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Everything posted by malanee

  1. No way! Someday soon I'm moving back to the West Coast and then I'd just have to change banks all over again! Besides, I like the fact that my visa check card has a picture of me from 1991.
  2. At least I'm in good company! Or is that bad company?
  3. Don't worry Mils, with my score I'm pretty sure I can get you a VIP pass to hell!
  4. I may go - depending on if I've recovered by tomorrow from my SF trip. It would be nice to see everyone!
  5. I'm going straight to hell. But that's where all the fun people are anyway!
  6. I have to deposit all my checks in person because my Bank of America account is a West Coast account and the two coasts are not linked yet. Can you believe that? Thank goodness I have direct deposit for my work and I only have to deposit my roommate's rent checks once a month. It is a total pain in the ass:mad:
  7. I haven't been to Buzz in so long! I'm def. there for Danny...
  8. Damn! If I wasn't broke as a $2 whore I'd be all over that!
  9. You should do like I do and sleep until 10am...
  10. Every time I've quit a job I was moving on to something better - so I think the people understood. I guess I would be prepared to answer questions, remain neutral and don't take anything personal. Be honest, but don't burn any bridges. My resignation letters have always been more of a paperwork formality, so I don't have much advice there. GL!
  11. Wow - that just makes me sick to my stomach. People like that should be locked up for life.
  12. Hot damn that is a fun city to party in! Got in late last Friday night, headed over to Alex Whalen's palatial loft in Portrero Hills and then on to a psy trance party put on by thump radio station. Astral Projection was incredible and the vibe was perfect. I also got to see some really good house by a DJ who's name I don't remember, but there was a guy named Sensei on the keyboards fawking it up! Saturday we met up with D:Fuse and his gang for sushi and then headed over to 1015 Fulsom, where Dustin played an awesome 5 hour set. 1015 was a little more of a meat market, but I still had a blast. Then we all went back to Dustin's manager's hotel room and partied through the next day! I'm still recovering! Highlight of the night? D:Fuse wearing my hair and riding one of his friends like a pony! Overall, my impression of SF's crowd is that they are older, friendlier and on more drugs than any other crowd I've had the good fortune to party with! *lol*
  13. Of course, Oakenfold was number one. So it is all about individual taste!
  14. Dragongrrrly - let me know if you guys need some numbers or stats to help make your case. I'd be willing to participate in any protests too. Do you know how many violent crimes were committed by people under the influence of ecstacy in the District in 2000? Zero. That's right, zero.
  15. malanee

    70's gear

    And don't forget your gold teef: http://www.goldteethny.com/
  16. I was thinking of getting highlights too, but I want Mils to go first. I may just die it black again too. Black suits me and my mood most of the time.
  17. So, what you're telling me is, that me flying across the country for a weekend w/ my favorite DJs doesn't qualify me for true DJ whore status? I demand a recount!
  18. I'll be at a psy-trance party in San Francisco with Alex Whalen. Jealous Tiny?
  19. You know what's funny? I subscribe to URB and I didn't even realize he was on the cover! *lol* Then last night I was looking for stuff to take on my trip and I glanced at the cover and was like "who's the hottie in pool?" Then I squeeled and jumped around a lot - like a good DJ whore!
  20. Why did that sound so dirty? "Korean girls in position of power." I gotta stop hanging out on this board!
  21. malanee


    Clean out your mailbox foo'!
  22. If that isn't him in the Ibiza picture on page 46, I'll give Shady my first born child!
  23. That is so funny Millie - I was going to call and tell you about this - but I should have known *you* would already know!
  24. For once we agree! It is a gorgeous morning out there boys and girls. What are YOU going to do to enjoy it?
  25. I signed the petition. I guess I'll call the at large House Representative, since DC is the lovely state of Taxation without Representation.
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