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Everything posted by djmoonshine

  1. ugh ~ def had to put the ex on fuckin block... he would IM me everyonce in a blue to chit chat... like i wanna freakin have a convo with him! the time when he decided to tell me about his new girlfriend was quite memorable... fucking prick... :bigfinger: def. do not believe in the friends with the ex's bullshit... i guess i'm selfish... but i really can't see how you go from being the girlfriend, being the lover and then going to being the friend, hearing about the lover... that shit doesnt work with me... fiery... damn girlie... it's a shitty situation, but put the bitch on block and fuck em...
  2. number 1?? ehhh... i dunno.. her face looks weird... she's not ugly... but i think carmen electra is wayyy hotter then this chick... just the opinion...
  3. djmoonshine

    At the gym....

    i agree... you never know what tomorrow is gonna bring, so live for today... corny as fuck, but def true~!
  4. djmoonshine


    *sigh* the moment before the first kiss is like electric...
  5. djmoonshine

    **§hag Pix***

    woohoo~ awesome pics lea... i love this one!!!
  6. werd up... pump up that limp dick, get those hair plugs cause you know your ass is gonna be balding and shit... oh yeah... you better be dying the hair cause im not about the grey hair... tummy tuck your nasty ass beer belly and get your lazy ass to a gym cause i'm not about to let no flabby weak bitch up in my bed.... so... when's the wedding??? :rolleyes:
  7. ok, now that makes more sense..
  8. good call lina~ eat me on the dinner table please
  9. djmoonshine


    i dunno... with all that has happened, i feel like you should always make it as if this day was your last... fuck it. if you feel like you love someone, tell them... you never know whats gonna happen later... if the other person doesnt love you back, then at least you'll know and won't regret not saying it later...
  10. i start next monday and i sooooo do not want to go back... :(
  11. the only show i will not allow myself to miss is sex and the city... sopranos is good, but i dont care too too much if i miss it... the old friends is really good... the new episodes are pretty shitty... putting rachel and joey together?! come on! seinfeld is really good too... passions is a horrible show... but it used to be bareable over the summer... now it is just beyond stupid... simpsons is classic... conan is hilarious... the new shows are pretty fuckin shitty... and p.s. ive seen buffy... i dont think i missed an hour of my life as bad as i missed that one... what a waste~
  12. djmoonshine


    will i be thought of as nice or a sucker for replying???
  13. well if either of you would decide to make some type of appearence maybe we can get to know apples and you [dg] for that matter, and see for ourselves...
  14. need any help with the part???
  15. WHAT!!!! NOOOOO... imagine standing on line and having that beauty walk up and down and tell you to get back in line.... *sigh*
  16. ~happy bday glowdancer~ i agree with fiery... let her put her finger where ever she wants... it is her day after all... :grin:
  17. my neck... a kiss, a lick, a nibble on my neck and i will be putty in your hands... pair that up with some sweet kisses and softly touching my face and i'll be in heaven ~
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