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Everything posted by vixenfoxxy

  1. Uhm PGiddy, didn't I already chew off your arm at 1223 the other night? I bid a dollar, bob....
  2. CCD is absolutely correct about the wardrobe... that orange velvet jacket... frikkin awesome! Dave kicks ass, especially because if he wasn't there when I was highly intoxicated at GLOW, no one would have caught me when I fell off my 4-inch shoes I'm soooo smooth Thanks Dave! hehehehe
  3. Not only does it have a dick, but a terrible boob job as well!
  4. Awwwwwjeeeeeez... chicks should NOT have dicks... that simple
  6. ...and another PRICELESS comment from phuturephunk!
  7. Bwahahahhahaha! I'm not so sure I should disclose my answer...
  8. I wouldn't go so far with that generalization... but you're not so bad
  9. Well said, Shady! Jroo, send me an IM, we'll chat
  10. You and Trancend *are* kids Jon - sorry I can't be there to celebrate but we'll make up for that and party when I get back to New York Have loads of fun tonight and don't forget to take pictures if they strip you!!!
  11. Now Dee, be nice Actually I think cheerleading is a pretty awesome sport, especially when done well, regardless of gender. Besides, you have to give credit - I am positive if I tried to toss one of those girls over my head we'd both end up severely injured... therein, credit is due No shame in cheerleading whatsoever
  12. Vic I think anyone could show your beginner butt some moves heheheh
  13. Wahoo, check yo PM's killah
  14. Awww thanks babes! *blushes* Welcome to the board, btw Are you joining us for GLOW this weekend? PM me and I'll put you on the list if you aren't already!
  15. Hey malaka, you better watch out, 'cause you've given me a LOT of ammo, and I can curse you out in your own tongue biotch! so just bring it you stinky furry eastern european gyro-eating blubbery phat fuck!
  16. Uhm, Highmay I think this has gone too far... I'm a little scared *hides in closet*
  17. lol okay, i'll give you that you didn't say anything directly about the picture, but your intent was implied, whether about the picture or about me. And as much as everyone is welcome to say whatever they want about me, I am entitled to defend myself as well And on that note, truce, 'cause there really isn't any point in arguing this any more
  18. Whoa! There's a fund for ME! Wooohoooo! LoLz something tells me this won't be beneficial to my health...
  19. Well my first reaction would be to say I don't find that offensive, but as with anything, the context of the comment is what really determines that. You'll feel great if a friend or boyfriend calls you sexy, but when you hear it from dirty catcalling construction workers, you tend to feel way more creepy. So if these guys said "You're the perfect example of what a female should be" that's great, but if they were like "what's up there, fine female?" then I could see it being less than fabulous.
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