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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by djmoonshine

  1. origskeemer is sexy ass hell too... can i have two votes??? :grin:
  2. so many to choose from... since gabo won the female category, my vote goes with strype...
  3. if i post what i felt about derb, i'd ably be repeating... so i wont.
  4. lanie shouted me out!!!! aite~ last night was awesome... when i first got in, i was like, damn who is djing... hes droppin some hot shit and i look up and there is vicious tearing shit up... i can now go to school happy... well i was happy until i saw the festivities for next week.. lolol... :grin:
  5. damn mugz... ::here goes the repetition:: i only met you once, when you were working the table at roxy with lanie and the rest of the CP heads... i didnt get to meet you in your element, but i was just so glad to have finally put a face with the name and the insane posts... i dont want you to go either, but like saigray said, it's a message board and this is life... so i say good luck with everything you do... and please stop by and say hi everyone once in a while... love ~ moonie i'm gonna miss you ~ :worry2:
  6. hell no!!! moonie represents BK~ and tastyt used to live here in my neighborhood too but she had to move...
  7. yeah strype called me at some point and apologized for not being able to make it... he was a bit under the weather, as was dave i hear... *sigh* last night was purrfect!!!~ HIIIII RACH SWEETIE!!!
  8. whew ~ well last night when i dragged myself in from roxy i made up this elaborate post and then it erased and i thought i was gonna die... so here goes... clubkat ~ everyone is probably tired as fuck of hearing how much i love you, but blah... i love you more then i could even say... i cannot believe you planned all that out... you're amazing and sexy and your lips ( ) are oh so soft... growl~ i love you baby! gabo ~ you are the sweetest sweetest person in the whole wide world... i cannot believe that you bought me those gorgeous roses... you're a sweetiepooh and i love you... fiery ~ thanks so much for all the work you put in to make the fest a success... you did so much and i am so appreciative... =) xxxlea ~ i'm so happy i got to see you again... i feel like i hadn't seen you in forever... well actually it practically was forever... i hadn't see you since the first shagfest... =) spragga ~ you know how i feel about you old man... you're awesome and i love you... and little spragga too... =) hehe... IM me and let me know when you're gonna be at bing so i can meet your little brother and see you... tastyt ~ you're always more adorable when i see you... too bad you weren't wearing a skirt i'm thinking i wanna call you elaine from now on... cause i think i saw a pic with your nipple saying hi... =) lolol... chula ~ yeehaw!!! you freakin made it! i'm so glad.. please tell me it was worth it! rach ~it's always good to see you blondie... i'm sorry, but i'm glad you didn't make it to vegas... whats a shagfest without rach *dirty pic queen*? mikey ~ it was really nice to see you again and get to sit down and chat for a few minutes in the beginning... =) starcapone ~ damn girl.. it was so so so nice to see you again... i haven't seen you in forever... we are original meetup whores... *remember nativa?* lolol... post around these parts more often... we miss you =) cintron ~ MOFONGO :goofy: damn baby... nice to have finally met you... you better IM me and keep in touch... i wanna make a road trip out to albany this semester... we'll chill... =) siceone ~ sexy ass... damn... gettin me all riled up whisperin sweet nothing's in my ear... grOwl~ snoozie ~ so nice to meet you sweetie... do you remember talkin to me at roxy... you were rubbing my arms and it felt incredible... =) dj jon ~ lol... i'm thinking i met you at america for the first time, but im not too sure... lol... i wasnt sure if you remembered me or not... =) qouth ~ you def. took fashionably late to a new extreme... damn... showin up when the rest of us are leaving... damn you! regina ~ happy happy birthday sweetie... it's monday right??? so glad i got to share carls sweet chocolate balls with you.. hehe.. =) glowdancer & perskription ~ i think you two single handedly made shagfest a dirty dirty place... =) good job! from the sound of glow's posts, you two had a great night... =) trancend ~ red devil boy... i was happy to see you got into roxy this week... =) blueguy ~ nice to see you again... and shit, thanks for draggin chula's ass to the fest... !!!~ my dissapointments of the night ~ no strype, no romeo, no dg, no apples, no marcid, no sumbitch, no misk... all the people that said they were gonna come and didnt... =( i wanted to see you guys... some of you i wanted to finally meet for the first time... =( hopefully next time... whew~ i think i'm done... if i forgot anyone, i suck and i truly apologize... there was a good amount of people there... this meetup def. proved that this is "not just a message board"... it's more then that... i am so appreciative of every single one of you... you make the days more bareable... you make me laugh... you guys are awesome... love you all~ moonie
  9. another person saying im not hispanic... hold on a sec... lemme go get my big hoop earings and my j-lo jeans and rosie perez' accent and then maybe ill be accepted as one... i guess enjoying house music isn't hispanic enough... if you feel like i took it too seriously, rest assured, i know i did... but im sick and tired of being told im not puerto rican enough... or as you put it... a real LATINA i still love you... but doesnt mean i appreciated the comment...
  10. no bullshit... you'll see the pics to prove it kitty post them pics girl~
  11. carl (siceone)... and he had the sweetest balls~
  12. you should have fuckin come man... damn! shagfest was awesome.. wow... i cannot wait till the pics are posted and you see the shit that went down... not necessarily fuckin on the tables while the patrons were eating, but hell yeah the sex board got down and represented... shit.. i left horny as hell... but more on WHY later... lol~
  13. where the hell were you?!
  14. djmoonshine

    i am broken

    thats awesome!!! i have to admit... im freakin jealous~
  15. lol.. i missed tasty licking your nipple but i was lucky enough to see perskription trying to go down on you... lol... hope you two had fun tonight... i freakin wrote out this whole elaborate post and then it fuckin got deleted and im too tired to even think about re-writing it right now... maybe tomorrow when i roll outta bed... i can say this... i am so appreciative of the sex boarders... you all are fuckin awesome and i love you all~ moonie
  16. you're right.. it isn't that bad... its just when i come home to normal civilization and normal people i just cant think iof being there, but when i get back it shouldnt be too bad... shit... tonys after a while gets freakin repetative as all hell and after going to roxy every friday of this vacation, who can look at skyline and icehouse??? you know what im talkin about.. lololol
  17. lol... thats the reason why i'm scared to say anything... still not knowing what to do... but thanks for the advise people...
  18. oh wow... thank god we've got you lurking around here... this orignal intelligent inspiration...
  19. i'm going with the crowd and i'm gonna say dg and apples...
  20. aww... honey... that was original... how long did it take you to think that one up??? :::trying too hard maybe???::: i don't give a fuck what you people do on the drama boards, but keep the hostility outta the sex boards bitch.
  21. oh good god... the bearcats... the worst basketball team ever created... and with a name like bearcat, do you really expect more??? oh lord, gav bong hits... i took my first one at a house off campus... what a freakin night... :grin: but the fun must end somewhere and i need to get outta there before i grow a mullet and die...
  22. j303j ~ hey sweetie... you asked me if i ended up there and sadly enough, i did... i am planning on a transfer cause im slowly dying in that hick town where a night out to walmart is livin on the edge...
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