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Everything posted by djmoonshine

  1. *sigh* marci... always the voice of reason... :grin:
  2. hey maybe im completely wrong, but am i the only one who finds that odd... the fact that you're not attracted to girls, but because the bf wants you to, you still do whatever...? maybe im wrong...
  3. tough sitaution glow... my dad always tells me this saying in spanish... show me who you hang out with and ill tell you who you are... ~don't know how true it is, but then again, birds of a feather do flock together... what is it with me and all these sayings tonight? ugh. not trying to say your bf is an asshole, but it's a delicate situation good luck~
  4. someones a little testy... djjon... take quoth seriously dammit!!
  5. djmoonshine

    Friday At Roxy

    how much of a great addition are these peeing monkeys...?
  6. see i would laugh, but im afraid your not kidding...
  7. the unicorn club... whose color of choice was purple...
  8. shiit! what i would give to be 5'5... i think my girlies kitty and tasty would agree with me... we are tiny!!! once again misky holdin her shit down... :grin:
  9. marci... lovin the right along with ya!! brought back some memories... i was addicted to those books... :grin: dg ~ i dunno... i think no matter how hard you tried you would be involved in some way, shape or form in their relationship if they were to establish one... i mean you'd most likey be the person theyd be confiding in, right?? buttt... if you think about it and feel like theyd actually be good together and it would be a worthwhile thing, then i'd say try maybe and see what happens... sorry for the shitty advise... off topic... but i saw the pic of you, djjon and apples... nice ~ can someone tell me why i didnt go to roxy this weekend??? ill never meet you guys... :cry2:
  10. seee! lol... everyone knows about that shiat~
  11. aww damn walter mercado y sabado gigante... abuelita did not fuck around when her shit was on... stab a mofo if they got too close... and hell yeah the chankla was on hand... shit turnin corners and such... ~all you latin babies know about that~ speaking of things all latin babies know about... CUCO!!! lolololol... hey dave ~ can the pitas have their own board to discuss matters like this?
  12. oregon trail was sooooooooooooo my ish... i remember the day we beat it... it was a group of like 4 of us... and we were on top of the world that day... wanna hear something so so so disturbing??? remember the carmen sandiago tv show on channel 13... i was on it. i swear!!! in 6th grade the carmen peeps came by my school and gave us a test and i was on it... oh lord... i saw cheif... ps. that hair was a wig.. that bitch was bald... someone tell me they remember rockapella?!?
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