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Everything posted by vixenfoxxy

  1. Sure miss "I deserve VIP at that party" I KNEW you were gonna do that
  2. I'm located right across from the university gates, at 37th and O St. NW. So take M St. to Wisconsin, head north on Wisconsin and take the first left (prospect st.) and follow it to 37th. Go right on 37th and then another right two blocks down at O St. and I'm the second building on the right, Apt. 14 And excuse me but where's my girls and my newbies at? Scratch, cocomama, malanee (you nonsingle type) and elly????? represent kids
  3. ::vixeniscontaininghersnickers::
  4. OK everyone, here's the deal: EcstaticHigh has volunteered decks, and I am volunteering (and decorating in the style of a lil' lounge) my apartment, so you ALL better be there. I will bake cookies, and whoever wants to spin, bring your records, I am going to rent myself some good sound equipment to hook the decks up to, and bring the beverage of your choice (preferably alcoholic cause my ID isn't that great... ). Rollcall yourselves here!!!
  5. ears and belly button, but I am planning on a horizontal clit hood piercing if not this weekend then over spring break. woohoo!!
  6. Vixen has ADVANCED DISCOUNT TICKETS for all of ya, just PM or IM me and let me know how many you want! I will be there, I am coming back from DC for the weekend, so everybody look the fawk out, I am in desperate need of a good time!
  7. These are mostly DJ's that are residents or regular guests at the club I work for in DC, called GLOW. For info on Ferry Corsten, Edgar V, Acosta, and more you can check out www.clubglow.com. Dave Ralph is a resident at Buzz in DC, and Max Graham... well you should know him. Also, anyone who needs advance tickets for the Tiesto event can IM or PM me, I will also have guestlists and tickets for the other upcoming events.
  8. my dog didn't ruin any of my cars I am gonna get 3 siberian huskies, and they will named Reza, Hollis and Ayla. There's a hole in your theory Jroo... you have to get some hoes too, cause you can't eff your dog. I am gonna hire me some gigolos hehehehehe
  9. Well, let's decide here: my apartment or malanee's place? (or is malanee gonna be busy effing? hehe) is someone volunteering to bring equipment because I have yet to buy my own decks because I am horribly destitute? what time do you wanna do this?
  10. Is this your boyfriend, your donkey tamer or your kimchi chef? or all three?
  11. LMAO fear women... fear ANYTHING that can bleed for 5 days and not die. Girls rule and boys drool
  12. He "disgraces himself" hahahaha... it sounds like he messes his pants in front of everyone or something. Maybe that's how he's lasted so long - everyone goes to hear him cause he's so bad it makes everyone else feel better? gives them a good laugh?
  13. Hahahahhaa Shady, you have a drug metaphor for everything! I never said anything about Scott Henry, because he definitely kicks ass and the skill level is hugely up there, so I kinda figured it needn't be said. I prefer deep, tribal house over any trance and most other stuff, and so I understand exactly what you mean. But if you consider Moutso to be like pot, then figure Tony Draper would be the equivalent of keystone light beer.
  14. regulars at GLOW? I have yet to see Shady at Glow all year, so I don't see how you call that regular. Vic, Shifter, DCsGlow, they're all regulars...
  15. I think I'm too poor to go to either. If I do any saving at all it's for decks and a car. I have a charity fund for both, btw, if anyone wants to donate.
  16. btw Highmay I just realized you only have heard him spin 10 minutes because he DIDN'T open for Tiesto - Noel Sanger did. Sorry.
  17. OK so for those of you that are advocating the non-technics approach, you all seem to have had Geminis, do you think those are preferable over Stantons etc? Thanks for all your advice everyone!
  18. HAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA oh that is just EXCELLENT! Besides we weren't making fun - we were supporting. I think it would be hilarious if you do that. :laugh: btw I forgot to add to my review that ferry has really nice hair. I have to find out what conditioner he uses.
  19. He's the resident at Exit, well no, he WAS the resident at Exit (hehehhe) and he was known total cheese and shitty mixing, among other things. Highmay would know the exact details, I'm sure he'll fill you in when he gets back - actually he has a pretty amusing description...
  20. Dude, you didn't give me an explanation, so I had to go elsewhere to find my answers!!!! Jeeeeez you greeks are HIGH MAINTENANCE!!!!
  21. You heard him for 10 minutes before Acosta, and you said that yourself just 5 minutes ago: Highmay9: then again I could have laid acosta out to dry...and aly...we were only there for like 10 minutes of moutso's set...you cant judge him on merely one song he dropped VixenFoxxy: no, i mean on a general basis VixenFoxxy: i hear him every week So go ahead and eat those words. I don't know how long you heard him at Tiesto, but at least I wasn't so presumptuous as to try to judge a DJ on hearing him once for a short time (see above). You are correct in that you don't have to like trance to know if a DJ can spin well, but it has an effect on your opinion of track selection. Think about it - are you gonna be enthused about someone's set if you don't like the type of music they're spinning? of course not. So it's kind of unfair to put that kind of judgement on someone, regardless of how good their skills are.
  22. That's an awfully quick decision to make considering you've never heard him spin, Highmay. Especially when you're basing that on the opinion of someone who doesn't even like trance to begin with. I only heard Shady spin once but I have to say he has a LOT of talent, and I thought he sounded great on the decks. I didn't hear him long enough that I'd feel comfortable comparing him to someone I've heard spin countless times, like Moutso, but I know I liked what I heard out of Shady better. However, Shady also has a very different style and spins very different stuff from what Moutso spins. His opinion of trance in general is not a favorable one and I can understand that, especially because I prefer house and, depending on my mood, breaks. But as far as trance is concerned, I don't think Moutso and Draper are on the same low-ass, disgraceful level.
  23. We know what shady's doing this thursday!! :hump: hahahaha
  24. ...when you eat a pound of chocolate, you gain 5 lbs? My parents got me the fabulous yearly valentine of a pound of gourmet chocolate.. but I know I'll be 5 lbs heavier by the time I hit the bottom of the box. what is UP with that????
  25. I'm still having this big moral dilemma about buying my first pair of turntables. My friends who have been spinning a long time insist that I get nothing less than technics, and that if I can't afford them (which I can't) that I should wait until I can. The other side of the argument is - you may as well just buy something cheaper because spinning on sub-technic tables is better than not spinning at all. What do you all think? I won't go for anything less than direct drive at least, but what should I do about this?
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