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Everything posted by vixenfoxxy

  1. OMG these are mental images I DO NOT want!!!! :puke:
  2. BWAHHAHAHAHAHA you said turd burglar! PGiddy you better be nice to Dee. Hey, where's your sweatshirt?
  3. We were gonna do football halftime but uhm... bwahahhaha Patriot league... yeahhhhhhriiiiiight Highmay, I hear we have a cheerleading team... There's other stuff, our LAX teams, the women, they're really good, and our sailing team is #1 in the nation JIMI.... HOYA SAXA HOYA SAXA HOYA SAXA!!!!!
  4. Hahahahaha Highmay, I knew that was coming! God forbid you *actually* post a pic... ;)
  5. I may blow but at least I'm excellent at it... besides if I blew every man in sight don't you think you would've gotten a lil' by now??
  6. Bwahahahahah!!!! 41) The Fur Ball-You're chomping away at some trollop who has a mane between her legs the size of Lionel Richie's afro, when a mammoth fur ball gets lodged in your throat and causes you to beat the piss out of her. That happens with GUYS too... at least *some* girls shave.... Some of those were pretty terrible but some were hilarious, I love the six pack bwahahahahaha
  7. vixenfoxxy


    This has to be a guy thing... I don't think midgets are all that hilarious, and most of my female friends are equally confused...? However, that guy in the first pic is HOT...
  8. Bwahahahhaa this is too funny, I can't believe this thread just keeps coming BACK! Shady sucks! Shady sucks! I want to go to Chili's toooooooooo
  9. Whoaaaaa jeez I'm not touchin' that one... lmao I won't be dancing this week unless I hear otherwise, I'll let you guys know when I'll be up again. Too bad you missed it nyah nyah!
  10. ...not unless you are donating a shitload of money for those trips lol btw Vic... Is that YOUR alma mater? I thought so wetback mejicano... Suck one! This is what the Hoyas think should happen to you:
  11. Did anyone see the ASS WHUPPING our HOYAS gave the ***overrated*** Syracuse orangetypethings?? We HANDED THEIR ASSES TO THEM baby! Wooooooooooooyeah! Not to mention everyone LOVED the halftime show! hehehehhehe How freakin awesome that was.... :bounce: HOYA SAXA everyone!
  12. BWAHAHAHAHHA Vic you can't possibly get *anything* done at your office....
  13. LMAO that's so true about the dance... would you believe... they still play that track on random Tuesdays at 1223 and one of the regulars there is just a true talent at the percolator dance lmao It's really kinda amusing to watch!
  14. HAPPY BIRTHDAY BIG ED!!! hehehehe :bounce: You're old hahahahaha jk
  15. Kernkraft400.... it was corny when it came it, and it's still corny now. And they still play it everytime I go to a mainstream club to promote, and ya know what, everyone there still thinks it's so hot...
  17. Bitten subject should be turned into the human-equiv of the ASPCA for cruelty....
  18. LoLz well that's not entirely a no, but ya know... hahahahah business before pleasure and all that cal...
  19. Oh come on now Kosta, how's that gonna add anything to my dance resume? You and your dirty mind....
  20. Dude don't do it, those things are a PAIN in the ASS... first of all, anyone you guess, even if it is someone you don't like, will get an email saying the same thing you just got. Then if they guess you you're stuck explaining that you don't really want them. Besides they will email you forever with that garbage. Besides, do you really want to deal with someone who's so bad at communicating they won't tell you they're interested? Take it from me (right Chyna?) that is NOT good news lolz
  21. Remind me again when you're gonna have dancers... I have a portfolio to build, ya know...
  22. Skimpies?! Vic is that a WORD? Ahhhh Shady *shakes head* The GLOW peanut gallery
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