k)A persons ethnic origin will determine a positive experience of club culture 2 l)Club culture is not politically orientated 2 m)A person from the working class may not enjoy their experience of club culture in the same way as someone from the middle class 2 n)An individuals religion will distance them from club culture 3 o)Club culture is distanced from reality 3 p)Ecstasy enbles an escape from reality - I honestly don't know the answer to this, I just drink q)There is on theory to explain all social life 2 r)The media present a distorted image of club culture 5 s)Club culture can be split into many different musical genres, but no one is dominant 2 t)There are no social constraints in club culture 3 u)Variety will be an important factor in the continuation of club culture 4 v)Club culture cannot keep reinventing itself 2 PM or post back if ya need more info or explanations
  8. Ahhhhhhhhhh jeeeeeez!!!! Greek club?! Girlie! We have to RESCUE you!!! yiccccch *shudder*
  9. Hahahaha listen Georgeacasta you pansyass wannabe of a rolypoly trance DJ (why *are* all trance DJ's fat by the way???) if you're gonna talk all this shiiiiiit then you better appear in DC, front and center, and say it to mah FACE bitch! So BRING IT, you nasty mo fo, 'cause at the rate you're goin, there's tree branches out there that could spin better than yer ass! I'll take this outside anyday... yeahhhhhhhhhh :skull:
  10. ...male connectors only - no male-female connection equipment will be usable with this unit....
  11. That's not a doll, that actually *is* Ricky Martin... he's just kind of mentally impaired so he doesn't do much. He moves sometimes though.
  12. hahahah jeez vic, you can't even blink on this board or someone's gonna get you! Thanks Ely, I try real hard with my Greek it's a survival skill, you could say hehehe Are you coming out this weekend?? Oh and to answer your question: I'm a student at Georgetown, but also a promoter and a dancer. I also make a full time occupation out of being flat broke - it's fabulous, really damn college.... heheh
  13. HELLS YES! Good idea! Spoons anyone? Asshole? I'll whup yall! Actually, I seem to remember PGiddy whupping my ass in asshole but I was drinking coke.... so I guess it didn't matter too much
  14. Hahahahah right on, killer! vic is entirely questionable...esp. with that manure, i mean menudo thing goin' on...
  15. Sorry, this is totally mean and entirely at the expense of others, but go check out the messageboard on the GLOW site under the "George???" thread... uneducated clubbers at their best. People actually raved that the other night was his "best set ever". Dude, if that's the case, then he should just go shoot himself 'cause he is going NOWHERE.... well, I guess there's a bunch of those out there everywhere...
  16. I don't get it vic, what's about the food dehydrator and pasta machine? You need to explain furhter or I'll probably assume you're trying to kill me... Menudo
  17. Benvenuti, Ellywelly Tell us a little about yerself - what's your scene? As always, if you need a guestlist somewhere PM me or IM me and let me know! Vic - I don't think you posted that enough times. Do you want to do that again just make sure?
  18. Suggestion not necessary, ricky martin! hahahaha
  19. LoL riiiight, you just "heard that from shady" uh huh....
  20. Bring tips next time No throwing quarters though!
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