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Everything posted by vixenfoxxy

  1. BWAHAHAHAHAHHAHA I looooooooved that show when I was little! (that was before I realized Kit is actually an american car ewwww, I still love that car lol) I just realized I still love that show. Wooooo knightrider!!! ps - david hasselhoff has a band that is supposedly actually popular in Germany... are we worried about the mental health of Germans at all?
  2. Jeeeeez, you guys need your parents to buy you chocolate, then you'll feel better
  3. Actually, Tony Draper is beneath that... As much as I will poke fun, Pete's not a bad DJ, I mean he's certainly no tenaglia or Digweed and has lots of work to go before he ever gets to that, but he's no Tony Draper either. He at least is really into what he does, he doesn't toss whatever crap was on the discount rack at Yoshi's on the decks, and he works hard to improve upon what he is already doing. Any DJ has off nights, drops some bad tracks, but whether or not trance is your thing, he's generally headed in the right direction. Hey Chyna, give me a gold star I'm in such a nice mood today, aren't you proud?
  4. dude, clearly if you are posting this you aren't working.now quit lying
  5. I wish I coulda been there I was supposed to go, but my stupid friends never showed up from NY. They were supposed to get here between 12 and 1 and then we were gonna go together but when they hadn't showed up by 2 I realized I was effed SUUUUUUUUUCKS!!!!!! Lucky schitz all of you!!
  6. BUT I didn't mean anything by it! You're invited, no ifs ands or buts about it. Vicman, sorry, no butts either. This isn't a John Blair party....
  7. Well we will let you come but NO MUSHY STUFF!!! Like I said, y'alls decide where to have the party, if you'd rather have it at your house that works, yada yada...
  8. BWAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA I just laughed so hard I choked on my piece of chocolate!!!
  9. Bwahahahahhaha Shady toooooo funny.. well you two have fun!! Royal is invited, but... You all decide where to do this - Vixen's or Malanee's - I'll bake the cookies either way
  10. Malanee, you read my mind! Well you know what they say, great minds think alike!
  11. All of you on this board that aren't single, btw, stop reading here, you aren't invited Since I'm pretty sure most of us aren't going out for dinner and a movie on Thursday, I think we should have a little CP gathering at someone's place (that can be my apartment if you like). We can do whatever, my apartment can be transformed into a ghetto-ass imitation of a lounge, with a sound system about as good as Twirl's, and I'll make some heartshaped sugar cookies with the little clear red sprinkles on them. Everyone else brings the beverage of their choice, the music of their choice, and if someone's reallllllllly feeling generous, and wants to bring their decks, we can have open decks (but I don't own anything besides the mixer just yet, I'm still too poor, so don't look at me!) Sorry Shady, but my apartment complex strictly states no animals, so you'll have to leave the donkey at home So what do y'all think?
  12. Right Malanee, because I'm sure you suffer from mountains of cellulite, uh huh lol I just wanna hand out my fawk u to Italian and Finance - because of the test in Italian and the stupid freaking midterm (of which we have 3 - uhm, there's only supposed to be ONE midterm!!!) that we have tomorrow So now I'll just spend my whole damned day studying!!
  13. Jeez, bunch of bitter jaded types on this board eh?? My parents bought me a huge ass tin of gourmet handmade chocolates (yearly tradition) and this is just a FABULOUS occasion as a result mom and dad rule!
  14. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAA Jon you got shitted on! :laugh: Clubkat and Mugz, I think I laughed harder reading your replies than I have all week! toooooo funny!
  15. OK Everyone! Post em up here! I'd give a review except that I started feeling really sickly sometime around 1 and I ended up leaving early. But while I was there, it was GREAT to see Dave and Ray and the whole NY gang, and Dave's brother is HARD CORE for coming out with a broken ankle! It was great to see everyone, and sorry if I was MIA for most of the night, but I spent a good deal of time napping in the VIP (oops!). Special thanks to one of my esteemed panoramaites for spilling his ENTIRE drink down my back - that was excellent, really What I heard of Ferry, I enjoyed like last time. The crowd was just loving it, and I think the overall effect of the night was impressive. Still partial to Armin Van Buurin, but Ferry has a lot of talent and he remains one of the nicest, most down to earth DJ's that has come through there. And as for Chynadoll, ur ass is about to get a phone call from me! heheheh I think we have some post-party photography to do around here!!
  16. Well not to be offensive Nero, but with the way DJ's usually treat women, they have to be crazy to go for that. Maybe you're not like that but most are. As for her being a dancer, that could have something to do with it. Out of all the girls I've danced with at the various clubs most have been maaaaad flaky, and a rare few are intelligent and doing it for the right reasons. oh yeah and jon... i always offer to pay half on a date, but i'm outright refused every time, they insist on paying.
  17. Phatman, did I remember to say thanks? hahhahahhahah laraver, I know you're not takin' the wrong side of the battle djjonstephen is a poser greek and danni133 doesn't realize just yet that HER ass is gonna be MINE!!! mwahahahhaha Bebby - that sounds terrrrrrible!!!
  18. Vent here!!! all's I have to say is FAWKING PROMOTERS WHO HAVE NO RESPECT FOR THEIR FELLOW PROMOTERS and Corporate America can suck my dick for buying out the halftime show from under the Georgetown dance team because we clearly can't afford to BUY IT BACK!!! I hope you all DIE!!!!
  19. BWAHAHAHHAHA that's the FUNNIEST shit I have ever heard! HAHAHAHAHAHAH :laugh:
  20. Any chick who's expecting car and rent payments has to have some sort of major malfunction... I bought my own volkswagen thanks We're not all crazy I swear. I might steal your decks though so keep them away from me!! :horns:
  21. Crank's right, but Vixen's just too lazy to post all that
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