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Everything posted by djmoonshine

  1. uhhh YEAH!!!! *sigh* that sounded pretty perfect... right down to the hand behind the neck... there is a lot of sighing on this thread... lol... i think we're all the biggest set of closet romantics and the nice weather has us going insane with the thoughts of a spring romance... marci ~ you can get dg to show his face... let's meet him and uh... hang out...
  2. *sigh* there is this person that i have kinda been hanging out lately... when there is still no title, still no idea of what is going on... ~anyway back to the freakin point... we've only really *french* kissed like 3 times... all the other kisses were these soft lingering like lips locking kisses where there will be a little nibble or tug on the bottom lips... i those so so much... but maybe it's just the feeling of kissing him... still dont know yet, but tongue def. comes in moderation... it doesnt always have to be a makeout session... sometimes those sweet little kisses are ever better... but im thinking im just a sap today... *it's all your fault marci...*
  3. lea... bringing back the disses... lmao~
  4. i said it first when i was with my bf... something i read or saw on the news scared me and i guess it made me realize how fragile life is... it made me see how things tomorrow aren't promised and i decided that even if he didn't say it back or feel the same way, at least i'd know that i said it... and i did it and it was probably the scariest thing ever but i'm glad i did it cause he was really scared to tell me and it just worked out... i hate when i recall the sappiness...
  5. *sigh* maybe if i had a honey he could meet me outside of my class today and we'd go for a walk through the nature preserve and just walk and talk... and have one of those awesome convo's where you talk about everything and nothing and it's so good... kiss a little, hold hands, laugh, talk... hey marci... wanna take a walk later?? i think we're on the same page today~ :grin:
  6. aww lina... :worry2: that sucks honey... dunno if this will make you feel too much better but listen to my morning so far... went to bed at 6:30 this morning cause i was on the phone witha friend just having one of those convos that goes on forever... wake up at 9:00am and lay in bed comtemplating whether i should drag my ass to class today or be a dirtbag and go back to sleep... decide dirtbag is not the way i wanna start the semester... get up, run to the bathroom, do like the bathroom stuff and get to class... walking to the door of lecture hall and see a paper taped onto it... read paper... CINEMA CLASS CANCELLED UNTIL WEDESDAY 9:40am... this dorky kid was standing in front of the sign and icome and im like, muthafucka!!! wtf did i get up so fuckin early for??? and im like kinda yelling, cursing and shit and he gets all scared, which me laugh... lol... really dumb story... a sorry attempt in makin you feel better... hopefully the boys will come through and tell you how hot and sexy and oh so kissable you are, even if you are puking and sick... :grin: ~ feel better~
  7. lmao hey apples ~ for what it's worth... i feel your pain... :worry2: im sorry... wish i could make ya feel better~
  8. :grin: i just wanted to say i appreciated the toys r us analogy...
  9. funny you should mention that cause i swear i've had the SAME SAME SAME exact feeling before watching a cute couple kiss good bye... two feelings all at once... ~awww... that is the sweetest thing ever... ~*look around... see no one there kissing and hugging you good bye* god i wish i had someone like that... *sigh*
  10. i def. agree... also consider this... yeah maybe he wants sex cause it's been awhile, but do you want it or are you really just doing it cause he said he wanted it??? shit... if it was me and i was in the mood, maybe i'd just fuck him just cause he was around... but i dunno... is it all worth it?
  11. me too... i had this feeling that it would be whore barbie gettin baged out by ken... i love the music in the background...
  12. *sigh* my heart is aching for that feeling... i love the way you described it~ love the visual~
  13. djmoonshine


    i dunno.. friends used to be awesome... but lately, like dg said, it is predictable as fuck... it is so annoying...
  14. yup... it means island of my dreams...
  15. or did i see a post by crossy??? i have not seen that boy since his little shindig after the first shagfest... brian ~ so so so nice to see you posting...
  16. i just really needed to tell you how fuckin funny your sig is... :laugh2: absolutely hilarious... wetback...
  17. djmoonshine


    i wanna be down with the great bitches... :grin: ummm... pda's.... HMMMM~ i think everyonce in a blue, a good slobber in public can't be helped... now geez... not all the time, but when the mood in right and the feelings are flowing, go for the slobber!!! anywho... i've slow danced in public... no music... it was really sappy and -y like, but i dunno... it fit the moment and was soo freakin sweet... and yeah. grabbin the butt to get pulled in for a kiss is so key ~ the whole walkin down the street wholding the butt is kinda weird... i think the only time i saw it done was in dumb and dumber when harry and lloyd do it... ::: those were their names, right?? ::: lol... pda's are like so necessary... it keeps the spontaneity (sp?) going...
  18. about cryin over boys... i dunno... like regina so nicely put, sometimes you need to cry... and yeah, sometimes they're not worth it... cpiwinnnah~ nice... i like this...
  19. werd up yo... MOFONGO dun gone buck wild... LMAO!!! funny shit baby... i laughed so hard i cried.... OHHHHHHH!!! ok ok ok... i know, mad corny... :goofy: <~~ he made me do it... hehe~
  20. nice comeback~ :grin: damn ciro... have not seen you around these parts in soooooooooooo long... what brings you around??? not getting any action in the pooper bring you sniffin' around the dungeons for advise???
  21. djmoonshine

    Nice Guys

    but damn... that just sounds really ignorant... call me bitch???! hell no... maybe the words you are looking for are ~ BE MORE ASSERTIVE! what woman wants to be refered to as bitch by their "nice hottie" boyfriend??? and i agree... there is no bigger turn off then a man who does't stand up for himself... There must be balance, as with all things in life... ~be sweet, be a gentleman, but don't be a pushover, don't allow your thoughts and values to be altered... not by anyone.
  22. he needs to come and tell us about how everything would work out if people were't so damn jealous... he seems to be the only person in the whole wide world that wouldn't feel a tinge of jealousy if his woman was fucking someone else... how would it go?? "she'd be learning new things, experiencing new feelings and i'm all about that..." lol... dick honey, if you read this ~ i'm just fuckin around... *you do know that, don't you??* i just always find it funny when you randomly post things like that...
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