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Everything posted by vixenfoxxy

  1. Haha sorry, I'm lookin' for a replacement DJ. Shady, I think "shroomed my nuts off" must be the funniest thing I've heard all week!!!
  2. So you were there! Hahaha u shoulda just tripped me and said hi Saeed and Palash is this Friday right? If so, I'm all over it!!!! As for Modern, I have ID so I should be okay One day I won't be little anymore *sigh*
  3. Chyna/Shady... LMAO CD Thanx girl, and Scratch, you're probably right. I didn't want to let this person escape without a clue though
  4. Awww thanks guys I appreciate your supporting my alcohol-distorted dance trips Don't worry, I promise next week I will not drink so that Trance00 can pull the stick out of his you-know-what and have a good time for once ('cause it's obviously all about him).
  5. Hey everyone! I was buried under piles of work last time we had the meetup that went to Modern so I missed out, but I want to go check out Buster and see this oasis of house music in a sea of cheesy bars that we call Georgetown... and of course, I can't get enough of you CLUBPLANET PEOPLE!!!! I'm thinking either this sunday (though that's risky 'cause I have a paper due the next day, but I could probably pull it off hahah) or the one after. Anyone else down for a little meetup?? btw Raver_Mania, were you at 1223 on Friday? I looked around for you a whole bunch but I couldn't find you.
  6. I have a big fear of spiders (although now that I'm at school and I can't scream for Daddy to come smash them I've gotten a little braver but they still freak me out), stationary objects in the water (i.e. docks, moorings, bridge pilings, anything sticking up out of the water), and going underneath bridges (when I was training for crew states/nationals my partner and I had to row underneath this freaky bridge and even though I was supposed to steering I would close my eyes and cry and yelp like a wussbag... my coach thought I was nuts for a while lol)
  7. wtf? Do I sit there with a fucking mixer at my feet in the cage? And even if I did would that help bc it clearly would have no matching meter to accomodate human movement which cannot possibly occur at the rate of 170 increments per minute? i'm sorry, i just realized now what a positively inane statement that is to pretend you can put bpm-scaled measurements to a fluid and humanly-created movement OK sorry I'll stop now. Nite nite everyone
  8. ....and here we go again. Ya know what's funny, Trance00? I was just thinking last night that I *was* really off. I was feeling shin splints like fire up my legs and my knees are bruised and swollen, I was half drunk and wearing earplugs that made everything sound incredibly blurry. Why was I in so much pain? Most likely because I tore the house down dancing at Ty T's CD release party the night before and went to a several-hours-long dance team practice within the 20 hrs preceeding. But guess what. I wasn't up there dancing because I was being paid, because it was meant to be perfect, I was up there because I was having a good time. It hurt like a bitch to dance yesterday and honestly, I wouldn't have danced at all if it wasn't something I just wanted to do for fun. But sometimes I'd just hear something that made me want to move, and I decided to do that, regardless of whether I was dancing my best, whether I could or couldn't do more than 3 moves because I felt like there were large pieces of my shin bones scraped off, whether I could hear or see like I can when I'm not half deafened and part drunk... And that's what the scene is about there, killer. It's about... the music. It's about what makes you get up and move. And if you have a problem with someone living the moment even if she's in terrible shape at that moment and could've stayed home, then you shouldn't be here at all. Sweetheart, I have no idea who you are and I will invite you once again to please introduce yourself (and if you are such a perfect dancer yourself you can show me what impresses you), since in some semi-frightening way you know who I am. But whoever you are, you clearly have some kind of very big psychological problems that you are focusing on me, and it kind of worries me. I mean, don't let that chase you away from saying hello, because maybe that will help, and I'm always willing to help if I can, but really, you're not turning heads here. You can say what you like and you can hold your opinions, hell, I just conceded your accuracy! I was mad weak last night! Usually? No. But for god sakes, if you're going to go to the clubs, go for the music, don't go because you have some wierd obsession with my placement in the club in regards to the cage. That's frightening.
  9. Is that yummalicious as in "I'm going to kidnap you and rape you 'cause you're so hot" or "I'm going to kidnap you and keep you for my personal DJ 'cause you're a master on the decks" ??? :tongue:
  10. Hahaha Malanee that's an awesome pic! lol I love it!! And Ernext... that burger king you're chillin outside of, is that a good club?? How are the DJ's in there jk lolz
  11. Hahhahaha douche bag - I love that one
  12. Last night was pretty good, I enjoyed the club senza the popstarDJ crowd, it is a pain in the ass to lose one's dance space to people who are just there 'cause the name Tiesto sounded kinda familiar and they thought it'd be cool to say they saw him. It was a nice intimate little panorama night lol Romy is doing even better now that she keeps stalling out, btw. Just great. Maybe you can fix the fuel injector and the drive train with some masking tape too? I heard it's really duct tape that fixes everything though...
  13. oh definitely! how much do you charge per hour? Do you sing songs? Do you do the human pretzel gig? Magic shows? Comedy Routines? Or do you just appear and that alone gets us laughing? lolz jk
  14. OK nevermind PGiddy de-ass-ified himself just a moment ago (way to get stuck in traffic though). Please disregard above (although the gas cap scotch tape thing *is* pretty funny :laugh: ) Shady, dude, wtf did u take???
  15. why must I be broke why must I be broke why must I be broke :(
  16. if i respond i'd cross that line of Funny vs. Cruel so I'll refrain. Esp 'cause I'm pissed at you, you stupid fuckface. Nice detour, I hope you rip the gas hose out of the freakin pump again you piece of shit. At least my gas cap isn't taped onto my car!!!! GHETTO FABULOUS
  17. Hmmm that must be the next Greek Classic crackhead!
  18. I didn't go cuz my ass is still stuck down here in la la land... i mean... Georgetown. Yeah, studying it is... ZzzZzZzZZZZzzzz...
  19. Hosting the party for me and my dance team chicas at GLOW tonight :) That is of course after the huge pregame :drunk:
  20. Fawkin' Asian clown-ass raver drugwhores!! We don't allow those to live in upperclass neighborhoods like mine All the realtors have signs reading "FACARDs NEED NOT APPLY" and with good reason.. what a disgrace you are shady!
  21. And of course I shall be in NY... that's okay though I get Tenaglia for several weeks straight
  22. Oh so is that why you can't seem to keep your grubby paws off me and keep trying to get into my pants?
  23. DUDE! THAT'S IT!!!! YOUR DJ NAME!!!! DJ AMTRAX ! ! ! You should totally use that! I love it!!! You totally stumbled right upon your own alias
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